Mysterious agents provocateurs shoot at police in Cairo
On 16 August 2013 in Cairo:
"As pro-Morsi protesters marched to Ramses Square ... heavy gunfire rang out when residents tried to prevent the marchers from gathering.
"Masked men in plain clothes were photographed shooting into the throng in the square from the October 6th overpass...
"The security forces claim the Brotherhood burned the Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque, the makeshift hospital located there and the bodies therein.
Masked men seen shooting protesters - Irish Times
Muslim Brotherhood Played With Fire And Got Burned (Video Of Their Weapons Stockpile) Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator
"Masked men in plain clothes were photographed shooting into the throng in the square from the October 6th overpass...
"The security forces claim the Brotherhood burned the Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque, the makeshift hospital located there and the bodies therein.
Masked men seen shooting protesters - Irish Times
Muslim Brotherhood Played With Fire And Got Burned (Video Of Their Weapons Stockpile) Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator
"The Muslim Brotherhood are also being blamed for orchestrating sectarian attacks on churches as well as assaults on police and public buildings across the country...
"A dozen Egyptian human rights organisations have ... accused the Brotherhood of seeking to start a 'civil war' by launching retaliatory attacks against public facilities, churches, Christian homes and businesses."
Masked men seen shooting protesters - Irish Times
"A dozen Egyptian human rights organisations have ... accused the Brotherhood of seeking to start a 'civil war' by launching retaliatory attacks against public facilities, churches, Christian homes and businesses."
Masked men seen shooting protesters - Irish Times

"The conflict is between Egyptians and a terrorist group that peddles religion and manipulates the piety of the uneducated, the poor and the gullible," writes Dr. Ashraf Ezzat in his article, "Ending the Muslim Brotherhood’s "Occupy Egypt" (The unreported story).
"Not only are Egypt’s Christians and churches now being attacked in ways unprecedented in the modern era, but new reports indicate that al-Qaeda’s black flag has been raised on some of them, specifically St. George Church in Sohag."
Al Qaeda Flag Flies High Above Christian Churches

"Muslim Brotherhood supporters have used violence against Egyptian security forces and civilians, especially Egypt's Christian minority.
"There is video proof of them stockpiling weapons and firing at the police.
"Sadly, the MB protesters are being misled by their deceptive leaders, and thrown into the fire."
"There is video proof of them stockpiling weapons and firing at the police.
"Sadly, the MB protesters are being misled by their deceptive leaders, and thrown into the fire."
Turkey's Erdoğan Talks Nonsense About Egypt, Plus Some Comments And A Video
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator

"In Susanne Brandstätter’s documentary ‘Checkmate: Strategy of a Revolution’ aired on Arte television station some years ago, Western intelligence officials revealed how death squads were used to destabilize Romania and turn its people against the head of state Nicolai Ceaucescu."
Unknown Snipers and Western backed “Regime Change” | Global ...
Security forces rescuing one of those scourged by Muslim Brotherhood supporters (from Dostor Watany).
"A Sky News Arabic correspondent in Cairo confirmed that protestors belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood crucified those opposing Egyptian President Muhammad Morsi naked on trees in front of the presidential palace."
August 2012 rampage, Muslim Brotherhood operatives
Egyptian Law Professor: U.S. Trying to Instigate Civil War, Chaos in Egypt [Source: MEMRI TV]
Video out of Syria shows Obama-backed militants executing two teenage boys whom they accused of supporting the Assad regime
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