'Obama's men' execute two young boys in Syria. Rebels execute Two Small Boys.
Thank goodness that Syria's Assad is not like your typical American president.

Obama is linked to the deaths of young gay men in Chicago.
"Among the members of the gay 'Down Low Club' were Obama and TUCC’s choir director, Donald Young, an openly gay man who reportedly had a sexual relationship with Obama.
"Two other gay members of the church were Larry Bland and Nate Spencer.

John McCain with his al Qaeda friends in Syria. Recently rebels beheaded 24 Syrians, among them a mother and a 40-days old infant. US-Backed Terrorists Behead 40 Syrians Including Baby
Recent American presidents, and their families, have had close links to the Mob.
"Auchi had been Saddam Hussein's senior arms dealer and had morphed into his principal international financial bagman, and had become the Godfather of the UN Oil for Food scheme...
"Auchi is ... the shadowy puppet master to Antoin 'Tony' Rezko."

Rezko, Obama, Auchi
Rezko raised money for Obama.
Rezko had property dealings with Obama.
"Obama has been anything but forthcoming about his real relationship with Rezko and Auchi...
From Baghdad to Chicago: Rezko and the Auchi empire

American academic David Lesch sees Bashar al-Asad as a “combination of computer nerd, ophthalmologist, devoted family man, westernized pop-culturist, outgoing and caring friend, humble and reluctant leader..."
What about the reputation of the Assads?
From 1976 to 1982, the CIA's Islamists carried out a terrorist campaign against the secular 'reformist' government of Syria.
The Muslim Brotherhood's violence included bomb attacks and the targeting of government officials.

The CIA's Islamists in Syria
In 1982, in Hama, the Muslim Brotherhood Islamists attacked people "while sleeping in their homes and killed whomever they could kill of women and children, mutilating the bodies of the martyrs in the streets, driven, like mad dogs, by their black hatred."
The security forces then "rose to confront these crimes."
It should be noted that the Muslim Brotherhood has been described as being a tool of the CIA and MI6.
aangirfan: THE REAL ASSAD / aangirfan: HOULA MASSACRE
"Obama has been anything but forthcoming about his real relationship with Rezko and Auchi...
From Baghdad to Chicago: Rezko and the Auchi empire

American academic David Lesch sees Bashar al-Asad as a “combination of computer nerd, ophthalmologist, devoted family man, westernized pop-culturist, outgoing and caring friend, humble and reluctant leader..."
What about the reputation of the Assads?
From 1976 to 1982, the CIA's Islamists carried out a terrorist campaign against the secular 'reformist' government of Syria.
The Muslim Brotherhood's violence included bomb attacks and the targeting of government officials.

The CIA's Islamists in Syria
In 1982, in Hama, the Muslim Brotherhood Islamists attacked people "while sleeping in their homes and killed whomever they could kill of women and children, mutilating the bodies of the martyrs in the streets, driven, like mad dogs, by their black hatred."
The security forces then "rose to confront these crimes."
It should be noted that the Muslim Brotherhood has been described as being a tool of the CIA and MI6.
aangirfan: THE REAL ASSAD / aangirfan: HOULA MASSACRE
Nixon and a Mafia fixer. aangirfan: NIXON - 'GAY, MAFIA-LINKS
Nixon ordered the secret bombing of Cambodia.
Richard Nixon's secret backers included the Mafia, led by Meyer Lansky.Nixon ordered the secret bombing of Cambodia.
The Mafia's Sam Giancana rigged the US presidential election for President Kennedy.

The Mafia's Sam Giancana rigged the US presidential election for President Kennedy.
Giancana had links to 7 US Presidents.
According to Giancana, both presidents Roosevelt and Truman were 'bought'.

This 14-year-old boy was executed by Obama's Syrian rebels for making a joke. Jihadists Executed a Child
George Bush senior is linked to the corrupt bank known as BCCI.George Bush Sr. was a key players in the BCCI financed Iran-Contra Affair.
(Inside the Global Banking Intelligence Complex, BCCI Operations)

Victim of the US military in Falujah
George Bush Sr. was also involved in funnelling billions of dollars to Saddam Hussein.
(Inside the Global Banking Intelligence Complex, BCCI Operations)

(Inside the Global Banking Intelligence Complex, BCCI Operations)

Victim of the US military in Falujah
George Bush Sr. was also involved in funnelling billions of dollars to Saddam Hussein.
(Inside the Global Banking Intelligence Complex, BCCI Operations)

Don and Kevin were murdered.
In 1987, seventeen-year-old Kevin Ives and sixteen-year-old Don Henry were murdered in a rural part of Arkansas, south of Little Rock.
Kevin and Don had inadvertently witnessed a drug drop that was part of the international drug smuggling operation out of Mena, Arkansas. (Kevin Ives and Don Henry)
There have been allegations that the Clinton family are linked to the CIA and organised crime and murder.

In 1987, seventeen-year-old Kevin Ives and sixteen-year-old Don Henry were murdered in a rural part of Arkansas, south of Little Rock.
Kevin and Don had inadvertently witnessed a drug drop that was part of the international drug smuggling operation out of Mena, Arkansas. (Kevin Ives and Don Henry)
There have been allegations that the Clinton family are linked to the CIA and organised crime and murder.

Jorge Cabreras, 'a convicted drug smuggler', with Hilary Clinton.
In The Times of London, 19 February 2001, William Rees-Mogg wrote "When Uncle Sam was a drugs runner."
In The Times of London, 19 February 2001, William Rees-Mogg wrote "When Uncle Sam was a drugs runner."
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