Thursday, July 11, 2013

NSFW November: Tiffany Taylor, Miss November 1998

Miss November 1998 was the lovely and talented Tiffany Taylor, who had already appeared in Playboy several times on tearsheet type pictorials.

Photographed by Richard Fegley
She totally looks like Liv Tyler in that shot, don’t you think? I think there is a strong similarity. Then again, it could just be a case of me seeing what I want to see.

Even at a young age I was fascinated by the women on swimsuit posters. I thought those women were the most beautiful women ever and I longed to look like them. This began my desire to be a model. (official site bio)

I was very shy as a child (a trait I still have today) and could barely order food for myself when I went out to dinner. Luckily my step mother helped me to break out of my shell a little bit and become more assertive. My childhood was happy and filled with love, family, and lots of pets.

Q : Unlike a lot of Playmates, you don’t want to be an actor. Why not?

A : I don’t like the Los Angeles party scene. I’ve seen too many people my age who look like they’re 30 because they do drugs and party all night. I’m a real homebody. I suffer withdrawal when I miss South Park.

(“Taylor Made,” Playboy, November 1998)
Oh, how terrible to look 30. I cannot imagine. Gross.


Ferrets, Coca-Cola, good loving, time to sit back and relax.

Driving fast, dining out, playing with my babies (my 7 ferrets). (Playboy data sheet)
I am totally on board with the driving fast and the preference of Coke over that nasty oversweetened malted battery acid the jokers call Pepsi, but ferrets? Hell to the no. J-Mys had some when she was engaged to Senor R way back in the day (just saw J-Mys this weekend for the first time since my wedding day, it was really good and she looked beautiful, blonder but still gorge) and those ferrets stank up the whole upstairs of their house. Grody to the max.

New York Comic-Con 2007
Ms. Taylor lives in Los Angeles now, despite her claim of disliking it. (Also, she is now 32.) But she does find time to travel back to the East Coast for special appearances. Here she is a couple years ago at the NYC Comic-Con with some lucky stormtroopers. Dude, I seriously love that picture so much. That’s one of the best I’ve seen of a playmate in present action yet.



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