Warung Bebas

Friday, May 31, 2013


Sibel Edmonds, who worked for the FBI. 

Sibel Edmonds worked for the FBI.

She knows that the US government supports al Qaeda and supports organised crime.

Her allegations have been confirmed by journalists at The Sunday Times, a Rupert Murdoch newspaper.

Two Sunday Times journalists say that the allegations were confirmed by senior Pentagon and MI6 officials.
Only the first part of the The Sunday Times story was published, in 2008.

Self-published book.

In her recent book Classified Woman, Sibel Edmonds describes how the Pentagon, CIA and State Department have intimate ties to al-Qaeda.

Classified Woman: The Sibel Edmonds Story charges top US government officials with corruption and collaboration with al Qaeda in illegal arms smuggling, and, drugs trafficking.

Zawahiri (left)

Sibel Edmonds says that the current boss of al Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri, had regular meetings with U.S. military and intelligence officials between 1997 and 2001.

These meetings were at the U.S. embassy in Baku, Azerbaijan, and were part of an operation known as 'Gladio B'.

The CIA's original Gladio operation was in Europe and involved assets of the CIA carrying out acts of terrorism, including the 1980 Bologna bombing, aimed at keeping Mafia-connected politicians in power.

Former Italian prime minister Giulio Andreotti (left) was reportedly friends of fascism and the Mafia.

Osama bin Laden was used by the CIA to help break up Yugoslavia, and to weaken Russia.

Sibel Edmonds says that NATO planes provided transport for Al-Zawahiri, members of the bin Laden family and various mujahideen.

She says that Al-Zawahiri and his friends were taken to various parts of Central Asia and the Balkans to take part in Pentagon-backed destabilisation (terror) operations.

Two Sunday Times journalists say that all this was confirmed by senior Pentagon and MI6 officials.

Former UK Foreign Secretary Robin Cook, allegedly murdered because he revealed that al Qaeda worked for the CIA.

Sibel Edmonds translated highly classified intelligence for the FBI.

When she reported to her bosses that the US government was employing al Qaeda, her family was threatened, and she was fired.

The Justice Department concluded that many of Edmonds' accusations "were supported."

When she attempted to go public with her story, the U.S. government used the corrupt court system to silence her.

Turkish prime-minister Erdogan, said to be a crypto-Jew.

In the banned Sunday Times story, Edmonds described a mafia-style organisation in Israel which worked alongside the Turks in the illegal sale of weapons and military technology.

Israel and Turkey operated a range of front companies, supported by U.S. officials

These front companies sold military secrets to the highest bidder.

General Mahmoud Ahmad, who was friends with the CIA and with the chief 9 11 'hijacker'.

One of the buyers was Pakistan's secret service led by General Mahmoud Ahmad, from 1999 to 2001.

Ahmad, as the Times noted, "was accused (by the FBI) of sanctioning a $100,000 wire payment to Mohammed Atta, one of the 9/11 hijackers, immediately before the attacks."

In 2001, Ahmad held several "mysterious meetings at the Pentagon and National Security Council", including with CIA director George Tenet.

McCain with Syrian fighters linked to al Qaeda 

According to the Sunday Times:
1. "Following 9/11, a number of the foreign operatives were taken in for questioning by the FBI..."

2. The senior State Department official received a call from a foreign agent asking for help to "get them out of the U.S. because we can’t afford for them to spill the beans." 

According to Sibel Edmonds, corruption helped guarantee Congressional silence.

She says that "both Republican and Democratic representatives in the House and Senate came up in FBI counterintelligence investigations for taking bribes from foreign agents."

Sibel Edmonds says that the Pentagon's use of al Qaeda is an 'extension' of the 'Gladio' operation uncovered in the 1970s in Italy, part of an EU-wide NATO covert operation that began as early as the 1940s.

An official Italian parliamentary inquiry confirmed that MI6 and the CIA set up a network of secret 'stay-behind' paramilitary armies, staffed by fascist and Nazis.

The CIA-NATO terrorists carried out terrorist attacks throughout Western Europe as part of the 'strategy of tension'.

Gladio operative Vincenzo Vinciguerra said:

"You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game.

"The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people… to turn to the State to ask for greater security."

Gladio is a matter of historical record.

Boston bombs - Strategy of Tension, using Moslems working for the CIA, reportedly.

