Victor Rothschild
Lord Victor Rothschild was a key member of the secret society known as the Cambridge Apostles.
The Cambridge Apostles was founded in 1820 by twelve right-wing Christian evangelical students under the name The Cambridge Conversazione Society.
The Cambridge Apostles enjoyed 'homoeroticism' and 'Platonic love'.

Famous members of the Apostles have included:
Erasmus Darwin (brother of Charles Darwin),
George Lockhart Rives (US Assistant Secretary of State and planner of the New York subway),
A. J. Balfour (UK Prime Minister who gives his name to the Balfour Declaration),
Bertrand Russell (philosopher),
"The Llewellyn Davies family figured in .... G.E. Moore and the Cambridge Apostles, because two of the brothers, Crompton and Theodore (Llewellyn Davies) were Apostles, handsome, clever fellows who were close friends of Moore (and of Bertrand Russell)."
Eddie Marsh (private secretary to Winston Churchill),
John Maynard Keynes (economist),
James Strachey (editor and translator of Sigmund Freud),
Ludwig Wittgenstein (philosopher),
Victor Rothschild (financier and spy),
Anthony Blunt (spy),
Guy Burgess (spy),
Guy Liddell (spy)
and Noel Annan (spy).

In 1940 Rothschild (above) suggested that Anthony Blunt should be invited to join the secret service. He also rented a house to his friend Guy Burgess. Rothschild worked with Kim Philby at the MI6 offices established at the Rothschild family mansion in Paris. (
Between 1979 and 1982, several Apostles were exposed as having belonged to a spy ring, reportedly run by Lord Victor Rothschild, who allegedly gave away nuclear secrets to Israel.
The spy ring included Kim Philby, who almost became head of MI6, Guy Burgess, an MI6 officer and secretary to the Deputy Foreign Minister, Donald Maclean, a UK diplomat and KGB colonel, Anthony Blunt, an MI5 officer and art adviser to the Queen,
Others said to be involved in the spy ring include John Cairncross, Michael Whitney Straight and Guy Liddell.

Others said to be involved in the spy ring include John Cairncross, Michael Whitney Straight and Guy Liddell.

Author Richard Deacon wrote: "it was evidence of how the homosexual mafia can operate and how from the earliest times it has tended to be a crypto-protection society in that the bond of friendship has been used to cover up all manner of questionable activities and sometimes even to protect members from being prosecuted."
The Apostles tended to be gay.
Among the gayest apostles were Tennyson (the poet), William Cory (who reportedly had an affair with the future Prime Minister Earl of Rosebery), E. M. Forster, John Maynard Keynes, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Lytton Strachey, Rupert Brooke, Guy Burgess and Anthony Blunt.
Julie Anne Taddeo wrote that the Apostles: "Despite the criminalization of homosexuality ... continued to invoke Dorianism, read Walt Whitman's poetry, and engage in a cult of boy worship."
Julie Anne Taddeo wrote that the Apostles: "Despite the criminalization of homosexuality ... continued to invoke Dorianism, read Walt Whitman's poetry, and engage in a cult of boy worship."
(Cambridge Apostles by Nikolai Endres)

It's not Zionists versus fascists.
It's the feudal elite and their mafias versus the rest.
"Lord Victor Rothschild ... made Churchill's decisions, including the bombing of the food trains into the concentration camps, and the continued strafing of the inmates.
"Rothschild is on record as saying;
"'There will be no room in the new country for shnorrers' (poor Jews)
"He only wanted the rich powerful and influential for the new land, the rest were to be sacrificed."
The Truth Seeker - The Biggest Secret of World War II
Blade on the Feather (1980) by Dennis Potter is based on a John Le Carré spy thriller.
It was broadcast eleven months after Sir Anthony Blunt was exposed as the 'fourth man' in 'Rothschild's Cambridge Spy Ring'.
In Blade on the Feather, the character of Professor Jason Cavendish, a former British spy, is based partly on Kim Philby, the spy who trained James Jesus Angleton.

