Chateau Rothschild in Paris.
Are the Rothschilds worth trillions?
"Theirs remained the biggest bank in the world up until the First World War."
(Historian Niall Ferguson, in "The House of Rothschild: The World's Banker 1849-1999")

James de Rothschild (centre right).
During World War II, the Luftwaffe seized the Rothschild family home in Paris.
In 1981, President Mitterrand nationalised the Rothschild's French financial empire, Banque Rothschild.
The chances are that the Rothschild fortune has declined since the middle of the 19th century.
We suspect that the CIA likes to blame everything on the Rothschilds.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild
The 'facts' about the Rothschilds are disputed.
1. Mayer Amschel Rothschild, in 1838, allegedly said: "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!"
"Mayer Amschel Rothschild died in 1812."
(No primary source for this quote is known and the earliest attribution to Rothschild known is in Money Creators, 1935, by Gertrude M. Coogan)
2. Allegedly, the Rothschild family have US$ 500 trillion in gold
"The total value of ALL the gold ever mined in human history, amounts to US$ 9.2 trillion."
Rothschild myths

2. Allegedly, the Rothschild family have US$ 500 trillion in gold
"The total value of ALL the gold ever mined in human history, amounts to US$ 9.2 trillion."
Rothschild myths

The Fed
3. Allegedly, the Rothschild banking family own and control the US Federal Reserve partly "through the Rothschild Bank of Berlin."
"The Rothschild Bank of Berlin, does not and has never existed.
"The Rothschild Bank of Berlin, does not and has never existed.
"The last German branch of the Rothschild Bank, was in Frankfurt and this branch closed in 1901 some eleven years before the Federal Reserve Act was even passed."
"By law, virtually all the of the Federals Reserve’s vast profits, are paid to the US Treasury."
Rothschild myths
4. Freedom of Information requests in the US to determine the ownership of the Federal Reserve Banks have reportedly been obstructed.
Some people, like Eustace Mullins, assert that the Rothschilds have a stake in the Fed.
But it is an assertion.
Alleged Federal Reserve Ownership - Web Skeptic
Mullins in a 1952 article "Adolf Hitler: An Appreciation" expressed the belief that America owes a debt to Hitler.[23]

One of the Rothschilds' mansions in Germany - destroyed in an allied bombing raid, in 1944.
The Rothschilds have had a lot of money in bonds.
The historian Niall Ferguson wrote: "As we have seen, however, wars tended to hit the price of existing bonds...
"Now having made their money, they stood to lose more than they gained from conflict."
Rothschild family - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Consider that since the 1850's there's been several enormous wars, and wars have a way of making paper wealth go 'poof'.
"Also consider that global trade levels today are just starting to get back to the levels that they were prior to World War I...
"The individuals are going to be splitting the inheritances up each generation, so the total family wealth is what you'd have to look at."
What's the Net Worth of the Rothschilds? - Above Top Secret

Lord Victor Rothschild's son Amschel Mayor James Rothschild, who died in mysterious circumstances.
The Rothschilds are not immortal.
Rothschild myths
4. Freedom of Information requests in the US to determine the ownership of the Federal Reserve Banks have reportedly been obstructed.
Some people, like Eustace Mullins, assert that the Rothschilds have a stake in the Fed.
But it is an assertion.
Alleged Federal Reserve Ownership - Web Skeptic
Mullins in a 1952 article "Adolf Hitler: An Appreciation" expressed the belief that America owes a debt to Hitler.[23]
One of the Rothschilds' mansions in Germany - destroyed in an allied bombing raid, in 1944.
Since 1900, 1,200 large country houses have been demolished in England.[5]

Waddesdon manor. James de Rothschild bequeathed the house and its contents to the National Trust in 1957.
Since the end of the 19th century, the Rothschilds have donated many of their estates, as well as much of their art, to charities and museums.

Waddesdon manor. James de Rothschild bequeathed the house and its contents to the National Trust in 1957.
Since the end of the 19th century, the Rothschilds have donated many of their estates, as well as much of their art, to charities and museums.
These big houses have become too expensive to run.

Annabelle Rothschild (Annabelle Neilson) who was married to Nat Rothschild. Website for this image / The extrovert lifestyle of the former Mrs Nathaniel Rothschild
Rich families do sometimes see declines in their wealth.
In 2012 Forbes reported that Lakshmi Mittal had suffered the largest loss of any individual on the Forbes list, dropping $10.4 billion in just one year.
Billionaire Busts: The Year's Biggest Losers - Forbes
In 2011, the 100 richest people in India together saw their net worth falling by 20 per cent in one year.
Forbes list: Mukesh Ambani richest Indian, Anil biggest loser | NDTV ...

