Warung Bebas

Sunday, June 30, 2013


Michael Jackson worked for a 'CIA-front organisation with links to child abuse'.

Michael Jackson worked for AmeriCares, reported to be a front for the CIA, and reported to have links to pedophile rings.

Anonymous commented on the post "MICHAEL JACKSON, FBI FILES, ISRAEL":

"John DeCamp's book The Franklin Coverup...  links the Boys Town Nebraska pedophile ring to Father John Ritter whose best friend was Bob Macauley of Americares...

"Americares, in the 1990s, took Michael Jackson on their airlift to Sarajevo, one of their many intel missions." 

(This was at the time when the CIA was using Islamists such as bin Laden to break up Yugoslavia.)

America's Jimmy Savile, using charitable work as a cover for child abuse?

It has been suggested that 'Michael Jackson' was mind-controlled by the CIA and used to promote the interests of the Pentagon and Israel.

"AmeriCares mourns the passing of Michael Jackson, a cherished supporter of our work..."

Michael Jackson at the AmeriCares Benefit Airlift to Sarajevo

"Michael Jackson’s charitable foundation was responsible for an AmeriCares airlift delivering $2.1 million worth of humanitarian aid to the region. The King of Pop’s generosity also helped provide 47 tons of winter relief supplies including medical items, blankets, winter clothing and shoes to benefit the children of Sarajevo."

Michael Jackson, AmeriCares Supporter, Honored for Generosity ...

AmeriCares flights are reported to have been used by the CIA.

AmeriCares has been linked to child abuse rings and death squads.

Reportedly, Christian Charities are often fronts for:

CIA child abuse rings,

CIA terrorist activities

And CIA attempts to keep the rich elite in power.

Robert Macauley (right), founder of AmeriCares, with his old school friend George Bush.

Robert Macauley founded AmeriCares.

Reportedly, Macauley was very close friends with the Bush family.

Reportedly, Macauley was friends with certain child-abusers and Nazis.

Reportedly, AmeriCares has links to death squads.

Allegedly, AmeriCares has links to the CIA operatives who controlled Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda.

John Wetterer

AmeriCares began in Vietnam when Macauley helped a 'child-abusing' American soldier, John Wetterer, set up the Shoeshine Boys Foundation.

This foundation got orphans to clean the shoes of American soldiers.

A Thousand Points of Blight (January 8, 1991)

Allegedly, the Shoeshine Boys was a pedophile ring serving the American military.

American children 'abandoned' by their American soldier fathers - Ho Chi Minh City, 1988

John Wetterer moved to Guatemala, where he set up Mi Casa, a program for homeless boys.

Macauley then set up a charity called Friends of Children which helped to fund Mi Casa.

In 1988 John Wetterer was accused by 60 Minutes of sexually abusing a number of boys.

Eventually, Wetterer was indicted for fraudulently solicitingmoney to support his sexual abuse of children.

A Thousand Points of Blight (January 8, 1991)

Father Bruce Ritter mixing with the teenage boy prostitutes of New York.

Father Ritter was a vice president of Americares.

Robert Macauley's friend Father Bruce Ritter set up a charity called Covenant House, as a cover for a pedophile ring.

Covenant House procured children in Guatemala and elsewhere.

Ritter had sex with the boys in his care.

Father Ritter spent weekends at Macauley's estate in Connecticut, according to a former Covenant House employee.

The Franklin Cover-Up - American-Buddha.com

Guatemalan children with the Toybox charity which has links to the 'CIA front' organisation World Vision.

In Guatemala, Covenant House was launched by Roberto Alejos Arzu, who had ties to the CIA.

Bob Macauley - American saint and friend of child-abusers and 'terrorists'.

"Robert Macauley's Connecticut home is filled with books about war and military affairs, according to visitors...

"He and the young George Bush became friends and schoolmates, going from kindergarten to Phillips Andover and, eventually, to Yale..."

A Thousand Points of Blight (January 8, 1991)

Bush, who has been linked to the pedophile ring that kidnapped Johnny Gosch.

"Macauley claimed that he'd served in the OSS, the forerunner of the CIA, during the Second World War...."

Macauley was a piano player in a brothel in Paris used by the OSS.

"In Paris, Peter Grace (Chairman of the Advisory Committee of AmeriCares) ... wandered into 'either a cathouse or a saloon where Bob (Macauley) was playing the piano....'

"An ex-client describes Macauley as 'smooth, a charmer … a bullshit artist'...

A Thousand Points of Blight (January 8, 1991)

J Peter Grace - Nazi Catholic oligarch?