Cavendish lives with his second wife Linda and his 18 year old daughter Christabel and Mr Hill, his butler and personal secretary.
One day a young man called Daniel comes to stay with them.
Daniel's father, Andrew, was a British intelligence officer, who was murdered by Cavendish while escorting a Soviet defector to the British embassy.
Cavendish has been writing his memoirs, implicating himself and Hill, as well as several high profile MPs, as 'Soviet' sympathizers...
Cavendish betrays Hill; Hill betrays Cavendish; Linda betrays Cavendish; Christabel betrays Cavendish...
Kim Philby's father, St John Philby, was in favour of Jewish immigration into Palestine.
He got to know the Rothschilds.
(St John Philby - Wikipedia)
In the 1930s, Harry St John Philby worked for Standard Oil of California (Socal), helping it get control of oil in Saudi Arabia.
Harry St John Philby, aided by Allen Dulles, helped Saudi Arabia negotiate a deal to allow Saudi oil to reach Hitler's Germany.
(St John Philby - Wikipedia )
John Philby (son of Kim), Kim Philby, George Blake, in Moscow. Website for this image
In 1948, when John Philby was five, Guy Burgess came to stay for a holiday at the Philbys sprawling villa in Turkey.

Terence Hawkes wrote that Angleton's friendship with Mossad "gave him a major role in preserving Israel's secrecy in respect of Suez.
"As the officer in charge of the Israeli 'account', he supported the Israeli atomic bomb programme."

Victor Rothschild
It's the feudal elite and their mafias versus the rest.
"Rothschild is on record as saying;
"'There will be no room in the new country for shnorrers' (poor Jews)
"He only wanted the rich powerful and influential for the new land, the rest were to be sacrificed."
The Truth Seeker - The Biggest Secret of World War II
Blade on the Feather (1980) by Dennis Potter is based on a John Le Carré spy thriller.
It was broadcast eleven months after Sir Anthony Blunt was exposed as the 'fourth man' in 'Rothschild's Cambridge Spy Ring'.
In Blade on the Feather, the character of Professor Jason Cavendish, a former British spy, is based partly on Kim Philby, the spy who trained James Jesus Angleton.

Cavendish lives with his second wife Linda and his 18 year old daughter Christabel and Mr Hill, his butler and personal secretary.
One day a young man called Daniel comes to stay with them.
Daniel's father, Andrew, was a British intelligence officer, who was murdered by Cavendish while escorting a Soviet defector to the British embassy.
Cavendish has been writing his memoirs, implicating himself and Hill, as well as several high profile MPs, as 'Soviet' sympathizers...
St John Philby, left, and family.
He got to know the Rothschilds.
(St John Philby - Wikipedia)
In the 1930s, Harry St John Philby worked for Standard Oil of California (Socal), helping it get control of oil in Saudi Arabia.
Harry St John Philby, aided by Allen Dulles, helped Saudi Arabia negotiate a deal to allow Saudi oil to reach Hitler's Germany.
(St John Philby - Wikipedia )
In 1948, when John Philby was five, Guy Burgess came to stay for a holiday at the Philbys sprawling villa in Turkey.

Guy Burgess
"John's mother resented Burgess and his close relationship with her husband, and began staging accidents to claim attention...
"She was later sent to a Swiss clinic for treatment. Philby was posted to the United States the following year."

Angleton, who was of the pro-Israel faction in the CIA. He was head of Counter Intelligence at the CIA from 1954 - 1975.
There is a theory that the key people in the CIA have always worked on friendly terms with the key people in the KGB and the key people in Mossad.
There is a theory that the key people in the CIA have always worked on friendly terms with the key people in the KGB and the key people in Mossad.
And Jewish folks are very influential in certain countries.
According to Haaretz, "Every appointee to the American government must endure a thorough background checkby the American Jewish community."
And Jewish folks are very influential in certain countries.
According to Haaretz, "Every appointee to the American government must endure a thorough background checkby the American Jewish community."
(American Jews eye Obama's 'anti-Israel' appointees - Haaretz)
James Jesus Angleton worked for the CIA.
He may also have worked for Mossad.
He may, or may not, have realised that Mossad worked with the KGB.

USS Liberty
A Spotlight report, of 21 November 1977, claimed that Angleton conspired with Israel to attack the USS Liberty.
James Jesus Angleton worked for the CIA.
He may also have worked for Mossad.
He may, or may not, have realised that Mossad worked with the KGB.

