In Malaysia, the mask favoured by protesters working for the CIA.
The CIA's National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and Open Society Institute (OSI) have been trying to bring about regime change in Malaysia, reportedly.
US attempting regime change in Malaysia
Malaysia is one of the world's economic success stories.
"It was Malaysia's historic ability to combine the best of the Malays, Chinese and Indian populations in an uneasy but ultimately workable compromise that turned it into southeast Asia’s second-largest economy."
But, some of the Chinese Malaysians are not happy.
Their opposition party, the Democratic Action Party, gained 10 seats in the May 2013 election.
Democratic Action Party. (Jackie Chan - Triads)
According to the Financial Times:
Some Chinese Malaysians "have been disaffected by a system of pro-Malay affirmative action policies that not only hand Malays privileged access to the country’s economic spoils, but are crowding out Chinese children from the education system."
Reportedly, there has been "a wave of popular disgust at corruption and cronyist links" between the government party and Malay businesses.
An opposition rally to protest against an allegedly rigged election.
Most Malaysians are satisfied with the country's direction with 82 percent voicing their approval, according to a recent Pew Research Center survey.
However, the CIA and Mossad would like the World to think that Malaysia "is now struggling with worrying divisions."
The leader of the opposition coalition in Malaysia is Anwar Ibrahim, a Moslem, whom many suspect of being an asset of the CIA.
In the election of May 2013, the Democratic Action party, the opposition coalition's Chinese party, won more seats than Mr Anwar's party.
So, it is certain Chinese Malaysians who are most unhappy with the current government.
Democratic Action Party - very Chinese.
If we look at the Opposition Coalition:
The Democratic Action Party (Chinese) gained 10 seats
The Malaysian Chinese Association (Chinese) lost 8 seats.
The United Malays National Organization (the Prime Minister's party) won 9 seats

1. From 27 June to 2 July 2011, Maureen Aung-Thwin, a senior official of an outfit founded and financed by George Soros,was in Malaysia and met up with leaders of political parties and NGOs that are part of Bersih (an opposition movement)
Aung-Thwin works for Soros's Southeast Asia Initiative of the Open Society Foundations (OSF), which aims to increase US global power.
(Soros's Open Society Foundations operate in Eastern Europe, North Africa, Latin America, Central Asia, West Asia and Southeast Asia. They fund local organizations and hold training courses and seminars.)
2. "A few weeks before the 1999 General Election, Ms. Maureen Aung-Thwin came to see me in my office in Petaling Jaya about an alleged request from Anwar Ibrahim for funding for his Keadilan party in the Election.
"Apparently, Azmin Ali, Anwar’s trusted aide, had got in touch with the Zionist media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, on Anwar’s behalf, about financial assistance.
"Murdoch in turn had passed on the request to his friend, George Soros, who had sent Maureen on her mission to Malaysia."
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