Wealthy members of the Astor family used to live at Rokeby House, in Barrytown, New York. At Rokeby Hall, a member of the family remembers how the roof leaked and there wasn't much heat in the winter. Often they didn't have enough money to buy food.
"The names are still household words: Vanderbilt, Astor, Carnegie, Rockefeller, Morgan, Gould, Mellon, Harriman, Frick, Huntington, Croker, Flagler, Duke, and Hearst.
"And yet none of those names are among the great American fortunes of today.
"Indeed, only three of those names - Rockefeller, Hearst, and Mellon - make the Forbes list of today’s 400 largest fortunes, and not one is near the top...
"John D. Rockefeller Sr. was worth perhaps $2 billion in 1915...
"By far the wealthiest living Rockefeller—largely on account of a long, successful career in finance - David in 2009 had a net worth of $2.2 billion...
"Taking inflation into account, however, his fortune is only about 10 percent the size of his grandfather’s...

Eike Batista’s net worth dropped $19.4 billion in only one year. Biggest Loser Of The Year,
"Fortunes have almost always been divided with each generation, so even the largest of them are soon spread through an ever larger pool of descendants...
"Old American fortunes do not disappear so much as they are eclipsed by newer ones as the economy expands and opens up new areas for entrepreneurial activity...
"Andrew Carnegie said that 'the man who dies rich dies disgraced,' and gave away almost his entire fortune."
The Transience of American Wealth

A Rothschild villa donated to the Académie des Beaux Arts division of the Institut de France. Now open to the public.

Annabelle Rothschild (Annabelle Neilson) who was married to Nat Rothschild. Website for this image / The extrovert lifestyle of the former Mrs Nathaniel Rothschild
Rich families do sometimes see declines in their wealth.
In 2012 Forbes reported that Lakshmi Mittal had suffered the largest loss of any individual on the Forbes list, dropping $10.4 billion in just one year.
Billionaire Busts: The Year's Biggest Losers - Forbes
In 2011, the 100 richest people in India together saw their net worth falling by 20 per cent in one year.
Forbes list: Mukesh Ambani richest Indian, Anil biggest loser | NDTV ...

Wealthy members of the Astor family used to live at Rokeby House, in Barrytown, New York. At Rokeby Hall, a member of the family remembers how the roof leaked and there wasn't much heat in the winter. Often they didn't have enough money to buy food.
"The names are still household words: Vanderbilt, Astor, Carnegie, Rockefeller, Morgan, Gould, Mellon, Harriman, Frick, Huntington, Croker, Flagler, Duke, and Hearst.
"And yet none of those names are among the great American fortunes of today.
"Indeed, only three of those names - Rockefeller, Hearst, and Mellon - make the Forbes list of today’s 400 largest fortunes, and not one is near the top...
"John D. Rockefeller Sr. was worth perhaps $2 billion in 1915...
"By far the wealthiest living Rockefeller—largely on account of a long, successful career in finance - David in 2009 had a net worth of $2.2 billion...
"Taking inflation into account, however, his fortune is only about 10 percent the size of his grandfather’s...

Eike Batista’s net worth dropped $19.4 billion in only one year. Biggest Loser Of The Year,
"Fortunes have almost always been divided with each generation, so even the largest of them are soon spread through an ever larger pool of descendants...
"Old American fortunes do not disappear so much as they are eclipsed by newer ones as the economy expands and opens up new areas for entrepreneurial activity...
"Andrew Carnegie said that 'the man who dies rich dies disgraced,' and gave away almost his entire fortune."
The Transience of American Wealth

A Rothschild villa donated to the Académie des Beaux Arts division of the Institut de France. Now open to the public.
The Rothschilds have had a lot of money in bonds.
The historian Niall Ferguson wrote: "As we have seen, however, wars tended to hit the price of existing bonds...
"Now having made their money, they stood to lose more than they gained from conflict."
Rothschild family - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Consider that since the 1850's there's been several enormous wars, and wars have a way of making paper wealth go 'poof'.
"Also consider that global trade levels today are just starting to get back to the levels that they were prior to World War I...
"The individuals are going to be splitting the inheritances up each generation, so the total family wealth is what you'd have to look at."
What's the Net Worth of the Rothschilds? - Above Top Secret

Lord Victor Rothschild's son Amschel Mayor James Rothschild, who died in mysterious circumstances.
The Rothschilds are not immortal.
"French police have determined that Amschel Rothschild, heir to the fabulous Rothschild banking fortune, was murdered, according to well-placed European sources...
Four years after the death of Amschel, Raphael de Rothschild died of a heroin overdose in New York.
The Israeli Supreme Court, including a pyramid with the all Seeing Eye.
According to Paul Vallely in The Independent, 16 April, 2004:
According to Paul Vallely in The Independent, 16 April, 2004:
The Rothschild family split over the question of a Jewish homeland, with some members supporting the first Zionist settlement in Palestine and and others opposing it.

David de Rothschild
According to Paul Vallely in The Independent, 16 April, 2004:
According to Paul Vallely in The Independent, 16 April, 2004:
"The Rothschilds never gained the foothold in America they needed.
"The world became corporate. Private banking got left behind.
"Still, the family has moved down only from fabulously rich to enormously wealthy. And they adjusted to the times."
"The world became corporate. Private banking got left behind.
"Still, the family has moved down only from fabulously rich to enormously wealthy. And they adjusted to the times."
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