USS Liberty
A Spotlight report, of 21 November 1977, claimed that Angleton conspired with Israel to attack the USS Liberty.
(USS Liberty)
Reportedly, Angleton believed the sinking of the Liberty could be used as a "Pearl Harbour" type of incident to turn Americans against the Arabs.
(aangirfan: The US government tried to sink the USS Liberty)
It was Angleton who negotiated an agreement whereby Israel and America agreed not spy on each other.
Reportedly, Angleton believed the sinking of the Liberty could be used as a "Pearl Harbour" type of incident to turn Americans against the Arabs.
(aangirfan: The US government tried to sink the USS Liberty)
It was Angleton who negotiated an agreement whereby Israel and America agreed not spy on each other.
(Book Reviews: Every Spy a Prince)
(The agreement was nullified by Admiral Stansfield Turner, when he was Jimmy Carter's CIA director. But, Mossad contined to work closely with the CIA.)

(The agreement was nullified by Admiral Stansfield Turner, when he was Jimmy Carter's CIA director. But, Mossad contined to work closely with the CIA.)

Terence Hawkes wrote that Angleton's friendship with Mossad "gave him a major role in preserving Israel's secrecy in respect of Suez.
"As the officer in charge of the Israeli 'account', he supported the Israeli atomic bomb programme."
(James Jesus Angleton by Michael Holzman reviewed by Terence Hawkes TLS)
After Angleton died, a memorial to him was erected in Jerusalem.
James Jesus Angleton's father, according to a closefriend, Max Corvo, was "ultra-conservative" and a fascist sympathizer.
After Angleton died, a memorial to him was erected in Jerusalem.
James Jesus Angleton's father, according to a closefriend, Max Corvo, was "ultra-conservative" and a fascist sympathizer.
(James Angleton)
It was during World War II that James Jesus Angleton became a spy.
Reportedly Angleton helped set up Operation Gladio, which involved CIA militias carrying out acts of muderous terrorism in Italy.
"Angleton built on family and business connections in Italy to lay the basis of Gladio...
"He also helped notorious Nazi/fascist mass-murderers such as Junio Valerio 'Black Prince' Borghese elude justice at war's end."
It was during World War II that James Jesus Angleton became a spy.
Reportedly Angleton helped set up Operation Gladio, which involved CIA militias carrying out acts of muderous terrorism in Italy.
"Angleton built on family and business connections in Italy to lay the basis of Gladio...
"He also helped notorious Nazi/fascist mass-murderers such as Junio Valerio 'Black Prince' Borghese elude justice at war's end."
Philby, friend of the KGB and MOSSAD.
In 1943 Angleton was sent to London to be trained by MI5 officer Kim Philby, who turned out to be a friend of the KGB and Mossad.
In 1943 Angleton was sent to London to be trained by MI5 officer Kim Philby, who turned out to be a friend of the KGB and Mossad.
(James Angleton)
In 1951 Angleton was sent to Israel where he helped to set up Mossad.
According to Eustace Mullins (CHAPTER FIVE - The CIA - 3):
In 1951 Angleton was sent to Israel where he helped to set up Mossad.
According to Eustace Mullins (CHAPTER FIVE - The CIA - 3):
While CIA station chief in Rome, the CIA's Angleton "worked closely with the Zionist terrorists Teddy Kollek and Jacob Meridor, and later became chief of the Israeli desk at the CIA, helping Philby to set up the lavishly funded international Mossad espionage operation, all paid for by American taxpayers."

Kim Philby
(Sunday Telegraph, April 16, 1989 - Cached.)
Angleton provided information to the Warren Commission.
Some people have claimed that Angleton was involved in covering up the CIA's involvement in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

