The royal twins are named Dwayne and Stacey.
The full statement from the Palace:
Her Royal Highness was safely delivered of The father was present for the birth.
Her Royal Highness and her

Willem Marx
"Kate had the unfortunate let-me-just-hide-behind-the-rose-bush encounter with two of her exes, Henry Ropner and Willem Marx (they sound like Hollywood producers)."
Kate Middleton Meets With Ex Lovers

Henry Ropner
"Kate dated Ropner briefly in 2007 after a short split with Prince William... "
Kate Middleton Meets With Ex Lovers
Kate Middleton Meets With Ex Lovers

Henry Ropner
"Kate dated Ropner briefly in 2007 after a short split with Prince William... "
Kate Middleton Meets With Ex Lovers

Prince Harry
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