Bendita Malakia of the World Bank, who was rescued by an American security team.
Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko has told the Kenyan Senate that, three months ago, two women gave the Kenyan authorities information about a proposed attack on the Westgate mall.
In terrorist attacks, such as 9 11, the Mumbai attacks and the Norway attacks, the attackers usually have the support of elements of the local police, military and intelligence services.

Kenya Mall - continuation of the CIA's Operation Gladio?
Laban Onditi Rao, the vice-chairman of the Kenyan National Chamber of Commerce, has asked "how these people carried so many weapons into that place without being found."
Kenya counts its losses as terrorists are overcome

On 21 September 2013, when the attack began, "Harvard educated, World Bank lawyer Bendita Malakia was rescued by an 'American security team'
Kenya counts its losses as terrorists are overcome

The SAS man who was at the mall when the attack began.
Agents of the the American and British security agencies were in the mall when the attack began.
The Kenyan police did not arrive at the mall until half an our after the attack began.

In March 2013, an extra 3,000 British troops arrived in Kenya.
23,000 British Troops Arrive in Kenya.
The Kenyan police and military are also in bed with the Israelis.
"We are not going to apologize for being friends with Israel and other nations," Amina Mohammed, the Kenyan foreign minister, said.
Kenya and Israel have maintained close security and intelligence cooperation for many years.
Kenya, Israel's forward base in Africa - Diplomacy and Defense ...

Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko
Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko has told the Kenyan Senate that security organs and intelligence officers were aware of an impending attack on ... the Westgate Mall.
"Sonko claimed that he had helped two women of either Asian or Arabic origin to offer information to police...
"He said the women had approached him three months ago with information to the effect that the gang, which had rented a house in Parklands and Westlands, were planning a major attack.
"They mentioned Westgate Mall..."
Kenyan security organs knew of attack in advance - September 24, 2013

When the British ran Kenya (above), there was a "constant stream of reports of brutalities by police, military and home guards", wrote Canon Bewes, a British missionary. "Some of the people had been using castration instruments and two men had died under castration." Other brutalities included slicing off ears, boring holes in eardrums, flogging people to death, pouring paraffin over suspects and setting them alight and burning eardrums with cigarettes. A mobile gallows travelled the country. Over 1,000 were hanged, their bodies displayed at crossroads and market places.
Al-Shabaab, the Somali terrorist group that is believed to be run by the western security services, apparently boasted on Twitter that the mall massacre was 'our Woolwich' - a reference to the alleged murder of Drummer Lee Rigby in south-east London earlier in 2013.
Kenya counts its losses as terrorists are overcome

"It numbers around 500 or 600 people...
"It is made up of (white) Kenyan Jews of European origin, some of whom have now been here for three or four generations; many Israelis - on long or short contracts, working at the Israeli Embassy, for two or three large Israeli construction or agriculture companies, or running their own businesses; American, British and South African expats working here; and also a contingent of (black) Kenyans who have aspirations to become Jewish.
"There is also an ongoing stream of Jewish visitors, here on safari tours or for business.
"One Israeli working in the mall was shot lightly in the foot. Other community members were also in the mall at the time, but escaped unscathed."
Too Close For Comfort In Nairobi
"There is also an ongoing stream of Jewish visitors, here on safari tours or for business.
"One Israeli working in the mall was shot lightly in the foot. Other community members were also in the mall at the time, but escaped unscathed."
Too Close For Comfort In Nairobi

British run concentration camp in Kenya. According to some historians, Britain bears “significant responsibility” since 1945 for the direct or indirect deaths of 8.6 million to 13.5 million people throughout the world from military interventions and at the hands of regimes strongly supported by Britain. (Unpeople, Dirty Wars and a Web of Deceit – Britain’s Foreign ...)
The Kenyan police and military are also in bed with the Israelis.
"We are not going to apologize for being friends with Israel and other nations," Amina Mohammed, the Kenyan foreign minister, said.
Kenya, Israel's forward base in Africa - Diplomacy and Defense ...
Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko
"Sonko claimed that he had helped two women of either Asian or Arabic origin to offer information to police...
"He said the women had approached him three months ago with information to the effect that the gang, which had rented a house in Parklands and Westlands, were planning a major attack.
"They mentioned Westgate Mall..."
Kenyan security organs knew of attack in advance - September 24, 2013

When the British ran Kenya (above), there was a "constant stream of reports of brutalities by police, military and home guards", wrote Canon Bewes, a British missionary. "Some of the people had been using castration instruments and two men had died under castration." Other brutalities included slicing off ears, boring holes in eardrums, flogging people to death, pouring paraffin over suspects and setting them alight and burning eardrums with cigarettes. A mobile gallows travelled the country. Over 1,000 were hanged, their bodies displayed at crossroads and market places.
Al-Shabaab, the Somali terrorist group that is believed to be run by the western security services, apparently boasted on Twitter that the mall massacre was 'our Woolwich' - a reference to the alleged murder of Drummer Lee Rigby in south-east London earlier in 2013.
The Woolwich psy-op is believed to have been the work of the western security services.
The British soldiers are NOT heroes; they are agents of the oligarchs.

Above - Alyaz Merali, a Muslim boy who received two gunshot wounds during the attack, takes part in the funeral procession for his mother
Read more:
Strange that no Americans and no Israelis died?
The British soldiers are NOT heroes; they are agents of the oligarchs.

Above - Alyaz Merali, a Muslim boy who received two gunshot wounds during the attack, takes part in the funeral procession for his mother
Read more:
Strange that no Americans and no Israelis died?
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