Anti-Assad forces "injecting substances into the bodies of victims to prepare false evidence against the authorities in Damascus." TERRORIST CHEMICAL ATTACK
In the Daily Mail, PETER MCKAY writes that:
As the West considers action against the ruling Assad regime in Syria, we must take note of a chilling warning from 1914
Peter McKay writes:

(We are thinking here of Freemasons dreaming of a Greater Israel.
'The West is drawing up a list of targets for Cruise missile strikes aimed at crippling the Assad regime.
'How will Syria's main allies, Russia and Iran, respond?

Peter McKay writes:
The terrorist armed ‘opposition’ in Syria using sarin gas
What happened in Damascus is similar to what happened in Sarajevo.
Assad has been wrongly blamed for the 'gas attack' in Damascus.
The evidence that we have seen shows that the 'gas attack' in Damascus was organised by people connected to Israel and the CIA.
Serbia was wrongly blamed for the assassination in Sarajevo.
aangirfan: THE JEWS

Aangirfan Global Rank
In the Daily Mail, PETER MCKAY writes that:
As the West considers action against the ruling Assad regime in Syria, we must take note of a chilling warning from 1914
Peter McKay writes:
'As the centenary of the 1914-1918 Great War approaches, historian Christopher Clark points out that conflict's eerie, modern relevance...
'"Behind the outrage at Sarajevo was an ... organisation ... extra-territorial, secretive, scattered in cells across political borders, its links to any sovereign government were oblique."
'"Behind the outrage at Sarajevo was an ... organisation ... extra-territorial, secretive, scattered in cells across political borders, its links to any sovereign government were oblique."

1914 arrest of Gavrilo Princip of the Black Hand organisation.
(We are thinking here of Freemasons dreaming of a Greater Israel.
The Black Hand assassinated the heir to the throne of Austria in Sarajevo.
"Leading members of the Black Hand apparently met with French and Grand Orient Freemasons at the Hotel St Jerome in Toulouse in January 1914 to arrange the assassination in Sarajevo..." - The Occult Conspiracy by Michael Howard. (The Biggest Secret - Chapter 11))

"Leading members of the Black Hand apparently met with French and Grand Orient Freemasons at the Hotel St Jerome in Toulouse in January 1914 to arrange the assassination in Sarajevo..." - The Occult Conspiracy by Michael Howard. (The Biggest Secret - Chapter 11))

As a result of Sarajevo and World War I, the British grabbed Palestine and oil-rich Iraq. The French grabbed Syria.
Peter McKay writes:
'The West is drawing up a list of targets for Cruise missile strikes aimed at crippling the Assad regime.
'How will Syria's main allies, Russia and Iran, respond?

Victim of chemical weapons used by the USA in Falujah.
Peter McKay writes:
'Putin’s spokesmen deplore the poison gas attack, but suggest it might have been the work of the Syrian rebels, which include Al Qaeda elements.
'They point out that Assad's military is winning and doesn’t need to resort to using illegal weapons, and suggest that only the rebels stood to gain from the international anger aroused by such an attack...

The Sarajevo plotters of today hope for a Greater Israel, shown by the red line.
Peter McKay writes:
'The Sarajevo-style plotters of today ... dream of forcing rival blocs to take sides in a great war, in the hope it will somehow usher in a new... world....'
(We are thinking here of Jewish Freemasons dreaming of a Greater Israel)

UK Foreign Secretary William Hague, who has been linked to Jimmy Savile and to the child abuse scandal in North Wales.
William Hague, the UK Foreign Secretary, is trying to arrange a war against Syria.
William Hague is like Sir Edward Grey, the UK Foreign Secretary who has been blamed for starting World War I.
William Hague is not what he seems.

Sir Edward Grey
Sir Edward Grey was presented to the world as being an honest decent gentleman.
In fact Sir Edward Grey Grey had several extramarital affairs and at least two probable bastard children.
A Life of Sir Edward Grey

The Sarajevo plotters of today hope for a Greater Israel, shown by the red line.
Peter McKay writes:
'The Sarajevo-style plotters of today ... dream of forcing rival blocs to take sides in a great war, in the hope it will somehow usher in a new... world....'
(We are thinking here of Jewish Freemasons dreaming of a Greater Israel)

UK Foreign Secretary William Hague, who has been linked to Jimmy Savile and to the child abuse scandal in North Wales.
William Hague, the UK Foreign Secretary, is trying to arrange a war against Syria.
William Hague is like Sir Edward Grey, the UK Foreign Secretary who has been blamed for starting World War I.
William Hague is not what he seems.

Sir Edward Grey
Sir Edward Grey was presented to the world as being an honest decent gentleman.
In fact Sir Edward Grey Grey had several extramarital affairs and at least two probable bastard children.
A Life of Sir Edward Grey
The terrorist armed ‘opposition’ in Syria using sarin gas
What happened in Damascus is similar to what happened in Sarajevo.
Assad has been wrongly blamed for the 'gas attack' in Damascus.
The evidence that we have seen shows that the 'gas attack' in Damascus was organised by people connected to Israel and the CIA.
Serbia was wrongly blamed for the assassination in Sarajevo.
aangirfan: THE JEWS
Media’s Reporting on Syria as Terrible
as It Was on Iraq

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