Lord Lambton, a UK defence minister; and prostitute Nora Russell, aka Norma Levy, who was married to a man linked to US intelligence.
Nora had an aunt who was the mother superior of a convent; and an uncle who was a monk.
Norma has related that her clients included:
Nora had learnt some of her sadomasochistic techniques from the nuns who beat her at her convent school.

In 1973 Lord Lambton, a UK government defence minister, was forced to resign following photographic evidence of his involvement with drugs and with prostitutes, including Nora Russell, aka Norma Levy.
Earl Jellicoe, another government minister, was also forced to resign thanks to Nora Russell, aka Norma Levy.
Nora escaped to the USA where she ran one of the biggest vice rings on the East Coast.
Nora married Colin Levy and became world famous as prostitute.
Colin Levy was reportedly linked to the US intelligence services.

Colin Levy

Colin Levy
Norma has related that her clients included:
The Shah of Iran, the head of a Middle Eastern state, a fraudster who funded Richard Nixon's presidential campaign, a top member of the UK Conservative Party who is still alive, Stavros Niarchos, and a still famous pop star.
Nora had learnt some of her sadomasochistic techniques from the nuns who beat her at her convent school.

In 1973 Lord Lambton, a UK government defence minister, was forced to resign following photographic evidence of his involvement with drugs and with prostitutes, including Nora Russell, aka Norma Levy.
Earl Jellicoe, another government minister, was also forced to resign thanks to Nora Russell, aka Norma Levy.
Other top people escaped, although Nora had them listed in her notebook.
Earl Jellicoe / Call girl who nearly toppled a government reveals all the Daily Mail.

John Paul Getty II
The US government appears to have been using sexpionage to control the UK government.

Earl Jellicoe / Call girl who nearly toppled a government reveals all the Daily Mail.

John Paul Getty II
Nora Russell, aka Norma Levy, "had Jean Paul Getty as a client."
Nora said of Getty: "He would ask me to change into this white robe, and then make me lie down in an open coffin."

In 1981 John Paul Getty III had a stroke which left him paralysed and almost blind.Nora said of Getty: "He would ask me to change into this white robe, and then make me lie down in an open coffin."

The US government appears to have been using sexpionage to control the UK government.
Norma's husband Colin Levy was reportedly linked to the US intelligence services.
And "A retired MI6 operative named Lee Tracey admitted to being part of a ruse to expose Lambton."
And "A retired MI6 operative named Lee Tracey admitted to being part of a ruse to expose Lambton."

Ukraine & Thailand.
Nora Russell, aka Norma Levy, moved to Toronto in 2001.
TORONTO, is famous for the AZOV FILMS and CIA SPIES
At the start of her career, Nora worked for Jean Horn, a 'madam' who supplied girls to top people.
Nora Russell, aka Norma Levy, moved to Toronto in 2001.
TORONTO, is famous for the AZOV FILMS and CIA SPIES
At the start of her career, Nora worked for Jean Horn, a 'madam' who supplied girls to top people.
Nora's husband Colin Levy "apparently owned a yacht in the South of France and moved in shadowy circles."
It was Colin Levy who organised the pictures of Lord Lambton in bed with Nora.
It was Colin Levy who organised the pictures of Lord Lambton in bed with Nora.
Colin Levy sold the photos to the media and thus got Nora into trouble with the police.
Nora claimed that, prior to their divorce, Colin Levy tried to run her over in his car.

CIA at Princeton University - CIA on Campus
Nora claimed that, prior to their divorce, Colin Levy tried to run her over in his car.

CIA at Princeton University - CIA on Campus
Nora escaped to the USA where she ran one of the biggest vice rings on the East Coast.
She hired students from Princeton University to act as prostitutes.
She was eventually deported to Ireland.
And she reportedly died in Toronto.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2519622/The-lonely-death-girl-nearly-brought-Government.html#ixzz2mlynzxxY
She was eventually deported to Ireland.
And she reportedly died in Toronto.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2519622/The-lonely-death-girl-nearly-brought-Government.html#ixzz2mlynzxxY