Sibel Edmonds says the same strategy of terror is now being used by the Pentagon, using Moslems.

This is Gladio B.

According to Sibel Edmonds:

"In 1997, NATO asked Hosni Mubarak to release from prison Islamist militants affiliated to Ayman al-Zawahiri.

"They were flown under U.S. orders to Turkey for (training and use in) operations by the Pentagon."

In 1998, NATO got Al Zawahiri's brother, Muhammed, to lead an elite unit of the Kosovo Liberation Army which has been involved in the drugs trade.

Strategy of Tension - using fake Moslems.

According to Sibel Edmonds, the key supporters of the CIA's Gladio B have been the UK, Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Belgium.

Sibel Edmonds says that the CIA may be using al Qaeda to help it grab energy and mineral reserves, and, help it carry out illegal arms and drugs trafficking.

Sibel Edmonds says:

"I know for a fact that NATO planes routinely shipped heroin to Belgium, where they then made their way into Europe and to the UK. 

"They also shipped heroin to distribution centres in Chicago and New Jersey.

"FBI counterintelligence and DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) operations had acquired evidence of this drug trafficking in its surveillance of a wide range of targets, including senior officials in the Pentagon, CIA and State Department..."

According to a Sunday Times journalist:

"We'd spoken to several current and active Pentagon officials confirming the existence of U.S. operations sponsoring mujahideen networks in Central Asia from the 1990s to 2001.

"Those mujahideen networks were intertwined with a whole range of criminal enterprises, including drugs and guns.

"The Pentagon officials corroborated Edmonds' allegations against specific U.S. officials, and I’d also interviewed an MI6 officer who confirmed that the U.S. was running these operations sponsoring mujahideen in that period."

Continued here: The Sunday Times report on the US government's ties to the boss of al-Qaeda was spiked on the orders of the US government




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Jim Springer and Jim Lewis

Jim Springer and Jim Lewis were identical twins.

As babies, they were put up for adoption and raised by different families.

Both boys were christened "Jim" by their new parents.

Both had dogs named Toy.

Both married women named Linda, and then divorced them. 

Their second wives were both named Betty. 

Both named their sons James Alan.

Both Jims were part-time sheriffs; both liked doing carpentry; both suffered severe headaches; both smoked Salem cigarettes, and drank Miller Lite beer; both had family vacations in St. Pete Beach in Florida.

Twins. Photo: www.jodicobb.com.

This sounds super-natural.

In other words, life is not all due to DNA (heredity) or upbringing.

Is something else at work - such as spirit, or Karma?

Were both Jims sent to Earth to learn the same lessons?

Scientists say that the fundamental objects of physics cannot be regarded as individuals.

All particles are the same.

But, groups of particles may not all be the same.

John (left) and Sam. Photo: www.jodicobb.com.

The following contains material from Twins - National Geographic.

John and Sam, aged 6, are identical twins. 

John, doesn't speak much. 

He flaps his hands when excited. 

John has only recently expanded his vocabulary beyond one-word sentences. 

One evening he said: "I want to go swim big pool with Mommy Daddy Sam John." 

Sam reads Greek mythology.

Sam says: "I saw a cumulus congestus cloud at recess today.

"Then it broke up into a nimbostratus."

John (left) and Sam. Photo: www.jodicobb.com.

Both John and Sam are autistic.

Research suggests that, when one identical twin is autistic, there's about a 70 percent chance the other will be autistic.

Identical twins come from a single fertilised egg that splits in two.

They have virtually the same DNA, virtually the same genetic code.

According to Dr Danielle Reed:

"Mother Nature writes some things in pencil and some things in pen.

"Things written in pen you can't change. That's DNA. 

"But things written in pencil you can." 

Twins in Germany.

Thomas Bouchard, Jr, a psychologist at the University of Minnesota, has studied twins at his lab in Minneapolis.

Bouchard's team has concluded that DNA (inheritance) is the main factor that decides intelligence.

This goes against the belief of 'behaviorists' that our brains are blank slates waiting to be developed by parents and teachers.

Bouchard points out that parents do have some impact.

Heredity, environment, chance, karma, and free will may be among the factors that affect us all.

Were both Jims sent to Earth to learn the same lessons?

Our other yacht.

