The same of course applies to many fundamentalist Christians.
Charlize Theron remembers bursting into tears at school because she couldn’t sit next to the “really popular girl” she was “obsessed” with.
Countries with a low tolerance for homosexuality include Tunisia where only 2 % approve of homosexuality, and Egypt and Indonesia where only 3 % approve of homosexuality.
If you have been to countries like Egypt, Tunisia and Indonesia you will know that most men there are pretty gay, but do not consider themselves to be gay.
In fact the Indonesians do not have a word for 'gay'.
In the 1990's, a government minister from Indonesia, while attending a function in New Zealand, groped the bottom of a young male waiter.
When the waiter complained, the minister pointed out that in Indonesia it is quite normal for men to touch boys' bottoms.
In the 1990's, a government minister from Indonesia, while attending a function in New Zealand, groped the bottom of a young male waiter.
When the waiter complained, the minister pointed out that in Indonesia it is quite normal for men to touch boys' bottoms.
And, the Egyptians 'are in de Nile'.

Southern Baptist minister George Rekers with his rent boy.
"Pakistan is by volume the world leader for Google searches of the terms 'shemale sex,' 'teen anal sex,' and 'man fucking man,' according to Google Trends.
"Pakistan also ranks second in the world (after similarly gay-intolerant Kenya) for volume of searches for the search term 'gay sex pics.'"

There's nothing wrong with a hug. You can avoid the other stuff.
I once attended a Moslem wedding where the groom admitted that he was marrying the bride for purely commercial reasons.
The groom said that he would continue to spend his leisure time with his male buddies.

Nazis are usually secretly gay.
But in recent years, this has been forgotten.
Spain shows the highest acceptance of homosexuality with an 88 % approval of tolerance.

Now, the fact that so many of our Moslem and Christian leaders prefer boys to girls leads to a wonderful opportunity for the likes of Mossad.

Spain shows the highest acceptance of homosexuality with an 88 % approval of tolerance.

If Mr X is opposed to the USA and NATO bombing hospitals and schools in Damascus, MR X can be blackmailed.

Tiara Lestari - Indonesian model. Website for this image. Tiara Lestari - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Among bonobo apes, which are reputed to be jolly and sociable creatures, sex takes place between males and males, between females and females, between males and females, and between adults and children.
Bonobos, according to recent research, may be closer to us than chimps; bonobos share 98% of our genetic profile.
Among female couples, genito-genital rubbing takes place. Male bonobos stand back to back, one male rubbing his scrotum against the buttocks of another.
Sexual activity among bonobos is casual and relaxed and seems to be the bonobos' way of avoiding conflict.
Whereas chimps sometimes kill each other, bonobos kiss and make up after they've had a tiff.
Some final points on bonobos: they engage in sex only occasionaly, and copulation on average lasts only 13 seconds.

For the Buddhists, all visual attraction is the reaction of the lower self.
Fleshly charm does not last and is in a sense unreal.
In other words, you don't need a girl/boyfriend; and the girl/boyfriend's sexiness is a bit of an illusion.
How many of our leaders have been lured into illegal activities of a gay nature?
Probably most of them.

Omar Bakri - reputed to be a Syrian Jew.
Remember that 'homophobia' is promoted by the Christian and Moslem fundamentalists who are secretly working for Mossad and its friends.
And most homophobes are gay.

Tiara Lestari - Indonesian model. Website for this image. Tiara Lestari - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Among bonobo apes, which are reputed to be jolly and sociable creatures, sex takes place between males and males, between females and females, between males and females, and between adults and children.
Bonobos, according to recent research, may be closer to us than chimps; bonobos share 98% of our genetic profile.
Among female couples, genito-genital rubbing takes place. Male bonobos stand back to back, one male rubbing his scrotum against the buttocks of another.
Sexual activity among bonobos is casual and relaxed and seems to be the bonobos' way of avoiding conflict.
Whereas chimps sometimes kill each other, bonobos kiss and make up after they've had a tiff.
Some final points on bonobos: they engage in sex only occasionaly, and copulation on average lasts only 13 seconds.

Red - intolerant of homosexuality. Blue - Tolerant.
I'm worried about the fact that bonobos appear not to use condoms.
But perhaps there would be fewer wars if humans adopted some of the bonobo ideas.
(Imagine Ariel Sharon and Yassar Arafat..... kissing and making up.)
Another point is that bonobos may be close to us genetically, but they don't have to worry about all the nastier side of human life from religious fanaticism to child prostitution.

Pakistan and Africa are pretty gay?
Another point is that bonobos may be close to us genetically, but they don't have to worry about all the nastier side of human life from religious fanaticism to child prostitution.

Pakistan and Africa are pretty gay?
For the Buddhists, all visual attraction is the reaction of the lower self.
Fleshly charm does not last and is in a sense unreal.
In other words, you don't need a girl/boyfriend; and the girl/boyfriend's sexiness is a bit of an illusion.
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