J Peter Grace was chairman of AmeriCares' advisory committee.

J Peter Grace was president of the Knights of Malta in the USA.

"Grace has an unfortunate attraction for those with Nazi roots.

A Thousand Points of Blight (January 8, 1991)

Dr Otto Ambros, who invented Thalidomide for the Nazis.

"In one case, in 1958, J Peter Grace petitioned the U.S. ambassador in Germany to allow the emigration of Dr. Otto Ambros ....

"Dr. Otto Ambros worked during the war for I.G. Farben, the firm that developed the Zyklon-B gas used in the extermination camps."

A Thousand Points of Blight (January 8, 1991)

Dr Otto Ambros developed the drug known as Thalidomide, distributed by the company now known as Diageo (whisky etc)

Diageo helps to fund AmeriCares.

Ten thousand babies were born with physical deformities and brain damage caused by Thalidomide. Read more: http://www.dailymail.

"Ambros had been convicted by the Nuremberg Tribunal of mass murder and practicing slavery for his role in providing Farben with 200,000 laborers from Auschwitz.

"In his petition, Grace said that he admired Ambros 'not only for his ability but-more important-for his character.'

"Grace hired him as a technical adviser for his company...

A Thousand Points of Blight (January 8, 1991)

Nazi scientists who went to work for the CIA, under Operation Paperclip.

"In Latin America, the Grace family business.... has presided over a multibillion-dollar empire ... Highly placed members of the government - including the police - have worked for W. R. Grace...

"Grace cofounded ... the American Institute for Free Labor Development (AIFLD) ... which took public pride in the role of its trainees in overthrowing reformist governments, including the Goulart administration in Brazil in 1964..."

A Thousand Points of Blight (January 8, 1991)

AmeriCares in India. India has a lot of terrorism, which has been linked to the CIA. 

Many charities are now run by the CIA and its friends.

Robert Macauley's AmeriCares is George Bush's favourite charity and "represents the right wing catholic faction of the CIA."

The article "A Thousand Points of Blight (January 8, 1991)" tells us more:

1. A six-month Village Voice investigation of AmeriCares found:

"Its founder, advisory committee, and benefactors ... are almost exclusively powerful right-wingers with close ties to the intelligence community, president and ex-CIA director George Bush, and the most conservative elements of the Catholic church...

Honorary chairman of AmeriCares Brzezinski

2. "Sometimes, AmeriCares seems more interested in the needs of its corporate donors, many of whom give the charityunpopular or soon-to-expire medicines for which they get hefty tax write-offs...

3. "The group often effectively contributes to armed conflicts that worsen the plight of the needy, takes sides in those clashes, and ships the vast majority of its goods into prime ideological battlefields..."

Victims of Lockerbie. AmeriCares gave help to the fascist Contras in Nicaragua. This was at the time when the CIA was secretly supplying the Ayatollah Khomeini (whom it had put into power) with weapons. Iran-Contra 'involved heroin'. Reportedly, the downing of PanAm 103 over Lockerbie, 'by the CIA', was an attempt to cover up 'the CIA's trade in heroin'.

4. "The Knights of Malta is AmeriCares's 'partner'...

"It has close links to intelligence organizations...

"Members have included former CIA directors William Casey and John McCone (who helped direct the 1973 military coup in Chile); former CIA chief of counterintelligence James Buckley; Alexander Haig...

5. "AmeriCares began pumping millions of dollars in supplies into Afghanistan in August 1983.

"Much of the impetus came from AmeriCares’s honorary chairman, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carter’s national security adviser...

6. "In one bizarre 1984 episode, AmeriCares ...evacuated wounded mujahideen soldiers to Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington, D.C...

General Richard Stilwell.

7. "In addition to honorary chairman Brzezinski, there is a seven-member advisory board that includes J. Peter Grace, head of the American Association of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta ... Prescott Bush... and retired general Richard Stilwell, Ronald Reagan’s Pentagon intelligence czar.

8. "Stilwell, in the Vietnam war... was a key proponent of the Strategic Hamlet Program, in which millions of villagers were forced from their homes into camps...

"In 1983... Stilwell was involved in the formation of a super-secret Army spy unit, the Intelligence Support Activity, which operated in El Salvador, Nicaragua, and parts of Africa...

"In 1987, Stilwell ... paid a private visit to the Philippines sponsored ... by a 'private health-relief organization'....

"Shortly after he left, there was an abortive coup... Philippine media reports charged him with involvement...

Rockefeller - Knight of Malta.

9."AmeriCares shipped $14 million in aid to Central America.

