Warung Bebas

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Margot MacDonald

Margo MacDonald is a former deputy leader of the Scottish National Party.

She says that there are MI5 agents operating inside the Scottish National Party.

MI5 spies told : stay out of referendum

Spy and politician, George H W Bush

Our own guess is that a very large number of members of parliament, in the UK, USA and elsewhere, are assets of the CIA, Mossad, MI6 etc.

aangirfan: OBAMA / aangirfan: TONY BLAIR / Angela Merkel

Margo MacDonald has written to the boss of MI5, Andrew Parker.

Margot MacDonald has asked for an assurance that MI5 spies will not interfere in the referendum on independence for Scotland.

Former MI5 whistleblower David Shayler. Network for Church Monitoring (N4C

Reportedly, the SNP was heavily infiltrated by MI5 in the 1970s.

MI5 wants London to control Scotland's vast oil wealth.

Frankly Independent

Speaking to the Sunday Herald, Margot MacDonald said: "The influence of the security services was insidious.

"If the opportunity came up to depress the self-confidence of Scots, then the opportunity was taken."

Asked if she believed the SNP and the wider Yes movement was currently infiltrated, she said: "Of course the security services have people in the SNP."

Willie McRae, former Vice Chairman of the Scottish National party, reportedly murdered by the spooks.

Willie McRae was found badly injured in his crashed car.

The car was on a remote road, in Wester Ross, in Scotland.

At the local hospital, medical staff found a gunshot wound behind McRae's right ear.

The police found 'the weapon' some distance from the car.

There were no fingerprints on the gun.

A BBC journalist was given the number plates of three cars alleged to have been following MacRae before his death.

Reportedly, one of the cars was a 'blocked vehicle' from one of the security services.

One of the cars used to trail McRae "was a Triumph, registration number PSJ 136X. Wherever McRae went, that car followed.

"He had noticed the motor. Willie McRae was nobody's fool. When he raised the matter with a friendly cop, he checked the computer.

"The car came up marked as 'blocked vehicle'. That's shorthand for belonging to the Special Branch" or intelligence services.

(The McRae Mystery - The Daily Record)

The 'Security service had tailed the SNP activist on the day of his death'

Former Scottish National Party vice-chairman Willie McRae 

No fatal accident inquiry was held.

McRae's death remains unsolved.

This was in 1985.

Willie MacRae / Scotsman article about Iain Fraser claims

MacRae had been active in the campaign to prevent nuclear dumping in Scotland.

The Thatcher government wanted to dump nuclear waste in the Galloway Hills in Dumfries and Galloway, at Mullwharchar.

Many people assume that McRae was murdered by the spooks.

Hilda Murrell was also murdered. aangirfan: William McRae & Hilda Murrell

Scotland lost its independence in 1707. 

England then benefited from Scottish taxes and Scottish men to fight its wars.

"The Scots fought Britain's wars, kept its books, ran its colonial administrations, evangelised the heathens...

ROAD TO REFERENDUM | Herald Scotland


"Scotland became a hub of the British Industrial Revolution, thanks to James Watt and his steam engine.

"By the end of the 19th century, Scotland was arguably the most technologically advanced country in the world ... and Glasgow called itself the Second City of the British Empire.

Scotland's got what it takes.

"Working-class Scots didn't get much change from it, however.

"Edinburgh's slums in the 19th century were almost as bad as Calcutta's.

"Scots, many cleared off their ancestral lands by former clan chiefs, were turned into industrial wage slaves...."

ROAD TO REFERENDUM | Herald Scotland

Which is the best / least bad?

"After the 1979 referendum, which failed to meet the 40% rule, UK governments allowed Scotland's manufacturing economy to be dismantled, while the UK balance of payments deficit was being financed by Scottish oil revenue...."

ROAD TO REFERENDUM | Herald Scotland

Only a brainwashed fool would vote NO to independence.

Scotland's stand over CIA torture flights must be seen through

Santa Monica Shooting: Another False Flag?



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