Tia Sharpe, victim of large pedophile ring?
On 10 August 2012, 12-year-old girl Tia Sharp was found dead at a house in New Addington, in Greater London.
August 2006 - Police search the grounds of 107 Walton Green, in New Addington, in Greater London
In August 2006, it was reported that more than a dozen children may have been raped and abused at a house in New Addington in Greater London.
The house, 107 Walton Green, was occupied by convicted paedophile Leslie Ford-Thrussell.
Police "believe the property was the base for a child abuse ring for 40 years."
The Sun reported that Ford-Thrussell ran a paedophile ring from the semi-detached property with two other men, said to be Stephen Dedman and a man who cannot be named.
Police "believe the property was the base for a child abuse ring for 40 years."
The Sun reported that Ford-Thrussell ran a paedophile ring from the semi-detached property with two other men, said to be Stephen Dedman and a man who cannot be named.
Stacey Dedman, 19, revealed four years of abuse in the house; Stacey was seven when the abuse first started.

Tia Sharpe - has there been a cover-up by the police?
On 3 August 2012, 12-year-old girl Tia Sharp was reported missing from the home of her grandmother in New Addington, in Greater London.
According to the police, Tia was murdered on 2 August 2012.
Paul Meehan, 40, told the police that he saw Tia leaving her grandmother's home on 3 August, after she was supposed to have been murdered.

On 10 August, 'the Police discovered Tia's dead body in the loft of the grandmother's house, after they had searched the loft for the fourth time.'[4][12]

Stuart Hazel
The police arrested Stuart Hazell, a former boyfriend of Tia's mother.
In May 2013, Hazell changed his plea from not guilty to guilty and he was sent to jail.
Paul Meehan has been charged with wasting police time.
Meehan backed up Hazell's claim that Tia had gone missing after leaving to meet friends.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.
"Witnesses had reported seeing a white van in the area bothering children the day before the disappearance, and earlier in the week, the police had conducted a search of a local wood 400 yards away from the house known as Birchwood."
News Spike: "Did I do anything to Tia? No, I bloody didn't."

"Tia Sharp was ritually murdered on or about the 8th August 2012, the final night of Lammas."
News Spike: "Did I do anything to Tia? No, I bloody didn't."
According to the police, Tia was murdered on 2 August 2012.
Paul Meehan, 40, told the police that he saw Tia leaving her grandmother's home on 3 August, after she was supposed to have been murdered.

The loft

Stuart Hazel
The police arrested Stuart Hazell, a former boyfriend of Tia's mother.
In May 2013, Hazell changed his plea from not guilty to guilty and he was sent to jail.
Paul Meehan has been charged with wasting police time.
Meehan backed up Hazell's claim that Tia had gone missing after leaving to meet friends.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.
"Witnesses had reported seeing a white van in the area bothering children the day before the disappearance, and earlier in the week, the police had conducted a search of a local wood 400 yards away from the house known as Birchwood."
News Spike: "Did I do anything to Tia? No, I bloody didn't."

Savile and the police. Website for this image
"Tia Sharp was ritually murdered on or about the 8th August 2012, the final night of Lammas."
News Spike: "Did I do anything to Tia? No, I bloody didn't."
Sandra Barr: The Stuart Hazell Set Up
Paul Coker said...
"I ran up to the Old Bailey the moment I heard that Hazell was switching his plea to guilty on Day 6 of the trial (Monday morning).
"The were just about to begin giving the forensics evidence, which would have exonerated him.
"Hazell is accused of committing a mad impulsive child sex murder, but Tia had not been sexually assaulted and his DNA was nowhere on (or in) her body.
"He loved that little girl. And she loved him even more...
"Tia died in an ancient woodland owned by the Corporation of London (The Guildhall) on the 10th Anniversary of the Double Event at Soham (those girls also died at midnight in ancient woodland.)"
News Spike: Birchwood: The Place Where Tia Sharp Died

August 2006 - Police search the grounds of 107 Walton Green, in New Addington, in Greater London
On 18 August 2006, the police released a statement reading: "We carried out a search and are satisfied there are no human remains there."
The police abandoned the search

August 2006 - Police search the grounds of 107 Walton Green, in New Addington, in Greater London
The police abandoned the search

"On 29 July 2013, the FBI announced that it had arrested 150 people suspected of child sex trafficking.
"Unfortunately, those arrested appear to be low-level operators - not the well-connected kingpins who pander children to the wealthiest and most powerful Americans.
"Elite pedophile networks connected to elements of the CIA, including the “Finders of Lost Children” and the Franklin Scandal group, have operated shamelessly and without fear of prosecution for decades."
FBI child-pimp raid ignores pedophile elite
The FINDERS: wide angle versus a microscope
"Unfortunately, those arrested appear to be low-level operators - not the well-connected kingpins who pander children to the wealthiest and most powerful Americans.
"Elite pedophile networks connected to elements of the CIA, including the “Finders of Lost Children” and the Franklin Scandal group, have operated shamelessly and without fear of prosecution for decades."
FBI child-pimp raid ignores pedophile elite
The FINDERS: wide angle versus a microscope
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