RT tells us that the US government did 9 11.
RT tells us that al Qaeda works for the US government.
RT tells us that the terrorism in Europe and America has been done by the US government.
Putin is putting the boot in.
The rich 'feudal lords' in the USA and Europe have impoverished the peasants, and the peasants are wakening up.
10 Signs The Global Elite Are Losing Control
1. Official lies no longer effective
2. No confidence in politics
3. No confidence in media
4. Bankers rejected
5. Mutiny among soldiers
6. Militarized police state......

Nadeem Baloosh putting on an act.
The above UK-US backed terrorist doubles as a rebel fighter AND fake sarin gas attack victim
Nadeem Baloosh speaks a mixture of truth and lies.
The Syrian rebels work with Israel.
Shady PR operatives, pro-Israel ties, inside the Syrian opposition ... - Mondoweiss
The Syrian rebels plan to wipe out the Christians.
Syrian rebels attack historic Christian village
The American people are wakening up.
Saudi Arabia has sent death-row inmates from several nations to fight against the Syrian government in exchange for commuting their sentences -POSTED BY RETANK
Anonymous points out:
"Assad is fighting rebels who are al qaeda.
My government is backing... al qaeda.
I'm meant to fight with... al qaeda?
And against Assad who doesn't seem to have done anything apart from protecting his people from a civilian-murdering al qaeda?"
Cameron’s Closet - Christopher Spivey
The West Dethroned: Washington is “The Axis of Evil”
US Journalists and War Crime Guilt
Congress Members Who Have Seen Classified Evidence About Syria Say It Fails to Prove Anything
The Grim, Relentless March to War with Syria
The Conflict in Syria and Global Resistance: Why Humanity will Prevail
Diabolical Chemical Weapons Intelligence Operation? Killing Syrian Civilians and Blaming it on the Enemy
Syria: Killing Innocent Civilians as part of a US Covert Op. Mobilizing Public Support for a R2P War against Syria
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