Monday, June 17, 2013


David Icke. Does the CIA use 'holographic reptile imagery', and drugs, as part of its mind control programme?   

In a recent edition of Rupert Murdoch's Zionist Sunday Times, Will Storr had an article about David Icke.

It's a jungle out there | The Sunday Times

Storr attempts to discredit Icke.

Will Storr

Will Storr would appear to be a Materialist, who has had a few problems in life.

"Plagued by 'delusional jealousy, pathological drinking and theft', Will Storr just about retained the ability to function in his own life, but clung none the less to the presumption that people live 'rationally'."


David Icke once wrote:

"In a remarkable period of 15 days as I travelled, around the United States in 1998, I met more than a dozen separate people who told me of how they had seen humans transform into reptiles..."

Icke was told about the reptiles by "people who'd been involved in US government mind-control projects."

Our guess is that the CIA and its friends use 'holographic reptile imagery', and drugs, as part of their mind control programme.

To be fair, David Icke says that the 'reptiles' exist 'outside reality'.

The CIA pretended that this was Libya. It was in fact India.

According to Storr:

1. David Icke lives in a clean and spacious flat in a smart square in Ryde, on the Isle of Wight, in the UK.

2. David Icke is "an anti-vaccination, climate-change-denying, psychic, steam train enthusiast" who believes:
  • The Isle of Wight is run by a network of Freemasons, paedophiles and Satanists...
  • Most people are acquiescent 'sheeple'...
  • 90% of journalists are 'Classic Repeaters' - public relations officers for the official version of events...
  • The world is controlled by shape-shifting, reptilian 'bloodline' families....
(As pointed out above, Aangirfan believes that the 'shape-shifting reptilian' bit is the result of CIA trickery)

CIA fake bin Laden. "The residence had no phone or internet connection." (Osama bin Pakistan hideout.)

3. David Icke is a 61-year-old, twice divorced, father-of-four.

4. Icke is "slippery as to whether or not he thinks The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is genuine, writing that 'people should make up their own minds... No matter what the abuse-hurlers and reality-deniers say, their content presents a plan for world dictatorship that mirrors what has actually happened since.'"

5. David Icke quotes approvingly individuals who accuse the 'Holocaust industry' of being primarily concerned with profit and claims that 'Zionism is, at its centre, a secret society connected to all the others'.

6. David Icke "detects malevolence in everyone from the Queen to Obama to civil-liberties campaigner Shami Chakrabarti and country singer Kris Kristofferson."

Could this be a fake?

7. According to David Icke: the elite's plan is to create a society in which there is a mega-rich elite living in high-tech luxury, isolated from the rest of the population, all in abject poverty.

Pamela Leigh Richards

8.  David Icke says that his father, Beric, "was born in abject poverty and spent his last money on a train ticket to London to get a job during the Great Depression.

"He couldn't get one. So he walked from London to Blackpool to try to get a job there...

"Beric was very intelligent… the brains of the family… I had great respect for him."

The Fort Monckton MI6 Training Centre is at Gosport

9. Beric loved steam trains and the Isle of Wight.

When David married his first wife, Linda, he chose the Isle of Wight for their honeymoon.

10. As a schoolboy, in Leicester, David didn't excel academically.

11. But, David was a talented footballer and was signing by Coventry City aged 15.

David got arthritis and, at 19, was told he had to stop playing.

12. David became a journalist, starting at the Leicester Advertiser.

David then joined the BBC as a sports presenter.

He became a spokesperson for the Green Party.

In August 1990 the BBC terminated his contract, after he refused to pay 'the Poll Tax'.


Tyson Lewis, of Montclair State University, and Richard Kahn, of the University of North Dakota, write that Icke has borrowed the idea of reptiles from the Israeli-American writer, Zecharia Sitchin.

"Sitchin's speculations have been ridiculed by professional scientists, historians, and archaeologists, who note many problems with his translations of ancient texts[1] and categorize his work as pseudohistory and pseudoscience." (Zecharia Sitchin.)

aangirfan: DAVID ICKE

Headlines - David Icke Website

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