"In Honduras it went to contra-controlled refugee camps; in Guatemala to military authorities who distributed it while involved in brutal counterinsurgency programs that have left tens of thousands dead or missing...

Roberto Alejos.

10. Roberto Alejos is AmeriCares's Central American coordinator.

"Alejos typifies the 2.2 per cent of Guatemalans who, according to UNICEF own two-thirds of the arable land and live in opulence...

"While 90 per cent of their country-people live in abject poverty, and three-quarters of all children under five are malnourished.

"Roberto Alejos: 'He’s a thug in a business suit,' says Jean-Marie Simon, author of Guatemala: Eternal Spring, Eternal Tyranny.

"Time and again Alejos, a wealthy plantation owner, has been implicated in kidnappings, coups, and death squad actions."

1980: Three American Catholic nuns and a lay missionary were beaten, raped and shot to death by an El Salvador government death squad. Reportedly Roberto Alejos of AmeriCares ran the Mano Blanco death squad.

"According to the North American Council on Latin America, 'as with most of the Guatemalan elite, there is circumstantial evidence linking Alejos to La Mano Blanca,' one of the most virulent of the death squads, which specialized in the disappearance of political opponents, routine torture, and machine-gun executions.

"Victims included students, priests, labor leaders, journalists, teachers, peasant activists, and members and leaders of moderate opposition parties-all perceived to be 'communists' because of their calls for social and economic reform.

"A number of workers on Alejos’s sugar plantations who had tried to strike or organize were killed, according to researcher Allan Nairn, formerly of the Council on Hemispheric Affairs...

"Alejos's plantation served as a CIA training ground for the Bay of Pigs invasion ...

11. "Using tactics developed in Vietnam - and promoted there by AmeriCares advisory board member general Stilwell - the Guatemalan army pursued a brutal scorched-earth policy, bombing and forcing the abandonment of whole villages...

"Many tens of thousands have died, and the number of orphans is estimated in the hundreds of thousands...

12. Asked once whether AmeriCares transports arms, Macauley... said he would do so at the request of the U.S. government. 

AmeriCare's warehouse in Stamford, Connecticut. "Just down the road from Newtown, the town of New Canaan ­ is headquarters to AmeriCares, which did the gunrunning to the neofascist militias in Croatia during the break-up of Yugoslavia."

13.  Reportedly, AmeriCares 'renovated' the home of Robbie Parker, the father of Emilie Parker from Sandy Hook.

Reportedly there are Knights of Malta links to the Sandy hook 'shootings'.

Connecticut has a lot of right wing Catholics.

"Reports that members of the clergy and ... some burly-looking nuns (one which appeared to have an AR-15 under her clothing) were on the scene of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut last month has led this reporter to begin looking into the activities of the international aid organization AmeriCares, an organization connected to a powerful and influential 'secret order' linked to the Vatican.

SANDY HOOK: Links to CIA's AmeriCares, Knights of Malta. - Red Dirt Report

14. The Knights of Malta reportedly unite the top Nazi families, the top Zionist families and the top Mafia families.

Among the top knights we find:

Michael Rubens Bloomberg, Heinrich Himmler, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, King Juan Carlos, Otto von Habsburg, J Edgar Hoover, Leonard G. Horowitz and George H W Bush.

"I also stated years ago that I did not believe Michael Jackson was honest when he denied claims of sexual abuse.

"There were many, many red flags he was dishonest and I don't believe you needed any special talent to see that much."

Michael Jackson Paid Molested Children Off To Tune of $35M

Anonymous comments: 

Michael Jackson was so severely beaten and tortured as a child that he was largely stuck in childhood.

He was like a child.

My impression from the documentary Michael Jackson's Boys (Ch4 2005) is that he was a totally manipulated puppet, unable to really stand up for himself.

He was pushed around and intimidated.

He often did anything they told him to do.

He was trained to be a powerless puppet.

So of course he tried to avoid being with those threatening adults and spent as much time as possible with boys.

What separates him from Savile is that Savile was a ruling Mafia boss with royal cover, a serial killer, Satanist and rapist. That's why they gave him a state funeral and all honours.

Most likely Michael Jackson never wanted to harm anyone, was looking for love and likely was frightened by even the thought of real sex.

Also, sometimes he broke free with heart, courage and intelligence, and said what he thought and wanted:

They Don't Care About Us (Michael Jackson, HIStory, 1995):

"Beat me, hate me
You can never break me
Will me, thrill me
You can never kill me
Jew me, sue me
Everybody do me
Kick me, kike me
Don't you black or white me

All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us."

