The United Nations is not necessarily neutral on Syria.
The UN has been infiltrated by the CIA and its friends.
The UN has reported on Syria in the past.
In 2011 there was the UN Human Rights Council's report on Syria (full text .pdf), and in August 2013 there was the most recent report on Syria(.doc).
These reports included:
1. Lies provided by the CIA's Syrian rebels and by defectors working for the CIA.
2. Lies provided by charities (NGOs) working for the CIA.

The UN has been infiltrated.
The UN panel, for the 2011 and 2013 reports, was headed by a director of the Washington-based think-tank, the Middle East Policy Council.
"Its board of directors includes... CIA agents, representatives of the Saudi Binladin Group (Osama Bin Laden's family business)... munitions manufacturer Raytheon (who supplied the opening salvos during NATO's operations against Libya)..."
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