Half a million Britons using food banks. What kind of country is this becoming?

Brazilian Pastor Arrested For Convincing Followers His Penis Contained Holy Milk


Above we see a man who is said to be 'the MI5 agent' Michael Adebolajo.

He appears to be trying to encourage the Clash of Civilisations.

Most of the provocateurs are Christians and Jews pretending to be Moslems.


This Moslem terrorist is actually a Jew. DANGEROUS MOSLEMS

We should remember that Michael Adebolajo was arrested in Kenya in 2010.

Britain insisted that he be released.

"The decision has raised questions over official involvement in Mr Adebolajo's release – and the true extent of his connections with the intelligence services..."

MI5 'tried to recruit' Woolwich attack suspect Michael Adebolajo

Tunisians on the rampage, organised by the CIA and its friends.

The extremist Moslem Salafis are a British invention, used to destabilise Moslem countries.

The Salafi-Wahhabi form of Islam, invented by the British, was used to undermine the Turkish Ottoman Empire before World War One, and is still used today by the CIA and its friends.

Harming Jews and Christians "is in contradiction with the rules of Islam," according to the majority of Moslems.

It used to be Israel that was involved in a clash with all the decent people.

Why was there a clash?

1. The Israelis had used terror to drive the Arabs off their land.

2. Some of the Israelis were religious fundamentalists with 'weird, outdated beliefs'.

But, certain clever people in the USA have managed to change the story.

Now the clash is supposed to be between the 'mad Moslems' on the one side and the western liberals and democrats on the other.

How have the Pentagon and the CIA, together with its friends in Israel, managed to stir a clash between Moslems and the West?

1. Has the CIA/Pentagon given its support to Islamic fundamentalists in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Afghanistan?

2. Has the CIA/Pentagon/Mossad infiltrated fundamentalist Christianity and allied it to Zionism?

3. Have certain western politicians allowed large numbers of poorly educated Moslem illegal-immigrants to enter certain western countries?

4. Did the CIA/Pentagon recruit Osama bin Laden and people like Mohamed Atta?

5. Have some ignorant Moslems been recruited by certain security services to take part part in various dubious activities?

6. Has a 'Jewish influenced' media stirred up trouble between Christians and Moslems?

7. Have large numbers of Moslems allowed themselves to be brain-washed and manipulated?

Moslem Girls

The 'Clash of Civilisations' seems to be a project linked to various recent events - attacks in Nigeria, attacks in Norway, attacks in India, attacks in Belgium, attacks in Indonesia, the death of MI6 spy Gareth Williams...

Gareth Williams, who knew too much about something?

"MI6 SPY Gareth Williams helped thwart a Mumbai-style gun rampage in ­Britain just weeks before his mystery death", according to the ­UK's Sunday ­Express (terror plot hero - Express.co.uk).

Williams "uncovered the plot in a secret eavesdropping ­mission in Afghanistan.

"He played a pivotal role in intercepting phone calls from British jihadists at a training camp before matching their voice prints to those on a data bank."

Did Gareth Williams discover that the jihadists were working for the CIA and its allied groups?

Williams just before his death. Was he poisoned?

On 23 August 2010, the police found his body in an MI6 flat near to MI6 HQ in London.


American agent David Headley, who planned the 2008 Mumbai Attacks

On 11 November 2010, the Derby Evening Telegraph (UK) reported on David Headley's links to Derby and UK spooks.

(David Headley who helped plot the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks met two men in Derby.)

When certain Indian authorities were close to grabbing Headley, the FBI took him into safe custody. Some of the Indian spooks are said to work for the CIA and Mossad.

Headley, believed to be a CIA agent, has told 'interrogators' in the USA that he travelled to Derby in the UK in August 2010 for a meeting over a Danish plot.

Reportedly MI5 "monitored" the meeting.

Photo of Omar Khayam (right) by PA

In 2006, Omar Khayam wore a suicide bomber's vest at a demo outside the Danish Embassy in London. (dailymail.5).

The demo seemed to be part of a CIA-Mossad-MI6 plot promoting the Clash of Civilisations.

Back in 2003, Khayam had been sentenced to eight years in jail for conspiracy to supply a Class A drug and possession of cocaine.

The sentence was later greatly reduced.

Perhaps Khayam was recruited by a certain group?

