Saturday, December 7, 2013


Lord Lambton, a UK defence minister; and prostitute Nora Russell, aka Norma Levy, who was married to a man linked to US intelligence.Nora Russell was born into a devout Roman Catholic family  in Ireland.Nora had an aunt who was the mother superior of a convent; and an uncle who was a monk.Nora married Colin Levy and became world famous as prostitute.Colin Levy was reportedly linked to the US intelligence services.Colin LevyNorma has related that her clients included:The Shah of Iran, the head of a Middle Eastern state, a fraudster who funded Richard Nixon's presidential campaign, a top member of the UK Conservative Party who is still alive, Stavros Niarchos, and a still famous pop star.Nora had learnt some of her sadomasochistic...

Friday, December 6, 2013


Above, we see the CIA's Charles Taylor and MI6's Nelson Mandela.Mandela, or his double, was an agent of MI6, according to "MI6: Fifty Years of Special Operations", by the 'acclaimed' intelligence expert Stephen Dorril.MI6 used Mandela to spy on its enemies in Libya, in South Africa and in the United Kingdom.Nelson Mandela persuaded Gaddafi to hand over the two Libyans to the Scottish Court in the Netherlands, where they faced trial in 1999.Mandela allowed MI6 to operate in South Africa. Is this the original Nelson Mandela?According to Dorril's book:"Another MI6 catch was ANC leader Nelson Mandela. "Whether Mandela was recruited in London before he was imprisoned in South Africa is not clear..."'MI6: Fifty Years of Special Operations'...

Thursday, December 5, 2013


Michael AdebolajoMichael Adebolajo is one of the alleged Woolwich attackers of soldier Lee Rigby.Michael Adebolajo comes from "a devout and loving Christian family."A former school friends said that Adebolajo liked James Bond and video games.He said: "Michael was as British as they come."Michael Adebolajo profileMichael Adebolajo in red cap.Another ex-schoolfriend said she knew Adebolajo from Marshalls Park school in Romford. She said: "He was funny, hilarious."He was a down to earth, nice guy."Michael Adebolajo profileJustine - one of Adebolajo's girlfriends who said of him: “He was just a lovely, polite boy. He stayed at my family’s house and I stayed with his. He was a very family-oriented person."The ex-schoolfriend said that in his...


Paul WalkerPaul Walker was an American actor who died in mysterious circumstances on 30 November 2013.Walker suspected a mechanical problem with the car before the crashThere is a theory that Paul Walker was murdered for digging too deepPaul Walker was brought up as a Mormon and became a child model and child actor.His charity REACH OUT Worldwide was in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake and is involved in the current Philippines relief effort.There are two theories:1. Walker was murdered because he discovered criminal activity involving the Philippines disaster relief money.2. Walker was murdered to prevent him exposing "a conspiracy to supply victims of Typhoon Haiyan with a prototype permanent birth control drug hidden in medicinal...


Channel 4 News - An exclusive interview with the Edward Snowden of banking - Herve Falciani- Mike Philbin at PROGNOSIS IIThe video below explains:Outrageous HSBC Settlement Proves the Drug War is a JokeHSBC 'acted as financier to drug gangs' - US Sen...

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Brock Mason of Norman, Oklahoma.The NAVY is mainly about drugs and sex, some people might argue.In December 2013, it was reported that U.S. Navy officer Brock Mason, 24, was brought back from Japan to face charges that he sexually abused pre-teen twin boys whilst attending the University of OklahomaMason also allegedly gave the boys drugs.KFOR: Sailor stationed overseas is extradited to OklahomaIn November 2013 it was reported that "a (foreign) defense contractor ... allegedly bribed (US naval) officers with prostitutes and showered them with gifts to steer business his way.""Vice Adm. Ted Branch, director of Naval Intelligence, and Rear Adm. Bruce Loveless, director of intelligence operations, were put on temporary leave and had their access...


Villagers slaughtered by the UK military in Malaysia. the Vietnam War, there was secret British involvement.Britain provided the American military with:1. Intelligence.2. Military hardware.3. Training for US special forces. 4. 'Former' British soldiers.As many as 2,000 Britons were on the ground in Vietnam.Some of these were SAS (special air services) soldiers.Britain, Vietnam and the Special Relationship5. US bombing raids over Laos were flown out of a British air base in Thailand.6.  British ships supported US commando missions into Cambodia.Britain, Vietnam and the Special Relations...


1.26pmChris Spivey has noticed that we are being given two different times for the attack on soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich in London.The Old Bailey Comedy Festival: Day 1 - Chris SpiveyThe above photo shows 'Lee Rigby about to be hit by a car' - at 13.26 hours (1.26 pm)But, according to the official story:At 1.35pm Lee Rigby was at the Tower Gateway rail Station.Lee Rigby at 2.09 pmAccording to the official version, it was at 2.21pm that 'Michael Adebolajo drove his car straight at Lee Rigby as he crossed the road'. At 2.23pm The Vauxhall Tigra crashes to a halt and Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale are then seen getting out.Lee Rigby murder timeline, by prosecutionAssistant commissioner Byrne, said: "We first received a 999...

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Number of Concentraion Camp Deaths

The above document has appeared on certain blogs.Does it show the number of former inmates of concentration camps who died after 1945?Or, the number of inmates of concentration camps who died before 1945?Probably the form...


In Glasgow, on 29 November 2013, a police helicopter fell out of the sky 'like a stone'.Anonymous wrote:"So it's the 25th anniversary of PanAm 103 landing on top of Sherwood Crescent in Lockerbie, and the subesquent whitewash of the biggest mass murder perpetrated on Scottish soil in centuries."Also the police quietly 'dropped' allegations claiming the SAS murdered Princess Diana...Investigation closed into 'Princess Diana killed by British special forces' claim by ex-SAS sniper."And let's not forget Princess William quit the army very soon after these claims were made public recently."And now his flight instructor dies in mysterious circumstances days after the White Paper is released promoting Scottish Independence..."In Glasgow, on 29 November...

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