"A police officer with the West Midlands Force is to face trial on charges of managing a brothel and conspiring to supply Class A drugs and misconduct in a public office."
West Midlands Police brothel, May 2013
Daniel Pelka is from the West Midlands.
Daniel Pelka's mother Magdalena Luczak was a drug addicted prostitute.
The drug-addict prostitute mother who murdered son, four

In the UK, the Steam And Sun brothel raked in more than £26million a year.
'Upmarket brothel Steam & Sun club made £26m a year'
Daniel Pelka's mother Magdalena Luczak was a drug addicted prostitute.

Magdelena Luczak's son Daniel Pelka.
Daniel Pelka, aged 4, died on the 3 March 2012 in Coventry, in the West Midlands, in England.
He had been starved, beaten and held under water until unconscious.
He was in a state of "skeletal emaciation" and yet the staff at the school he attended took no effective action to help him.
He had been starved, beaten and held under water until unconscious.
He was in a state of "skeletal emaciation" and yet the staff at the school he attended took no effective action to help him.

Krezolek and Luczak from the West midlands
On 31 July 2013, Daniel's mother, Magdalena Luczak (27), and her partner, Mariusz Krezolek (33), were found guilty of the murder of Daniel.
"Magdalena Luczak would be picked up at night and dropped off in the same car in the morning."
Prostitutes are often protected by the UK police?
Daniel Pelka: stepfather killer was 'wanted criminal'

A police officer with the West Midlands Force is to face trial on charges of managing a brothel, laundering money, conspiring to supply Class A drugs and misconduct in a public office. West Midlands Police brothel
Mariusz Krezolek, a former soldier, was wanted by the police in Poland.
But he was protected by the police in the UK?
"Magdalena Luczak would be picked up at night and dropped off in the same car in the morning."
Prostitutes are often protected by the UK police?
Daniel Pelka: stepfather killer was 'wanted criminal'

A police officer with the West Midlands Force is to face trial on charges of managing a brothel, laundering money, conspiring to supply Class A drugs and misconduct in a public office. West Midlands Police brothel
Mariusz Krezolek, a former soldier, was wanted by the police in Poland.
But he was protected by the police in the UK?

The death of 'Baby P', in London in the UK, is said to have links to a paedophile ring involving top people.

Baby Peter Connelly
Magdalena Luczak comes to England and shares a house with Eryk Pelka in Foleshill, Coventry.
Krezolek is three times convicted of drink-driving.
He is convicted of theft from a shop.
2007: Krezolek is convicted of driving while disqualified.
2007: Krezolek is convicted of driving while disqualified.
2008: Krezolek is convicted of driving while disqualified.
2010: Luczak and Krezolek move into a flat in Bedworth together, assuming joint care of Daniel.

Jan 5 2011: Daniel’s arm is broken by Krezolek.
July 13 2011: A health worker visits the family home and is told about alleged domestic abuse.
Nov 16 2011: The support worker goes to the house for an appointment with Luczak but no one is in.
Nov 28 2011: Luczak is telephoned by the health support worker. Krezolek answers the call and says Luczak will ring her back but she fails to do so.
Nov 29, 2011: Luczak and Daniel fails to turn up for an appointment at Dr Chakraborty’s clinic.
Dec 2011: Daniel’s school attendance rate slips to 63 per cent and he continues to take things from other pupils’ lunchboxes, as well as eating food which had been thrown in bins.
Dec 7 2011: The school health support worker cannot make contact with Luczak by telephone and sends her a letter.
Dec 14 2011: Education welfare officer Gurmit Bamra visits the family home after Daniel repeatedly missed classes.
2010: Luczak and Krezolek move into a flat in Bedworth together, assuming joint care of Daniel.
Colin Green, Director of Children's Services in Coventry.
Jan 5 2011: Daniel’s arm is broken by Krezolek.
Doctors call social services.
Feb 12 2011: Luczak fails to turn up for follow-up appointment, but nothing is done by hospital to re-arrange new appointment.
Jun 14 2011: Core strategic meeting held into Daniel’s broken arm and the decision taken that no further action is needed.
This is the last social services involvement with the family.

Feb 12 2011: Luczak fails to turn up for follow-up appointment, but nothing is done by hospital to re-arrange new appointment.
Jun 14 2011: Core strategic meeting held into Daniel’s broken arm and the decision taken that no further action is needed.
This is the last social services involvement with the family.

Daniel (circled in green) is seen leaving Little Heath Primary School in Coventry with his mother, Magdelena Luczak, (circled in yellow) just 36 hours before he died.
July 13 2011: A health worker visits the family home and is told about alleged domestic abuse.
Luczak given contact details for support group but no other action apparently taken. The same health worker also saw Luczak on February 9, June 23, August 16 and August 19 that year.
Oct 11 2011: A school nurse and a school health support worker make a home visit. The school nurse refers Daniel to a community paediatrician.
Nov 7 2011: School nurse visits family home refers parents to community paediatrician Dr Supratik Chakraborty.

Daniel Pelka
Nov 15 2011: Daniel misses his first appointment with Dr Chakraborty.
Oct 11 2011: A school nurse and a school health support worker make a home visit. The school nurse refers Daniel to a community paediatrician.
Nov 7 2011: School nurse visits family home refers parents to community paediatrician Dr Supratik Chakraborty.

