"A 35-year-old woman has been charged with 20 counts of rape and sodomy after she allegedly had an eight-month sexual relationship with an 11-year-old boy, it emerged today.
"The boy, now 12, confessed to his mother he had been sexually active with Hopkins for the last eight months.
Family friend, 35, 'who had an eight-month sexual ...
B.C. woman faces child sex charges in U.S. - British Columbia - CBC ...

Woman sentenced in child sex abuse case | The Spectrum ...

More than 10 percent of the respondents said they’d been sexually abused by staff and 92 percent said their abuser was female.
Twenty-one percent said staff gave them drugs or alcohol in exchange for sex.
ProPublica. (link from Sophia Scholar)

Peggy McMartin
"As is clear in Dave McGowan's Pedophocracy:
"Every single one of the six cases he looked into involved women as child abusers.
"In no small numbers either.
"In the most famous case, the McMartin scandal, all but one of the seven teachers involved were women.
"And sure, in each of these cases the media concentrated on the men and pretty much left the women out of the picture...

Hollida Wakefield.
"Ralph Underwager's wife, Hollida Wakefield, who co-founded the False Memory Syndrome Foundation with him, was accused of paedophilia by their daughter as he was."

Lilith (right)
"The children involved in the Presidio scandal identified 'Mikey and Shamby' ( reportedly Michael Aquino and his wife, Lilith) as a couple?
"Do we dismiss her? "She's only a woman, she couldn't possibly be evil".

Myra Hindley.
"Has anyone seen the film Longford?
"It contains a scene wherein Ian Brady urges Longford to 'just listen to the tape', this being the recording of Myra Hindley torturing the children...

"Just like any other belief-based control system (aka religion) satanism has as many women as men in its total pool and quite possibly more, proportionately, in its positions of power (what with most other religions having all male priesthoods)..."
(The above contributed by Anonymous)

Magdalena Luczak
1 August 2013.
Magdalena Luczak, 27, imprisoned Daniel, 4, in a locked box room, force-fed him salt and held him underwater in a bath until he was unconscious.

"Police, social services, school staff and NHS workers missed countless opportunities to intervene and yet not one professional has faced disciplinary action,"
Boy, 4, starved and beaten to death by his mother

Kanealeen Latouche
August 1, 2013 - CHESAPEAKE.
"Accusations against a Greenbrier woman that she sexually abused and produced child pornography using children ages 2 and 3, are not unheard of, state and national experts said.
"'There are people out there sexually abusing infants,' said John Shehan, an executive director with the National Center for Exploited and Missing Children in Alexandria.
"Kanealeen Latouche, 22, was arraigned on 30 felony charges.
"They include eight counts of production of child pornography, five counts of aggravated sexual battery and two counts of sodomy, court records show...
"Johnny Hall, a special agent for the Virginia State Police, sees his share of cases involving women."
Experts: Woman's toddler sex-abuse case not unique

Wednesday, 31 Jul 2013, YORKSHIRE, N.Y.
Woman accused of sexually abusing child

Lisa Espe
"An Austin woman is facing felony charges accused of performing oral sex on a young boy.
34-year-old Lisa Espe is charged in Mower County Court with first and second-degree criminal sexual conduct, both felonies."
Woman Accused of Child Sex Abuse

Vanessa George, Angela Allen, Tracy Lyons and Tracy Dawber were members of a pedophile ring.
2009 Plymouth child abuse case

"Sharon, an only child, was sexually abused by her mother.
"This was sustained sexual violence..."

According to the National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect there are more incidents of abuse of children (including both physical abuse and neglect) perpetrated by women than by men.
This may be because young children have more contact with women than with men.
THE LIZ LIBRARY: LIZNOTES Child Abuse Statistics Male versus ...