That's why they smeared and killed him.

Michael Jacksons warning people to wake up:
total conspiracy, media liars, history books fake:

ABG Butuh Dana


Ada yg bisa bantu agan2 skalian...
Di doi seorang cwek,,sangat butuh duit skrang
Klo agan2 skalian mau bantu silahkan
saya kirim foto2nya pun atas seizin tuh cewek
Klo situ penasaran dan mau bantu,,..silahkan kontak ke no ni,,..



Morsi supporters fly the al Qaeda flag in Cairo, June 2013

The CIA's al Qaeda is ready to fight for the Moslem Brotherhood in Egypt.

Morsi supporters, Egypt, June 2013.  #June30 : Apocalypse Now "Live Updated"

"A Christian exodus is being planned for the Middle East by Washington, Tel Aviv, and Brussels..."

End Of Times: Yinon Plan and the "Clash of Civilizations"

Armed Morsi supporters in Cairo, June 2013. #June30 : Apocalypse Now "Live Updated"

According to Oded Yinon, in February 1982:

"Breaking Egypt down territorially into distinct geographical regions is the political aim of Israel... 

"If Egypt falls apart, countries like Libya, Sudan or even the more distant states will not continue to exist in their present form and will join the downfall and dissolution of Egypt.

"The vision of a Christian Coptic State in Upper Egypt alongside a number of weak states with very localized power and without a centralized government as to date, is the key to a historical development which... seems inevitable in the long run."

End Of Times: Yinon Plan and the "Clash of Civilizations"

US ambassador Anne Patterson appears to be supporting Morsi and his attempt to divide Egypt?

Bel Trew - بل ترو @Beltrew

More anti-US sentiment in Egypt: "Old hag go home" and a pic of US Ambassador Anne Patterson #tahrir http://yfrog.com/odz6vpdgj

Kodak Agfa Photogallery


Henry Kissinger believes that Syria can be split into several regions and that such a scenario is the best outcome for America.

Kissinger has said:

"There are three possible outcomes. An Assad victory. A Sunni victory. Or an outcome in which the various nationalities agree to co-exist together but in more or less autonomous regions, so that they can’t oppress each other. That’s the outcome I would prefer to see. But that’s not the popular view."

"Splitting Syria is the best possible outcome" - Henry Kissinger - 29 June 2013


Boy raised by global pedophile ring

In 2005, a Russian mother sold her little boy, Adam, for $8,000.

Adam was sold to an American - a member of Boy Lovers - a global pedophile ring.

Aged 22 months, Adam began to appear in hardcore porn - of the sort which makes lots of money on the internet.

36% of the internet is pornography. One third of all down loads are porn. Online porn makes $3,000 per second. (Sunday Times)

Adam was filmed being sexually abused by his 'adoptive parents' and at least eight other child abusers in Australia, France, Germany and the United States.

Adam was 'adopted' by American Mark J Newton who lived in Brisbane and Cairns with his Australian boyfriend, Peter Truong.

In August 2011, a friend of Newton and Truong was arrested.

In October 2011, Adam was placed into care, in California.

Newton and Truong  were arrested in February 2012.


Paul A. Bonacci said that, as a child, he was kidnapped, tortured and subjected to sex abuse and mind control.

In 1999, in a court in Omaha, he won $1,000,000 in damages. 

(Mind Control Victim Awarded $1 Million)

Bonacci in his testimony referred to the involvement of top members of the US military and top politicians in child abuse.

The Washington Times reported that Paul Bonacci had access to the White House living quarters.



STELLA: Boy A came to see Michael Jackson…

The parents were in the room smoking pot with a five-month-old baby. 

At the time, Michael was crazy about Boy A and his little brother.

PHILIP: Michael likes them young. 

Boy A was getting too old. 

The first time when Michael saw Boy A in the movie, XXXX XXXX, he told Boy A he wanted to meet him.

Philip and Stella worked at Neverland in California, for nine months and were the only live-in staff.

They were interviewed by a private detective working for Hollywood sleuth Anthony Pellicano.

The Sunday People reports that, according to FBI files, Michael Jackson paid out £23 million to buy the silence of at least two dozen young boys he abused over 15 years.

The files, containing thousands of pages, were not shown to prosecutors in the trial in 2005, when Jackson was cleared of molesting a boy.

This might suggest that 'Jackson' was an asset of the security services.

The fuzzy haired, broad nosed, dark skinned Jackson is believed to have had a double. It may be the 'double' that was involved with abuse at Neverland. Neverland may have links to the security services.

