"Operation Gladio never ended. It's still happening, right here in America."
Who really killed the Connecticut children?
The AR-15 gun was built for the US armed forces.
The AR-15 gun was used by the Washington Naval Yard shooters, the Sandy Hook shooters and the Batman Cinema shooters.
"Witnesses have been documented stating that evacuation drills were known to have been taking place at the Navy Yard in the lead-up to the September 16 2013 shooting event."
Artifacts From the DC Navy Yard Shooting « Memory Hole / Navy Yard Shooting: Psyop, Loose Ends, Media Parrots

The New York Times / Report: Was Navy Yard Shooter Gangstalked with Mind Control Microwave Weapons?
How are Aaron Alexis, Edward Snowden and the Carly...
What about Aaron Alexis’s career with U.S. intelligence agencies?
Clue To 911 – Shooters At Navy Yard And Aurora Linked To 'NSA-CIA West'
"Have you wondered why not all of the names and the rank of those who were killed in the assault have been released?"
Confirmed Attempted Arrest of President Obama Linked to Navy Ship Yard - Patriot Action Network
Name the countries where these photos were taken:




Prize for all the people who get the correct answers: immortality.
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