Child actor working for the CIA
A heartbreaking video shows the moment an actor working for the CIA pretends to collapse in tears "as he is reunited with young son he thought had been killed" in the CIA-organised chemical attack
The 7-minute footage allegedly recorded in the Zamalka area of Damascus was posted on YouTube by Syrian activists in the pay of the CIA.
The 7-minute footage allegedly recorded in the Zamalka area of Damascus was posted on YouTube by Syrian activists in the pay of the CIA.
The young parent is "so distraught" that his minders are forced to take the child actor away from him

Zamalka is the Damascus suburb where the video was apparently shot.
The young parent is "so distraught" that his minders are forced to take the child actor away from him

Zamalka is the Damascus suburb where the video was apparently shot.
Zamalka is where the Waked clan apparently lives.
"According to a relative of the Waked clan who lives in Israel, a total of 12 women and girls and nine men and boys were killed in the atrocity..." - the poison gas attack.

Comments on this article which appear on MailOnline:
Stop pushing war propaganda.
- ozzy , st albans
Some of these actors wouldn't look out of place on the red carpet at the Oscars.
- nanuk of the north , Morpeth England, United Kingdom
Many times these sorts of scenes from war zones have been proven to be propaganda.
- kramer , California, United States.
This is totally contrived by the CIA so America has an excuse to go to war.....AGAIN.
- msann , Las Vegas, United States.
Good ol' fashioned propaganda. Reminds me of the "incubator babies" before the first Gulf War.
- MrBubonicChronic , Hoquiam, United States,
The US needs to stay out of this... We are already getting blamed for this..
- Tinkerbelle , stuck in the middle with you, United States.
Read more:
The U.S. uses chemical weapons against civilians
Evidence here, here, here, here,here, here.

CIA actor
Comments on this article which appear on MailOnline:
Stop pushing war propaganda.
- ozzy , st albans
Some of these actors wouldn't look out of place on the red carpet at the Oscars.
- nanuk of the north , Morpeth England, United Kingdom
Many times these sorts of scenes from war zones have been proven to be propaganda.
- kramer , California, United States.
This is totally contrived by the CIA so America has an excuse to go to war.....AGAIN.
- msann , Las Vegas, United States.
Good ol' fashioned propaganda. Reminds me of the "incubator babies" before the first Gulf War.
- MrBubonicChronic , Hoquiam, United States,
The US needs to stay out of this... We are already getting blamed for this..
- Tinkerbelle , stuck in the middle with you, United States.
Read more:
The U.S. uses chemical weapons against civilians
Evidence here, here, here, here,here, here.
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