Spartacus was first published by John Stamford in 1970. In 1995, Stamford died mysteriously in prison in Belgium, aged 56, just before he was due to stand trial on child sex charges.
The travel guide called Spartacus listed boy brothels around the world.
Some of these brothels have been visited by top people from the USA and Europe.
One of these boy brothels in Thailand was run by a 'spooky' American who was a Vietnam-war veteran.
One of these brothels in Haiti was allegedly visited by a UK government minister responsible for the security service MI5.

One of these boy brothels was in Richmond, a spooky part of London haunted by spooky American evangelical Christians.
The security services use some of these brothels to help blackmail and control top people.
It should be noted that the Marc Dutroux network, involving kidnapped young girls, stretched into very many countries.
Dutroux case: there were other dungeons

Former priest, John Stamford, publisher of Spartacus.
Among the places listed by Spartacus was the Elm Guest House, a boy brothel in London, favoured by the elite.
Peter Glencross, the commercial manager of Spartacus, reportedly helped turn the Elm Guest House into a boy brothel.
Peter Glencross, the commercial manager of Spartacus, reportedly helped turn the Elm Guest House into a boy brothel.

Peter Glencross
Allegedly, 'a Mr John Rowe, allegedly of the UK security service MI5,' also helped turn Elm Guest House into a boy brothel.
"Rowe and Glencross ... wanted to extend the model countrywide.
"They wanted ... dozens of guest houses around the country, in places where the care system was already infiltrated by their associates."
Bishop Brightly | The Elm Guest House Money Men / Bishop Brightly | Elm Guest House

Elm Guest House, in London.
"Spartacus would do the publicity and send the child abusers to their doors while (Michael Stuart Rowe's company called) RAWRO Investments Ltd franchised the 'facilities' – saunas, video equipment and sadomasochistic items...
"But their plans extended beyond the UK borders.
Reportedly, the 'Dutch venture' would allow Spartacus to organise, through Russell Tricker's company Toff’s Travel, the trafficing of children and transport of punters to various venues in various countries.
Bishop Brightly | The Elm Guest House Money Men / Bishop Brightly | Elm Guest House

Reportedly, a government minister, who was at one time the minister responsible for MI5, was a visitor to the Elm Guest House.
Bishop Brightly | The Elm Guest House Money Men / Bishop Brightly | Elm Guest House

Reportedly, a government minister, who was at one time the minister responsible for MI5, was a visitor to the Elm Guest House.
Spartacus was exposed by The Sunday Times in 1986, when undercover reporters were offered two boys in Manila, aged 8 and 14.
Elm guest house scandal: Coded advert that gave signal to perverts / Spartacus | theneedleblog
Elm guest house scandal: Coded advert that gave signal to perverts / Spartacus | theneedleblog
The Dutroux trial in Belgium - part of a vast cover-up.
The Marc Dutroux child-kidnapping network was reportedly protected by top people in the police and government in more than one country
Dutroux case: there were other dungeons
Dutroux apparently had 'dungeons' in various countries.
Children were raped by politicians, diplomats, celebrities, judges... in brothels such as the one above.
Phone records (Dutroux case:) reportedly show that calls to one particular Brussels brothel, which involved children, came from:
- The Embassy of the UNITED STATES
- The Ministry of DEFENCE
- The Ministry of INTERIOR
- Parliament of the EUROPEAN UNION
- Gendarmerie BRUSSELS 1000
- Police BRUSSELS 1000

The U.S. ambassador to Belgium, Howard Gutman, who reportedly solicited sexual favours in a Brussels park. Gutmen is pictured with his wife Michelle Loewinger. nydailynews.
Phone records (Dutroux case:) suggest that calls to one particular brothel in Brussels came from:
Phone records (Dutroux case:) suggest that calls to one particular brothel in Brussels came from:
- Companies (RTBF, SNCB ...)
- Federation of Catholic Scouts (FSC)
- Protection of children and youth in Flanders.
- IMP Prince of Orange.
Michel Nihoul, who was briefly jailed for his part in the Dutroux Affair.
Marc Toussaint wrote :
"Tino was placed in children's homes when he was nine years old...
"He says the director of the these homes took him to orgies in large secluded villas where he was, with other children, sexually abused.
"He says he witnessed ... acts of mutilation and torture of children, and witnessed the killing of some of the victims. "
The people involved in the satanic ritual abuse of children are said, by witnesses, to include bankers, politicians, diplomats, royalty...
A good summary of the Dutroux case here.
(Franklin , The Finders , McMartin preschool ,Johnny Gosch , David Shurter).
Toos Nijenhuis says she was ritually raped and tortured from 4 years of age by her parents, by her family doctor, and by the minister of the local church.