Khayam was part of a gang who aimed to flood the Bedford area with £2.6million worth of heroin.

(Muslim fake 'fanatic' Omar Khayam jailed.)

Photo of Professor Bernard Lewis by the Office of Communications, Princeton University. Lewis was a Professor at Princeton and he specialized in the history of Islam and the relationship between Islam and the West. 

Dick Cheney's friend, Bernard Lewiswas "perhaps the most significant intellectual influence behind the invasion of Iraq."

(AEI's Weird Celebration)

Bernard Lewis helped to invent the West's new enemy, known as 'Islam'.

For the British, it was once the Jewish terrorists who were seen as being the enemy.

For the USA, it was once tiny Vietnam.

Professor Bernard Lewis is Jewish and has worked for British intelligence.

(Bernard Lewis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

Lewis, born in London in 1916, is a historian and 'expert' on Islam.

In 1974, Lewis accepted a position at Princeton University.

In 1990, Lewis wrote an essay entitled The Roots of Muslim Rage.

In this essay, Lewis argued that the struggle between the West and Islam was gathering strength.

In this essay Lewis invented the phrase "clash of civilizations", which got mentioned in the book by Samuel Huntington.[13]

Typical Moslems - friendly, easy going and hospitable.

The phrase "clash of civilizations", was first used by Lewis at a meeting in Washington in 1957. [14]

There has been speculation that Lewis, the intelligence services and people like Brzezinski want to make the Moslem world look bad, so that it can be more easily controlled and exploited.

Much of the world's oil lies in Moslem lands.

How do you make Moslems look bad?

You can finance the extremists and help them into power.

You can carry out false flag operations.

Security services 'tried to frame sergeant in bid to cover up their part in murder' ...


Andrew Parker, Pete Podolski, Carol Lempert, and Brian P. Sage in The Jewish Ensemble Theatre Company's production of "Photograph 51." Photo: Jan Cartwright

A bridge too far ?


TV News has revealed the identity of two foreign Mercenaries who were killed in an ambush by the Syrian army in the western region of the City of Idleb in Syria.

"The first is a woman from the State of Michigan in the U.S.A. named 'Nicole Lyn Mansfield' born in 1980.

"The second is a male of British nationality named 'Ali Al-Manasifa' born in London."

Syriaonline | Facebook

McCain and his al Qaeda friends. Senator McCain Hanging Out with al-Qaeda linked Syrian Rebels

In Syria, the Free Syrian Army, supported by the USA and NATO, have attacked the Christian village of Al-Duwayr and killed large numbers of Christian women and children.


Assad is the protector of the Christians in Syria.

American female and British male among dead ... - LunaticOutPost

We should not forget that the USA and NATO used Bin Laden and Al Qaeda to break up Yugoslavia and to cause chaos in Chechnya.


Above we see a man who is claimed to be 'the MI5 agent' Michael Adebolajo.

He appears to be trying to encourage the Clash of Civilisations.

Most of the provocateurs are Christians and Jews pretending to be Moslems.


We should remember that Michael Adebolajo was arrested in Kenya in 2010.

Britian insisted that he be released.

"The decision has raised questions over official involvement in Mr Adebolajo's release – and the true extent of his connections with the intelligence services..."

MI5 'tried to recruit' Woolwich attack suspect Michael Adebolajo

Tunisians on the rampage, organised by the CIA and its friends.

The Salafis are a British invention, used to destabilise Moslem countries.

Harming Jews and Christians "is in contradiction with the rules of Islam," according to the majority of Moslems.


It used to be Israel that was involved in a clash with all the decent people.

Why was there a clash?

1. The Israelis had used terror to drive the Arabs off their land.

2. Some of the Israelis were religious fundamentalists with 'weird, outdated beliefs'.

But, certain clever people in the USA have managed to change the story.

Now the clash is supposed to be between the 'mad Moslems' on the one side and the western liberals and democrats on the other.

How have the Pentagon and the CIA, together with its friends in Israel, managed to stir a clash between Moslems and the West?

1. Has the CIA/Pentagon given its support to Islamic fundamentalists in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Afghanistan?

2. Has the CIA/Pentagon/Mossad infiltrated fundamentalist Christianity and allied it to Zionism?

3. Have certain western politicians allowed large numbers of poorly educated Moslem illegal-immigrants to enter certain western countries?