Mary Kay Fualaau (above) is an American schoolteacher who had sexual intercourse with her 13-year-old student.
In a 2002 survey by the Department of Health and Human Services:

Anonymous writes:

"The wife of an RCMP officer charged with sexual assault an other offences in a child abuse investigation in Ottawa was released on bail Monday and placed on house arrest.
"The allegations came to light in February when an 11-year-old child was found wandering in a neighbourhood, according to a police official who spoke on condition of anonymity.
"It’s believed handcuffs were used to keep the child shackled for months in a basement of a house, the source said...
"While police have said there is more than one victim, they have not told media how many there are."
Wife of Mountie charged in child sex assault, confinement gets bail ...
If we look at a 'list of those who reportedly visited the Elm Guest House boy brothel' we find the names of:
Sheila #######
Woman Police Constable Elizabeth ########

"By some estimates, 80,000 North American and European women travel to Jamaica for sex every year."
(Womens Sex Tourism)
Woman Accused of Child Sex Abuse

Vanessa George, Angela Allen, Tracy Lyons and Tracy Dawber were members of a pedophile ring.
2009 Plymouth child abuse case

Bill Jenkins

Photo of a child: GETTY IMAGES
"This was sustained sexual violence..."

"I spoke to a number of adults - men and women - who as children endured horrific sexual abuse at the hands of their mothers, aunts, grandmothers and female carers...
"One man, now 60 years old, recalls:
"My mother had been physically and sexually abusing me for as long as I can remember.
"The abuse was horrific, including beatings and sadomasochistic sex."
"My mother had been physically and sexually abusing me for as long as I can remember.
"The abuse was horrific, including beatings and sadomasochistic sex."
Female sexual abuse: The untold story of society's last taboo

Elizabeth Báthory who tortured and killed many hundreds of girls.
"Another female victim recalls how she had been sexually abused by her female babysitter between the ages of six and 10.
"She explains: 'I actually thought all babysitters did that to kids until we got another babysitter.
Elizabeth Báthory who tortured and killed many hundreds of girls.
"Another female victim recalls how she had been sexually abused by her female babysitter between the ages of six and 10.
"She explains: 'I actually thought all babysitters did that to kids until we got another babysitter.
"When I tried to get her to have oral sex with me she told my mother and I got into trouble.'"
Female sexual abuse: The untold story of society's last taboo
Female sexual abuse: The untold story of society's last taboo

THE LIZ LIBRARY: LIZNOTES Child Abuse Statistics Male versus ...

In the case of reported child abuse in the USA:
45.2% of the perpetrators were male
53.6% were female.
Safe Horizon :: Child Abuse: Statistics
45.2% of the perpetrators were male
53.6% were female.
Safe Horizon :: Child Abuse: Statistics

Mary Kay Fualaau (above) is an American schoolteacher who had sexual intercourse with her 13-year-old student.
40.3% of child victims were maltreated by their mothers acting alone.
19.1% were maltreated by their fathers alone.
18% were abused by both their mothers and fathers.
Victims abused by a non-parental perpetrator accounted for 13% of the total.

"The vast majority of child physical and sexual abuse is committed in single-parent homes, homes usually where the father is not present.
"Contrary to public perception, research shows that the most likely physical abuser of a young child will be that child’s mother, not a male in the household."

In the case of one UK charity:
The number of children reporting sexual abuse by women more than doubled over the years 2004 - 2009.
"New figures show a 132 per cent rise in complaints of female sexual assaults to the helpline service in this period, compared with a 27 per cent increase in reports of abuse by men...

"The disturbing statistics follow the recent high-profile case of nursery worker Vanessa George, who was a member of an internet paedophile ring along with another woman.
"Research for the helpline found that boys were more likely to say they had been abused by a woman (1,722 cases) than by a man (1,651)."
Sharp rise reported in child abuse by women
19.1% were maltreated by their fathers alone.
18% were abused by both their mothers and fathers.
Victims abused by a non-parental perpetrator accounted for 13% of the total.

Lucinda Rodriguez Caldwell, a married mother of two, was caught having sex with a 12-year-old boy. Lucinda
"Contrary to public perception, research shows that the most likely physical abuser of a young child will be that child’s mother, not a male in the household."