Sprengenberg Castle
She says she was was prostituted around the world for rituals and orgies.
She refers to a prince, a cardinal, a rabbi, Masons, Sprengenberg castle, Australia, Bavaria, Wales, Scotland, Saudi Arabia...
Nijenhuis Toos points to a place where child sacrifice allegedly took place.
In London, a boy who stayed at Grafton Close children's home was sent to Elm Guest House and then to Amsterdam as a child sex slave.
Many children ended up in Amsterdam.
Paedophile connections

Amsterdam means child snuff videos, Warwick Spinks, Derek Brown, Mark Enfield, René Osterwalder....
Derek Brown reportedly spoke about a snuff movie made about 14year old Jason Swift in 1985.
Jason Swift was from a children's home in London's Islington.
René Osterwalder, a Swiss Doctor, reportedly wanted Romanian children to kill in snuff movies.
"Spinks was at the crossroads of several networks, including Zandvoort, through its contacts with Norbert de Rijke and Lothar Glandorf."
Rowe, from the Elm Guest house, went to Holland on frequent trips.
The boys were all from South America.
Hubert Védrine, the spokesman for the French president, lived with Glencross.
In 1990, the police discovered a vast store of child porn at Glencross's home.
Reportedly, some of these pedophiles are linked to the CIA's Operation Gladio.
French shocked
Reportedly, some of these pedophiles are linked to the CIA's Operation Gladio.
French shocked

Elm Guest House's alleged visitor list allegedly includes:
Sir Stuart Bell MP, who died in 2012.
"The father of a boy who had been violated, unsuccessfully sought to have Bell investigated. The father found his son unconscious.
"An innocent man was tried and convicted , but the boys father believed the criminal was Stuart Bell."
In the Cleveland child abuse scandal Bell "made unsubstantiated accusations of 'clinical error' against local pediatricians and child sexual abuse specialists. The paediatricians, Dr. Marietta Higgs and Dr. Geoffrey Wyatt, were later absolved and their forensic clinical work validated at a committee of inquiry."
Sir Anthony Blunt, MI5
He died in 1983 around the time of a police raid on Elm Guest House.
Sir ##### ######### Conservative MP and member of the Monday Club with possible links to the security service MI6.

Savile and friends. www.chrisspivey.co.uk
Ronald Brown, Labour MP died in 2002.
Sir ##### ###### Conservative MP and former cabinet minister.
Lord #### #######, former top cabinet minister
"Throughout his career, he was accused of pedophilia, specifically by victims taken from the 80 Welsh Children's Homes.
"Apparently, the police went to his home after finding a half naked boy in the street who told them he had been raped by ####### and his friends who had brought him to his house."

Professor ##### ########
Chris Denning of the BBC, who has been in prison for child abuse.
Sir Charles Irving, Conservative MP and member of the right-wing Monday Club.
#### ##### of the police Special Branch
Colin Jordan, fascist neo-Nazi politician.
# ######, Buckingham Palace
Sheila #######
Woman Police Constable Elizabeth ########
A former Director of Social Services in Richmond
##### ######, Queens Council
A former Director of Education in Richmond

The typical right-wing conservative.
Harvey Proctor MP, member of the Monday Club.
It was reported that Proctor had spanked boy prostitutes in his London flat.
He became private secretary to the Duke of Rutland, whose Belvoir Castle is hired out for private parties. Catherine Zeta-Jones filmed The Haunting there.
##### #######, world famous Pop Star, known by the nickname of "Kitty", and said to be linked to the Kray Twins.
Sir Jimmy Savile, alleged Satanist murderer and friend of many of the top people, including those in Israel.
Police Constable ####### #######
Sir Cyril Smith, former Liberal MP and alleged rapist of children.
A former head of Grafton Close Children's Home.
A former leader of the Greater London Council
Police Constable ##### #####
Many others.
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