Marco di Lauro says he nearly "fell off his chair" when he saw his Iraq photo (above) was being used by John Kerry to promote a war in Syria. Timeline Photos
Retired U.S. Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, who was Secretary of State Colin Powell’s Chief of Staff, believes that the chemical weapons used in Syria may have been an Israeli false flag.
Former Bush administration official: Israel may be behind use of chemical arms in Syria
Political analyst Adrian Salbuchi has written 'Israel: The missing link in Syria puzzle'
"The Arab Spring is the code for instigating, triggering and engineering civil strife in target countries....
"But the case of Syria is different...
"Today, America's credibility, trust and prestige have fallen so low that even the British Parliament finally disavowed any armed intervention by the UK...

"But let’s look at three factors that are missing in the ongoing analysis of the Syrian crisis:
"1. America has been fighting Israel's wars...
"And the cost to America has been extremely detrimental to its National Interest. Here lies one of the roots of much of the disrespect, mistrust and even hate that growing sections of global public opinion feel towards the US and its key allies...

Former Bush administration official: Israel may be behind use of chemical arms in Syria
Political analyst Adrian Salbuchi has written 'Israel: The missing link in Syria puzzle'
"But the case of Syria is different...
"Today, America's credibility, trust and prestige have fallen so low that even the British Parliament finally disavowed any armed intervention by the UK...
"But let’s look at three factors that are missing in the ongoing analysis of the Syrian crisis:
"1. America has been fighting Israel's wars...
"2. The excessive and overpowering role that Zionism plays in American politics, American finance, American universities, American mainstream media including it Hollywood 'entertainment industry,' and over American foreign policy, has been all but proven...

Israel bombs its way into Mideast
"3. Obama’s problem right now is that America's military establishment is very much aware of the stakes involved...
"3. Obama’s problem right now is that America's military establishment is very much aware of the stakes involved...
"Syria and Iran lie squarely inside Russia’s vital geopolitical sphere of interest, which is already under heavy Western encroachment. Read their lips: Russia is saying, 'not one step further!'...
"Israel has been threatening Iran with military attack almost every other day, with Washington, London and Paris nervously obliging...
"Russia (and China) ... are not blinking...

"So, Mr. 'CEO' of the United States of America Barack Obama: it’s your call now! ...
Another fine mess the Israeli Trojan Horse has gotten you into...!
95% of the 'Syrian rebels' are not Syrians according to a German intelligence report.
An Appeal from former top military officers to Gen. Dempsey on Syria
The Saudi-Israeli Superpower

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"Israel has been threatening Iran with military attack almost every other day, with Washington, London and Paris nervously obliging...
"Russia (and China) ... are not blinking...
"So, Mr. 'CEO' of the United States of America Barack Obama: it’s your call now! ...
Another fine mess the Israeli Trojan Horse has gotten you into...!
95% of the 'Syrian rebels' are not Syrians according to a German intelligence report.
An Appeal from former top military officers to Gen. Dempsey on Syria
The Saudi-Israeli Superpower

Get your very own authentic 21 x 22" ReThink911 metro ad.
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