Teacher Pamela Turner (above) had sex with a 13-year-old student. Deb Lafave reportedly had sex with a 14-year-old student. Mary Kay Letourneau married and had two children with the boy she 'raped' when he was 13. They are still together. Website.
The number of children reporting sexual abuse by women more than doubled over the years 2004 - 2009.
"New figures show a 132 per cent rise in complaints of female sexual assaults to the helpline service in this period, compared with a 27 per cent increase in reports of abuse by men...

"The disturbing statistics follow the recent high-profile case of nursery worker Vanessa George, who was a member of an internet paedophile ring along with another woman.
"Research for the helpline found that boys were more likely to say they had been abused by a woman (1,722 cases) than by a man (1,651)."
Sharp rise reported in child abuse by women

Teacher Debra Lafave was given probation after having sex with a 14-year-old boy. Alissa Nutting went to school with Lafave
Anonymous writes:
"Thankyou for covering this Aangirfan.
"I was sexually abused by a woman I did not know as a young child, and was too young to understand the implications.
"I never told anyone until my early twenties.
"I later had a sexual relationship with a female high school teacher in my mid teens (which was kinda fun and educational if im to be honest!)... but it does have lasting emotional effects on the way you view sex and relationships as an adult.
"Female abuse is not something that's often covered within the media, or reported much, but I believe its as common as it is amongst men (maybe because women may feel its easier for them to get away with?)"

"The allegations came to light in February when an 11-year-old child was found wandering in a neighbourhood, according to a police official who spoke on condition of anonymity.
"It’s believed handcuffs were used to keep the child shackled for months in a basement of a house, the source said...
"While police have said there is more than one victim, they have not told media how many there are."
Wife of Mountie charged in child sex assault, confinement gets bail ...
If we look at a 'list of those who reportedly visited the Elm Guest House boy brothel' we find the names of:
Sheila #######
Woman Police Constable Elizabeth ########

Female sex tourism map.
In Tunisia we observed a number of middle-aged female tourists walking around with Tunisian boys in their mid teens.
In Jakarta there is a square where wealthy Indonesian women, of mature age, regularly pick up young teenage boys.
"The destinations for female sex tourism include Italy, Greece, Republic of Macedonia, Croatia, Turkey, Israel, Slovenia, Spain, Ukraine, Kherson, Crimea, Lebanon, Jamaica, Barbados, the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Dubai, Bali in Indonesia, Phuket in Thailand, Gambia, Kenya, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Fiji, Ecuador, Costa Rica.
In Tunisia we observed a number of middle-aged female tourists walking around with Tunisian boys in their mid teens.
In Jakarta there is a square where wealthy Indonesian women, of mature age, regularly pick up young teenage boys.
"The destinations for female sex tourism include Italy, Greece, Republic of Macedonia, Croatia, Turkey, Israel, Slovenia, Spain, Ukraine, Kherson, Crimea, Lebanon, Jamaica, Barbados, the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Dubai, Bali in Indonesia, Phuket in Thailand, Gambia, Kenya, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Fiji, Ecuador, Costa Rica.
"By some estimates, 80,000 North American and European women travel to Jamaica for sex every year."
(Womens Sex Tourism)

"The compensation offer to the Irish education department is by far the largest from 18 orders of Catholic priests, brothers and nuns found guilty of chronic child abuse...
"A nine-year state investigation ruled that all the orders permitted and covered up endemic rape, molestation, beatings and mental cruelty in their children's institutions."
Sisters of Mercy to compensate child

2. The Kollenberg orphanage in Sittard was run by German Carmelite nuns.
"Bedwetters were forced to stand absolutely still, wearing nothing but their dirty underwear over their head.
3. "At a sanatorium run by Franciscan nuns in Bunde, naughty children were put in a tub filled with ice cold water, a punishment applied in other places as well."
Catholic nuns also abused children :: archief nrc.nl

