Crispin Blunt, who may represent the views of the non-Zionists in the security services, says: "I haven’t seen any evidence that suggests whether or not the regime was responsible for this and identifying who in the regime (gave the order).
"The UN weapons inspectors will establish that there was a chemical attack, they’re not going to be able to establish who carried it out."
MilibandConservative MP Sir Roger Gale says he remains to be convinced that "any intervention now will be other than too little, too
late and ineffective".
He says he is "gravely concerned" about the implications of an attack on Syria, and "any such response must be based first upon legality..."
Sir Roger says Iraq "has left with me deep cynicism about the veracity of 'military intelligence' that may or may not have been adjusted to suit a particular political purpose."
Conservative MP Adam Afriyie says: "The British public have absolutely no appetite for being unnecessarily dragged into yet another Middle Eastern conflict.
"They just don’t want us to get involved. I am with them."
Former security minister Baroness Neville-Jones says the Government has to be ‘cautious’ about the evidence it is considering, and publish
legal advice on military intervention.
Farage.Ukip leader Nigel Farage opposes the "rush for military action".
He says: "Sending cruise missiles into Syria as a punishment for possibly using chemical weapons – how does that make anything better?."
Norman Tebbit
Lord Tebbit, a former senior UK Conservative cabinet minister, writes:
"It was not the Assad government which declared war on the Syrian people.
"Over the years the Assads ... respected minorities, not least the Christians...
"It would be a tragedy to use force to ... incur casualties without a clear understanding of how that would ... work towards a peaceful settlement.
"What is certain is that any such intervention by America and Britain will worsen relations with Russia and increase hostility towards the West in the region, with incalculable risks to our interests in that region."
I'm not yet persuaded 
Samantha Cameron, wearing 'an MI6 T-shirt', asks some Syrians if they have heard of the Yinon Plan - which involves destroying Moslem countries in order to create a Greater Israel.
Comments from the public on MailOnline include:Thank goodness for some sanity over this. The UK taxpayer is not the worlds policeman. We are being bulldozed and snowballed into this for Cameron's private agenda. Stay out of it. Either way
the Tories aren't getting my vote again in this lifetime and anyone else I can persuade-
ron , Cumbria, 29/8/2013 02:42
I am continually stunned that we have learned nothing from Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and all these other so called "peace keeping" wars.
crosis , Auckland, New Zealand, 29/8/2013 02:39
Remember Iraq; didn't they have chemical weapons? Oh no that's right it was just a load of old pipes. We don't know who was responsible for this chemical attack. What's the plan Mr Cameron? Are we just going to tomahawk everyone that MIGHT be involved, with what little military forces we have left after your massive military cuts.
Cameron needs a new job...maybe stacking shelves somewhere.-
pazzz , Somewhere, 29/8/2013 02:38
Thank god for common sense
BelalK , Dundee, United Kingdom, 29/8/2013 02:29
The King David Hotel, blown up by Jewish terrorists.The two most bankrupt nations on the planet want to start another war . Do you smell a rat yet , or will you just let history keep repeating itself because you are not personally inconvenienced. This stuff matters folks . We can make a better world if we just think for ourselves .
Lord Vader , The Death Star, 29/8/2013 02:23
Why support the rebels, many of which HATE the West and are killing Christians all over the muslim world. If we need to intervene then help the minority coptic christians from these sick vile people.
Bruce Jackson , London, 29/8/2013 02:17
The American Navy sailed through Gibraltar at the beginning of the month, how did they know there was going to be a chemical attack at the end of the month, crystal ball or something. Don't think so!-
Steve-UKIP Member , Auckland_, 29/8/2013 02:04
No attack can be justified and no doubt there will be collateral damage, with the possibility of more innocent people, including children getting killed, by our missiles... No need for us to get involved at all, especially after the previous disasters in Afghanistan and Iraq .-
Paul Grimaldi , Epsom, United Kingdom, 29/8/2013 01:57
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