Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Masons and Royal Marines at Sir Jimmy Savile's funeral.

In the UK, the police have received FOUR complaints that Sir Jimmy Savile sexually abused children while visiting the elite Royal Marines Commando Training Centre at Lympstone, near Exeter.

Savile was a regular visitor to the base over 40 years and was awarded an honorary Commando Green Beret.

Masons and Royal Marines at Sir Jimmy Savile's funeral.

Seven Royal Marines acted as pall bearers at Savile's funeral in November 2011

Masons and Royal Marines at Sir Jimmy Savile's funeral.

The first record linking Savile to a child sexual abuse investigation is dated 1964 - but police officers failed to act.

UK cabinet minister Sir Norman Fowler and Sir Jimmy Savile at a UK government presentation in 1982

Ex-civil service mandarin Sir Kenneth Stowe was an aide to cabinet minister Sir Norman Fowler.

He says that in 1982, "There were mutterings and chuntering about the type of man Savile really was...

"It was known he was an immoral man and not a nice man.

"He travelled all over the country and young girls would flock to him. It was known he would take advantage of them."

Rumours about Savile in 1982'

St Francis Boys Home in Shefford, Bedfordshire.

Sir Jimmy Savile often visited the St Francis Boys Home in Shefford, in Bedfordshire.

Damian Chittock, who won damages from the church concerning child abuse, has complained about missing police files.

SHEFFORD BOYS HOME: Mystery of the missing police files and ...-17 Jul 2013

Former residents of St Francis Boys Home in Shefford, which was run by the Catholic Church, claim they were both physically and sexually assaulted at the home

Boys who ran away from the home were taken back by police officers, and subsequently received even greater punishment and abuse.

Damian Chittock says: "It seems to me incredible that two files concerning very damning allegations can go missing. I worry about how seriously the police are taking these matters, which have blighted people's lives for decades.”

Top barrister (lawyer) Barbara Hewson

On Channel 4 News, on 8 July 2013, lawyer Barbara Hewson laughed as she remarked that TV presenter Sir Jimmy Savile was alleged to have subjected a victim to satanic ritual abuse.

Jimmy Savile satanic abuse claims as unlikely as 'alien abduction ...

When asked if she found it funny, she said: "I do. Satanic ritual abuse doesn’t exist, it’s like alien abduction."

Satanic ritual abuse?

"There were death parties out in Jersey and various other places too.

"I would be in the van as he moved kids about, bodies too 'oh no no no don't you look at that' wrapped body shaped bundles in the back..."


A message scrawled by a child victim.

Children were tortured and murdered at the Haut de la Garenne Children's home on Jersey, which was regularly visited by Savile.

Police discover more bones inside chamber of horrors at Jersey ...



Kate Middleton's uncle, Gary GOLDSMITH

"While Kate Middleton, 25, was said to be sobbing at her family home, William, 24, went to the Mahiki nightclub in Mayfair where he is said to have shouted: 'I'm freeeee," before performing a celebratory dance and then declaring: "I'm really happy. Everything is fine. Let's drink the menu...

"Not to be outdone, Miss Middleton chose the same venue - but six days later - for her own celebration of her new life as a single girl about town."

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