"Until well into the twentieth century, girls deemed to be 'difficult' – because they were sexually active, or sexually abused, or simply poor – were sent to laundries by their families or the state. Despite having committed no crime, they were not allowed to leave the institutions and were forced to work for no pay, making them literally slaves. Many women spent their entire lives there."
Depressing but not surprising: how the Magdalene Laundries got ...
"Bedwetters were forced to stand absolutely still, wearing nothing but their dirty underwear over their head.
3. "At a sanatorium run by Franciscan nuns in Bunde, naughty children were put in a tub filled with ice cold water, a punishment applied in other places as well."
Catholic nuns also abused children :: archief nrc.nl

4. The Poor Sisters of Nazareth are nuns who have looked after children in the order's dozens of homes in Britain; and in their many homes around the world.
Claims of sexual and physical abuse by the nuns have come from around the world.
Nuns 'abused children' - News - The Independent
To hide injuries from visitors, children were put into a "black hole" without bedding, ventilation or light.
According to the report:

Since 2001, the Irish government has acknowledged that girls in the Magdalene laundries were victims of abuse.
Nuns 'abused children' - News - The Independent
In 1997, dozens of former residents of homes in Aberdeen, Glasgow, Midlothian and Kilmarnock claimed they had suffered vicious beatings and sexual abuse.

In 1998, a report was published into allegations of abuse at one of the order's homes in Queensland, Australia, over a 90-year period.

In 1998, a report was published into allegations of abuse at one of the order's homes in Queensland, Australia, over a 90-year period.
The report told of how one girl, Helen Carter, had her legs burnt with a red-hot poker.
Vera Willshire was beaten so badly she had to stay in the infirmary for five weeks.
To hide injuries from visitors, children were put into a "black hole" without bedding, ventilation or light.
According to the report:
"There was no limit to the sexual deviance that could be engaged in with those unlucky enough to be singled out as the chosen ones."
Nuns 'abused children' - News - The Independent
Nuns 'abused children' - News - The Independent