Daniel Pelka
Nov 15 2011: Daniel misses his first appointment with Dr Chakraborty.
Nov 16 2011: The support worker goes to the house for an appointment with Luczak but no one is in.
Nov 28 2011: Luczak is telephoned by the health support worker. Krezolek answers the call and says Luczak will ring her back but she fails to do so.
Nov 29, 2011: Luczak and Daniel fails to turn up for an appointment at Dr Chakraborty’s clinic.
Dec 2011: Daniel’s school attendance rate slips to 63 per cent and he continues to take things from other pupils’ lunchboxes, as well as eating food which had been thrown in bins.
Dec 7 2011: The school health support worker cannot make contact with Luczak by telephone and sends her a letter.
Dec 14 2011: Education welfare officer Gurmit Bamra visits the family home after Daniel repeatedly missed classes.
Jason Swift has links to Baby P. In 1985, 14-year-old Jason Swift was killed by a child-abuse gang. Jason is believed to have lived in Islington council's Conewood Street children's home. A close male relative of Baby P reportedly recruited boys from children's homes in Islington for the child-abuse ring. Islington children were reportedly sent to Jersey, the island linked to child abuse. BABY PETER COVER-UP; TOP CHILD ABUSE RING
Dec 20 2011: Another appointment at Dr Chakraborty’s clinic is cancelled by Luczak.
Jan 16 2012: Teacher Lisa Godfrey notices bruises on his neck and fears he had been strangled by Luczak. She writes her observations down in a “concerns book”.
Feb 8 2012: Miss Godfrey speaks to Luczak and drafts a letter to the community paediatrician.
Early Feb 2012: Lisa Godfrey notifies headteacher Darren Clews after Daniel turns up for school with two black eyes and bruising across his nose, but both of them fail note it down in “concerns book”.
Dec 20 2011: Another appointment at Dr Chakraborty’s clinic is cancelled by Luczak.
Jan 16 2012: Teacher Lisa Godfrey notices bruises on his neck and fears he had been strangled by Luczak. She writes her observations down in a “concerns book”.
Feb 8 2012: Miss Godfrey speaks to Luczak and drafts a letter to the community paediatrician.
Early Feb 2012: Lisa Godfrey notifies headteacher Darren Clews after Daniel turns up for school with two black eyes and bruising across his nose, but both of them fail note it down in “concerns book”.
Feb 10 2012: Luczak, Krezolek and Daniel are finally seen by Dr Chakraborty. He notes Daniel is “severely underweight” and prescribes him mebendazole for worms. He also says further investigations are warranted for possible autism and refers him to a senior registrar.
Feb 25 2012: Deputy headteacher Gil Mulhall contacts the family’s GP, Dr Mohammed Pathan, to raise her conerns about Daniel’s deteriorating condition.
He tells her to ask Luczak to make an appointment.
Feb 26 2012: Mrs Mulhall speaks to Luczak and tells her to take Daniel to see the doctor. The appointment is never made.
March 3 2012: Daniel dies.

Andrew Rennison
Anonymous comments:
In October 1999, Mr Andrew Rennison, as a Detective Superintendent in West Yorkshire Police, was the 'Director of Intelligence responsible for the management and use of informants in West Yorkshire' (#73, case note of R v Maxwell [2010] UKSC 48, where a certain Mr. Karl Chapman was used as a supergrass to convict Daniel Mansell & Paul Maxwell for the murder of Joe Smales).
At that time, the West Yorkshire Police took Chapman, a murder trial witness to a brothel and allowed him to use heroin & cannabis to ensure he co-operated, [the Supreme Court found]. Chapman also had sex with a policewoman and socialised at police officers' homes.
The same Mr. Andrew Rennison is now the Forensic Science Regulator, CCTV Regulator & also sits on the National DNA Database Strategy Board.

A Coventry man, Karl Clay from Wood End, was found guilty of almost two decades of violent and sexual assaults on children as young as six.
His offences only came to light after two of his young victims, now teenagers, broke their silence in summer 2011 and told police about their ordeal.
On female victim disclosed to officers how he held her head in a bath full of water to try and drown her.
Feb 25 2012: Deputy headteacher Gil Mulhall contacts the family’s GP, Dr Mohammed Pathan, to raise her conerns about Daniel’s deteriorating condition.
He tells her to ask Luczak to make an appointment.
Feb 26 2012: Mrs Mulhall speaks to Luczak and tells her to take Daniel to see the doctor. The appointment is never made.
March 3 2012: Daniel dies.

Andrew Rennison
Anonymous comments:
In October 1999, Mr Andrew Rennison, as a Detective Superintendent in West Yorkshire Police, was the 'Director of Intelligence responsible for the management and use of informants in West Yorkshire' (#73, case note of R v Maxwell [2010] UKSC 48, where a certain Mr. Karl Chapman was used as a supergrass to convict Daniel Mansell & Paul Maxwell for the murder of Joe Smales).
At that time, the West Yorkshire Police took Chapman, a murder trial witness to a brothel and allowed him to use heroin & cannabis to ensure he co-operated, [the Supreme Court found]. Chapman also had sex with a policewoman and socialised at police officers' homes.
The same Mr. Andrew Rennison is now the Forensic Science Regulator, CCTV Regulator & also sits on the National DNA Database Strategy Board.
A Coventry man, Karl Clay from Wood End, was found guilty of almost two decades of violent and sexual assaults on children as young as six.
His offences only came to light after two of his young victims, now teenagers, broke their silence in summer 2011 and told police about their ordeal.
On female victim disclosed to officers how he held her head in a bath full of water to try and drown her.
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