In 1951, the CIA was investigating Kim Philby, the top MI6 agent working in Washington.
The CIA director, Walter Bedell Smith, asked Angleton and William Harvey to write separate reports on Philby.
The CIA director, Walter Bedell Smith, asked Angleton and William Harvey to write separate reports on Philby.
(James Angleton)
Harvey concluded that Philby was a Soviet spy.
Angleton defended Philby.
Smith took the advice of Angleton.
Philby escaped to the Soviet Union in 1963.
Reportedly, Kim Philby was assisted in escaping to the Soviet Union by the Israeli Mossad
Harvey concluded that Philby was a Soviet spy.
Angleton defended Philby.
Smith took the advice of Angleton.
Philby escaped to the Soviet Union in 1963.
Reportedly, Kim Philby was assisted in escaping to the Soviet Union by the Israeli Mossad
Angleton provided information to the Warren Commission.
Some people have claimed that Angleton was involved in covering up the CIA's involvement in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Angleton interviewed Anatoli Golitsin, a KGB agent who defected to the CIA.
Golitsin suggested that W. Averell Harriman had been a Soviet spy, while he was the U.S. Ambassador to the Russia during the Second World War. (James Angleton)
According to Eric Margolis, Angleton "became an active 'asset' or at least very close ally of Israel’s Mossad, and a champion of Israel’s cause in Washington." (FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT, by Eric Margolis)
Clare Edward Petty, of the CIA's Special Investigation Group (SIG), concluded that there was an "80-85 percent probability" that Angleton was a Soviet spy. (James Angleton)

Angleton interviewed Anatoli Golitsin, a KGB agent who defected to the CIA.
Golitsin suggested that W. Averell Harriman had been a Soviet spy, while he was the U.S. Ambassador to the Russia during the Second World War. (James Angleton)
According to Eric Margolis, Angleton "became an active 'asset' or at least very close ally of Israel’s Mossad, and a champion of Israel’s cause in Washington." (FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT, by Eric Margolis)
Clare Edward Petty, of the CIA's Special Investigation Group (SIG), concluded that there was an "80-85 percent probability" that Angleton was a Soviet spy. (James Angleton)

In 1973, James Schlesinger temporarily became Director of the CIA.
Angleton gave Schlesinger a list of people that he thought were Soviet agents.
This list included Harold Wilson, the British prime minister,
In 1973, James Schlesinger temporarily became Director of the CIA.
Angleton gave Schlesinger a list of people that he thought were Soviet agents.
This list included Harold Wilson, the British prime minister,
Olof Palme, the Swedish prime minister,
Willy Brandt, chairman of the West German Social Democratic Party,
Averell Harriman, the former U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union,
Lester Pearson, the Canadian prime minister
and Henry Kissinger, the National Security Adviser and Secretary of State under President Richard Nixon.
Schlesinger thought Angleton was suffering from paranoia.
In mid 1973, William Colby became the Director of the CIA.
Colby was not impressed with Angleton.
Colby said he could not find any evidence "that we ever caught a spy under Jim". (James Angleton)

So, are the key spooks often in league with each other?
The newspaper Scotland on Sunday reported, on 16/9/ 2001, that Osama bin Laden made his fortune in part by working with Jewish-Russian mafia operations in Qatar and Cyprus. (Mafias)
According to Wayne Madsen, "The Bin Laden drug network ... intersects with Geneva-based financial entities established by George H. W. Bush while he was CIA director and Vice President and President of the United States." - (aangirfan: Bush, Bin Laden, Drugs.... )
Reportedly, "Angleton had an alliance with ... the Mafia, dating from 1944 when he was an O.S.S. officer in Italy.
"'Operation Gladio' ... was based on Angleton's fascist-Mafia connections, and employed ... the Mafia to assassinate some who couldn't be bribed, e.g. Prime Minster Aldo Moro." (Cached)
Schlesinger thought Angleton was suffering from paranoia.
In mid 1973, William Colby became the Director of the CIA.
Colby was not impressed with Angleton.
Colby said he could not find any evidence "that we ever caught a spy under Jim". (James Angleton)

So, are the key spooks often in league with each other?
The newspaper Scotland on Sunday reported, on 16/9/ 2001, that Osama bin Laden made his fortune in part by working with Jewish-Russian mafia operations in Qatar and Cyprus. (Mafias)
According to Wayne Madsen, "The Bin Laden drug network ... intersects with Geneva-based financial entities established by George H. W. Bush while he was CIA director and Vice President and President of the United States." - (aangirfan: Bush, Bin Laden, Drugs.... )
Reportedly, "Angleton had an alliance with ... the Mafia, dating from 1944 when he was an O.S.S. officer in Italy.
"'Operation Gladio' ... was based on Angleton's fascist-Mafia connections, and employed ... the Mafia to assassinate some who couldn't be bribed, e.g. Prime Minster Aldo Moro." (Cached)
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