The FBI files (private investigators’ reports, phone transcripts and hours of audio tapes) describe how Jackson "was once caught by a member of his household staff groping a world-famous child star, watching porn films while molesting another boy and fondling the genitals of a third in his private cinema."

Blackmailed and brainwashed?

The files contain evidence collected by Anthony Pellicano, 'private eye to the stars'.

Allegedly, Jackson hired  Anthony Pellicano to document the evidence of abuse.

Allegedly, Pellicano's job was to make sure the boys kept quiet.

Reportedly, when Pellicano was investigated in 2002 for bugging Hollywood stars, the FBI seized all his files.

Yuri Geller and Michael Jackson. 

Was Michael Jackson a victim of CIA-Mossad mind control?



Michael Jackson appears to have been 'used' by Israel.

Sharon, Jackson, Geller.

Michael Jackson, like Jimmy Savile, had access to the Israeli prime minister.

Mossad and its friends allegedly used the pedophile rings linked to Jimmy Savile to control politicians.

Was Neverland used by Mossad and its friends?

Dangerous Album

Apparently, Michael Jackson was in the hands of people who knew all about freemasonry, satanism and mind-control.

"On the cover of the ... 'Dangerous' Album, the freemasonic symbol of the one eye can be found as well as a picture of a bald headed man well known to the Occult (Satanists) as Alistair Crowley."

(Brainwashing for the CIA)

Alistair Crowley was a freemason who became a Satanist. 

(Brainwashing for the CIA)

Crowley worked for the security services. 


Terror is used to achieve mind control. (Cached )

Michael Jackson has described the terrifying behaviour of his father, Joe.

One night while Michael slept, Joe Jackson decided to climb into Michael's bedroom via the window.

Joe was wearing a frightening mask, and he started screaming and shouting.

This gave Michael nightmares.

('My father beat me up. He was very strict, very hard..just a look would terrify me')

Allegedly, Michael Jackson's father allowed Michael to be 'used' by older men.


Reportedly, the CIA likes to use boys and girls for the purposes of sexual blackmail.

"At night, women lured men to the hideaways and fed them LSD or marijuana, while other men watched the action through two-way mirrors and tape-recorded the sounds.

"Scenes from seamy bordellos? Havens for desperate voyeurs? No, these were taxpayer-financed operations of the CIA." 

(Mind-Bending Disclosures - TIME )

The key people at the CIA are said to promote satanism and are reported to have used rock and pop music to spread their brainwashing. 

Michael Jackson in an Israeli magazine. Note the fuzzy hair, broad nose and dark skin?

"Jimmy Page's fascination with Aleister Crowley is well-known.

"He purchased Crowley's mansion and they lived and produced a few records there, including the fourth album with no name, just occult-looking symbols on it.

"I remember as a teenager playing Zep records backwards to listen to the backwards masking...

"'Oh, here's to my sweet Satan. The one whose little path would make me sad, whose power is Satan. He'll give those with him 666. There was a little tool shed where he made us suffer, sad Satan.'"

(Pink Floyd... NWO, MKULTRA, CIA, occultists?, page 1)


Paul A. Bonacci said that, as a child, he was kidnapped, tortured and subjected to sex abuse and mind control.

In 1999, in a court in Omaha, he won $1,000,000 in damages. (Mind Control Victim Awarded $1 Million)

Bonacci in his testimony referred to the involvement of topmembers of the US military and top politicians in child abuse.

The Washington Times reported that Paul Bonacci had access to the White House living quarters.


Col. Michael Aquino is one of those frequently mentioned in cases relating to child abuse and mind-control. 

(Michael Aquino, child sex abuse and the United States.)

The Pentagon's Project Monarch is about mind control. 

(Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)

It is supected that Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan-Sirhan, Charlie Manson, John Hinckley Jr., Mark Chapman, David Koresh, Tim McVeigh and John Salvi may have been mind-control victims. 

Michael Jackson. Note the straight hair, white skin and narrow nose?

And Michael Jackson?

When Elvis joined the US army it was being used as a test ground for the MKULTRA project.

MKULTRA involved drug related experiments to modify human behaviour for the purpose of subliminal control.

In 1970, Elvis visited President Nixon.

Reportedly, Elvis told Nixon: "I've done an in-depth study of drug abuse and Communist brainwashing techniques."

Reportedly, Elvis believed 'the mind control techniquesand his singing abilities could be used to help reshape the patriotic and moral fibre of America's youth.'

- CNN.com - Elvis meets Nixon: a White House memory - August 16, 2002 / YOUR NEW REALITY

Egypt, after the Mossad-run Arab Spring.

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