4. Did the CIA/Pentagon recruit Osama bin Laden and people like Mohamed Atta?

5. Have some ignorant Moslems been recruited by certain security services to take part part in various dubious activities?

6. Has a 'Jewish influenced' media stirred up trouble between Christians and Moslems?

7. Have large numbers of Moslems allowed themselves to be brain-washed and manipulated?

Moslem Girls

The 'Clash of Civilisations' seems to be a project linked to various recent events - attacks in Nigeria, attacks in Norway, attacks in India, attacks in Belgium, attacks in Indonesia, the death of MI6 spy Gareth Williams...

Gareth Williams, who knew too much about something?

"MI6 SPY Gareth Williams helped thwart a Mumbai-style gun rampage in ­Britain just weeks before his mystery death", according to the ­UK's Sunday ­Express (terror plot hero - Express.co.uk).

Williams "uncovered the plot in a secret eavesdropping ­mission in Afghanistan.

"He played a pivotal role in intercepting phone calls from British jihadists at a training camp before matching their voice prints to those on a data bank."

Did Gareth Williams discover that the jihadists were working for the CIA and its allied groups?

Williams just before his death. Was he poisoned?

On 23 August 2010, the police found his body in an MI6 flat near to MI6 HQ in London.


American agent David Headley, who planned the 2008 Mumbai Attacks

On 11 November 2010, the Derby Evening Telegraph (UK) reported on David Headley's links to Derby and UK spooks.

(David Headley who helped plot the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks met two men in Derby.)

When certain Indian authorities were close to grabbing Headley, the FBI took him into safe custody. Some of the Indian spooks are said to work for the CIA and Mossad.

Headley, believed to be a CIA agent, has told 'interrogators' in the USA that he travelled to Derby in the UK in August 2010 for a meeting over a Danish plot.

Reportedly MI5 "monitored" the meeting.

Photo of Omar Khayam (right) by PA

In 2006, Omar Khayam wore a suicide bomber's vest at a demo outside the Danish Embassy in London. (dailymail.5).

The demo seemed to be part of a CIA-Mossad-MI6 plot promoting the Clash of Civilisations.

Back in 2003, Khayam had been sentenced to eight years in jail for conspiracy to supply a Class A drug and possession of cocaine.

The sentence was later greatly reduced. Perhaps Khayam was recruited by a certain group?

Khayam was part of a gang who aimed to flood the Bedford area with £2.6million worth of heroin. (Muslim fake 'fanatic' Omar Khayam jailed.)

Photo of Professor Bernard Lewis by the Office of Communications, Princeton University. Lewis was a Professor at Princeton and he specialized in the history of Islam and the relationship between Islam and the West. 

Dick Cheney's friend, Bernard Lewiswas "perhaps the most significant intellectual influence behind the invasion of Iraq."

(AEI's Weird Celebration)

Bernard Lewis helped to invent the West's new enemy, known as 'Islam'.

For the British, it was once the Jewish terrorists who were seen as being the enemy.

For the USA, it was once tiny Vietnam.

Professor Bernard Lewis is Jewish and has worked for British intelligence.

(Bernard Lewis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

Lewis, born in London in 1916, is a historian and 'expert' on Islam.

In 1974, Lewis accepted a position at Princeton University.

In 1990, Lewis wrote an essay entitled The Roots of Muslim Rage.

In this essay, Lewis argued that the struggle between the West and Islam was gathering strength.

In this essay Lewis invented the phrase "clash of civilizations", which got mentioned in the book by Samuel Huntington.[13]

Typical Moslems - friendly, easy going and hospitable.

The phrase "clash of civilizations", was first used by Lewis at a meeting in Washington in 1957. [14]

There has been speculation that Lewis, the intelligence services and people like Brzezinski want to make the Moslem world look bad, so that it can be more easily controlled and exploited.

Much of the world's oil lies in Moslem lands.

How do you make Moslems look bad?

You can finance the extremists and help them into power.

You can carry out false flag operations.

Andrew Parker, Pete Podolski, Carol Lempert, and Brian P. Sage in The Jewish Ensemble Theatre Company's production of "Photograph 51." Photo: Jan Cartwright

Security services 'tried to frame sergeant in bid to cover up their part in murder' ...

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