Binjamin Wilkomirski claimed he had been in a Nazi concentration camp. "He was exposed as a liar". Daily Mail.
There is no denying that millions died in World War II and that some of these people died in Nazi concentration camps.
We should not forget that 15 million Chinese were killed during World war II.

Joe Corry.
Joe Corry claims in a book that he was at a death camp that never existed.
Daily Mail.
Corry claims:

Binjamin Wilkomirski, who invented a wartime childhood in Auschwitz
Fragments: Memories Of A Wartime Childhood, is an account of Binjamin Wilkomirski's life in camps such as Auschwitz.
In 1998, a Swiss journalist exposed Wilkomirski as a liar.

In 1996, Herman Rosenblat told Oprah Winfrey that as a boy he had been in a concentration camp called Schlieben, a sub-camp of Buchenwald.
Rosenblat claimed that:

aangirfan: ANNE FRANK
Paul Rassinier - WikiSpooks / 3 Wartime years
New evidence suggests 'Italy's Schindler' who was honoured for saving 5,000 Jews during World War Two may have been a collaborator sending families to Auschwitz
Daily Mail.
Corry claims:
1. He rescued the nuclear scientist J Robert Oppenheimer from Holland.
2. He came across a Nazi 'experimental' extermination camp in Holland.
Corry writes of the camp:
Corry writes of the camp:
"The living and dead evidence of horror and brutality beyond one's imagination was there.
"People were lying, crawling and shuffling about, in stinking ankle-deep mud and human excrement."
Corry saw piles of corpses and rows of 'living skeletons'.
Corry saw piles of corpses and rows of 'living skeletons'.
In 2014, publishers Simon & Schuster will re-issue Corry's memoir, originally published in 1990.
According to the Daily Mail:
According to the Daily Mail:
Corry's story is simply not true.
1. Oppenheimer was in the USA throughout the war.
2. There were no such 'experimental extermination camps' in Holland.
2. There were no such 'experimental extermination camps' in Holland.
The concentration camps in Holland were liberated long before Corry claims to have paid a visit to one of them.
Binjamin Wilkomirski, who invented a wartime childhood in Auschwitz
Fragments: Memories Of A Wartime Childhood, is an account of Binjamin Wilkomirski's life in camps such as Auschwitz.
It was published by Wilkomirski in 1995.
In 1998, a Swiss journalist exposed Wilkomirski as a liar.
The journalist revealed that:
(1) Wilkomirski had been nowhere near the camps and
(2) Wilkomirski was in fact called Bruno Grosjean who had been raised in an orphanage.

In 1996, Herman Rosenblat told Oprah Winfrey that as a boy he had been in a concentration camp called Schlieben, a sub-camp of Buchenwald.
Rosenblat claimed that:
1. A young girl called Roma threw apples and bread over the camp's fence and that this kept him alive.
2. In 1957, he came across Roma in New York, on a blind date, and they got married.
2. In 1957, he came across Roma in New York, on a blind date, and they got married.
In 2008, Rosenblat's book, Angel At The Fence, was published; and it was due to be made into a £17 million film.
Some people who had been prisoners at Schlieben pointed out that the public road near the fence was closed and anyone trying to use it would have been shot.
Rosenblat's book was withdrawn from publication.

Misha Defonseca
In 1997, Misha Defonseca published Misha: A Memoir Of The Holocaust Years.
In 1997, Misha Defonseca published Misha: A Memoir Of The Holocaust Years.
Misha claimed to have survived the Warsaw ghetto and been raised by wolves.
The story turned out to be fiction.
Continued here: Daily Mail.
The story turned out to be fiction.
Continued here: Daily Mail.
aangirfan: ANNE FRANK
Paul Rassinier - WikiSpooks / 3 Wartime years
New evidence suggests 'Italy's Schindler' who was honoured for saving 5,000 Jews during World War Two may have been a collaborator sending families to Auschwitz
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