5. The Magdalene Laundries were run by nuns.
Young girls were sent to live in these asylums which operated in several parts of the world.
"Until well into the twentieth century, girls deemed to be 'difficult' – because they were sexually active, or sexually abused, or simply poor – were sent to laundries by their families or the state. Despite having committed no crime, they were not allowed to leave the institutions and were forced to work for no pay, making them literally slaves. Many women spent their entire lives there."
Depressing but not surprising: how the Magdalene Laundries got ...
Sheriff's report: Woman accused of child abuse
La Crosse Tribune-by Jourdan Vian-29 Jul 2013
SPARTA—A Norwalk woman is facing physical child abuse charges after her six-month-old son had a seizure at 7 a.m. June 6. According to ...
Norwalk woman faces physical child abuse charges
Thecountyline-10 hours ago
Tuesday G. Flickinger, 28, of Norwalk faces child abuse charges stemming from an incident in which her 6-month-old son had a seizure in early ...
Woman charged with child abuse appears in court
WAFF-29 Jul 2013
Proposals on how to make Huntsville a no kill animal community were a big topic Monday afternoon. 'No kill' workshops were held at the Huntsville library to find ...
2 Women Arrested For Marijuana Cultivation, Child Abuse in ...
NBC Southern California-27 Jul 2013
Bristol woman charged with child abuse, neglect
TriCities.com-26 Jul 2013
BRISTOL, Va. — A city woman was charged with two counts of child abuse and neglect Friday after police said her two children were left alone ...
woman arrested on child abuse charges
WNEM Saginaw-25 Jul 2013
Lodi woman charged with child abuse
WMTV-23 Jul 2013
A Lodi woman is facing child abuse charges after being accused of hitting an infant multiple times in the head with a drinking glass. Melissa A.
The Tennessean-16 Jul 2013
CLARKSVILLE, TENN. — A Clarksville woman was arrested Monday on charges of child abuse and neglect. Elise Sarbaugh, 27, was accused ...
Erin woman charged with child abuse, neglect
Clarksville Leaf Chronicle-20 Jul 2013
ERIN, TENN. — A woman from Erin was arrested late Friday morning and charged with child abuseand neglect of teenage girl. On June 28 ...
Hampton woman charged in child abuse, rape case involving ...
Johnson City Press (subscription)-17 Jul 2013
ELIZABETHTON — A Hampton woman is facing state and federal charges following an investigation of what Carter County Sheriff Chris ...
Woman charged by child abuse squad
Newcastle Herald-5 Jul 2013
A woman has been charged with hitting a seven-year-old girl in the face and endangering her life by making her take a sedative.
Conception Bay North woman's child abuse case set over
Newfoundland and Labrador Compass-16 Jul 2013
A Conception Bay North resident is lead into provincial court in Harbour Grace on June 7. The accused is facing a litany of charges and is due ...
Woman accused of abuse to plead not guilty
Quay County Sun-30 Jul 2013
A Quay County woman intends to plead not guilty to a charge of child abuse after she allegedly locked her 7-month-old baby in a car on July 23 ...
Woman faces abuse charge after child left in car
Quay County Sun-24 Jul 2013
A woman has been charged with felony child abuse after she allegedly left a seven-month-old baby locked in a car in temperatures near 100 ...
Wentzville woman charged with child abuse connected to 14-month ...
STLtoday.com-2 Jul 2013
WENTZVILLE • A 34-year-old Wentzville woman faces felony child abuse charges in connectio
NTV-24 Jul 2013
A 42-year-old Creston woman has been sentenced to four years probation for multiple felony child abuse charges. Janelle Gertsch was ...
2 women indicted in child abuse cases
WKBN/WYFX-TV-18 Jul 2013
Two Youngstown women were indicted Thursday in Mahoning County Common Pleas Court in two separate cases of child abuse. Shauna ...
Circleville woman sentenced in connection with child abuse case
Hiawatha World-19 Jul 2013
A Circleville woman was sentenced to almost eight years in prison on charges relating to sexual assaults on children. The Holton Recorder ...
Moody: Woman Charged With Child Abuse, Assaulting Officer
KWTX-18 Jul 2013
MOODY (July 18, 2013)--A Moody woman was held Thursday in the McLennan County Jail charged in connection with an assault on an officer who was trying to ...
Beulaville woman charged with misdemeanor child abuse for ...
The Republic-22 Jul 2013
KENANSVILLE, North Carolina — A Beulaville mother of a 5-year-old boy is accused by authorities of leaving her son locked in a non-air ...
Harrison County Woman Accused of Child Abuse Pleads Guilty ...
WBOY-TV-8 Jul 2013
Sabra Nichole Hardman pleaded guilty to three counts of an 11-count indictment, including counts seven and 10, child neglect creating a ...
Bradenton woman charged with child abuse after fight with teens
Bradenton Herald-3 Jul 2013
MANATEE -- A 28-year-old woman was arrested and charged with child abuse after she got into a fight with two teenagers she has custody of, ...
Woman facing child abuse charges after stopping at McDonald's ...
ABQ Journal-8 Jul 2013
(AP) — A New Mexico woman is facing child abuse charges after police said she stopped at a McDonald's before taking her severely injured ...
Baby's grandmother: Family barely knew woman accused of abuse
Quad City Times-5 hours ago
The child, as a victim of abuse, is not being identified by name. ... At the same time, she is furious at the woman who police say "twisted" and ...
Miller County woman headed to prison on manslaughter , child ...
KRCG-9 Jul 2013
A Miller County woman was sentenced to 22 years in prison Tuesday in ... Johnson pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter and child abuse.
Victorian woman spared jail after kill admission
Ninemsn-23 minutes ago
The woman was first physically abused by her parents as a child and then by three partners, including the dead man. In her relationship with ...
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