(Left) Colonel Sir Archibald David Stirling who founded the SAS - special forces). (Right) Stirling's cousin Gavin Maxwell. The Stirlings, the Frasers (Lovat) and the Maxwells are all related. Website for this image
What links Jimmy Savile, Gavin Maxwell and Terry Nutkins?
"The abuse at Loch Ness based Catholic boarding school, Fort Augustus Abbey... ties in with occultist Aleister Crowley, Boleskin House, disgraced Cardinal O'Brien, and ubiquitous deviant, Jimmy Savile OBE."
Animal magick
Maddow: Something's Very Rotten w/ FBI Tsarnaev-Todashev Boston Bombing-Linked "Investigation"

Government agencies take children away from their parents and hand the children over to child abusers.
Toddler dies in 'child protection services' captivity after being taken from parents

Martial Law Coming to America? Unmarked Military Base, Increased Military Presence on the Streets and Unconstitutional Checkpoints Spark Concerns
Welcome To Fort Chaffee, The Mock American Town Set-Up For Domestic Urban Warfare Training
The Zionists do not like the ordinary 'Jews'.
Shocking and Horrific Footage: Zionist Crimes Against Jewish People

Two alleged Hezbollah operatives on trial for plotting terror attacks in Nigeria claimed on 5 August that they were subjected to days of rough interrogation at the hands of Mossad agents following their arrests in May, AFP reported.
Are the terrorists working for Mossad?
Hezbollah suspects in Nigeria terror plot claim abusive interrogation by Mossad.
Mossad seems to be in control in Mumbai.

Americares, pedophile rings
Hezbollah suspects in Nigeria terror plot claim abusive interrogation by Mossad.
Mossad seems to be in control in Mumbai.

Apparently, charities exist to provide cover for the spooks; and, charities also exist to make their bosses rich.
"Despite falling donations, 11 bosses at the 14 charities which make up the Disasters Emergency Committee are now paid more than the Prime Minister’s £142,500...

"Kevin Jenkins, the new head of World Vision International, is a board member of the Canadian-based global energy company Nexen, a corporation that is involved in the highly destructive mining of Canada's tar sands on the land of Canada's First Nations people." Swans Commentary: The Religious Right
"The Disasters Emergency Committee was set up 50 years ago to coordinate work at times of tragedy around the world.
"The charities involved with DEC include Action Aid, Age International, British Red Cross, CAFOD, Care International, Christian Aid, Concern Worldwide, Islamic Relief, Merlin, Oxfam, Plan UK, Save the Children, Tearfund and World Vision.
"Despite falling donations, 11 bosses at the 14 charities which make up the Disasters Emergency Committee are now paid more than the Prime Minister’s £142,500...

"Kevin Jenkins, the new head of World Vision International, is a board member of the Canadian-based global energy company Nexen, a corporation that is involved in the highly destructive mining of Canada's tar sands on the land of Canada's First Nations people." Swans Commentary: The Religious Right
"The Disasters Emergency Committee was set up 50 years ago to coordinate work at times of tragedy around the world.
"The charities involved with DEC include Action Aid, Age International, British Red Cross, CAFOD, Care International, Christian Aid, Concern Worldwide, Islamic Relief, Merlin, Oxfam, Plan UK, Save the Children, Tearfund and World Vision.
"The 14 charities have received more than £1.1billion of public money over the past three years - the bulk of it from the Government, the European Union and the United Nations."
Charities accused of handing spooky chief executives excessive pay rises - 30 bosses earn more than£100000
Charities accused of handing spooky chief executives excessive pay rises - 30 bosses earn more than£100000
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