pepe.escobar.77377/posts/10151840247251678 / via brian
"Khalil Harb, of Lebanese paper As-Safir, confirmed a few minutes ago to my great friend Claudio Gallo an article published in Arabic two days ago, quoting a Russian source.
"According to the source, Russia's ambassador in the UN Security Council, Vitaly Churkin, presented conclusive evidence - based on documents and Russian satellite images - of two rockets carrying toxic chemicals, fired from Douma, controlled by the Syrian "rebels", and landing on East Ghouta.
"Hundreds of 'rebels', as well as civilians - including those children on the cover of Western corporate media papers - were killed.
"The evidence, says the Russian source, is conclusive.
"This is what Lavrov himself was hinting at yesterday.
"And that's the reason there's no UN Security Council resolution against Syria, and why Washington does not want the inspectors to find anything."

Anonymous comments:
You know how hubris eventually encounters nemesis? Well it would stand to reason that a people given to believing that they can convince the punters of anything and get away with it would eventually tell a lie so poorly concocted and so badly delivered that they'd give themselves away.
Think about 911, or better still the WMD's-in-Iraq bullshit. At the time not so many realised it was fake and the audience for those who wrote about it was very small. Besides which, the timeframe between WMD lies and WMD truth was very long. Time is very useful for confusion and forgetting.
But things are really different now.
Now everything is in real time and the audience who know it's all bullshit is, what? ...thousands of times larger? And those umpty-umpt thousands all tell their friends and relatives that it's all bullshit. In real time. Before the shooting has even started. Not forgetting that their sheeple friends are no longer coming at this cold and can plug these real-time stories into what they know of Iraq and the WMD's that weren't.
And with this doubt in their head they see on the telly that the inspectors are tasked only with finding out if it was gas or not, and are not tasked with finding out who did it. How does that make any sense at all, even to mug punters? And add to this the insane rush to launch as soon as possible. No proof, no UN, no legal justification, no nothing. Even the most clueless would find this a head-shaker.
I think the death cult have overreached themselves here.
And having done so have created a proper wake-up moment for the otherwise clueless masses.
I also think a lot of journos who were capable of looking the other way for Iraq, say, will find it hard to escape the obvious conclusion that this was a false-flag and that we were responsible for it.
We'll see what happens but it's possible they won't be getting away with this one.
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