Women were not always treated well in 1950's America
Mike Stathis, at Iran's Press TV, writes about America’s post war Golden Era.
He blames the Jewish Mafia for the disappearance of the Golden Era.
However, some people might question if the immediate post-war period really was a Golden Era.
For example, in the 1950s, the USA was a country of racial and sexual intolerance.
In the 1950s, the USA was busy massacring women and children in Korea.
In the 1950s, the US government was involved in the business of MK ULTRA brainwashing of children.
Edward Harriman - a Christian Robber Baron
America's problem is the the Robber Barons, only some of whom are Jewish Mafia.
The term Robber Barons appeared in the August 1870 issue of The Atlantic Monthly[1] magazine.

US poverty rate stabilizes but number of poorest of poor grows. "The correct formulation is that 15% of Americans would be living in poverty if it were not for the things that are done to alleviate poverty." It Is Not True That 15% Of Americans Live In Poverty
These Robber Barons included people such as Andrew Carnegie, Edward Harriman, James Hill and Henry Plant.
They were not all members of the Jewish Mafia.
What we are talking about is the Feudal System, whereby a rich elite, belonging to more than one religious group, exploits the ordinary citizen.

Some people might question the idea that 'America' is in decline.
Today, the top nine companies in the world, by market value, are Apple, Exxon Mobil, Google, Berkshire Hathaway, Microsoft, Johnson and Johnson, Walmart, General Electric and Chevron.
These are all American companies.
The 'Robber Barons' who run these companies are not all Jewish.
For example, Timothy Cook, the boss of Apple, is not Jewish and Rex Tillerson, the boss of Exxon Mobil, is a professing Christian.

Black Americans were not always treated well in 1950s America.
Mike Stathis understands feudalism/fascism.
"Stathis has written extensively regarding what he has documented as corporate fascism in the United States...

Prescott Bush (left) who helped finance Hitler.
In his article at PressTV ( Jewish Mafia) entitled "Jewish Mafia Tied to Death of America" Stathis writes of the Jewish Mafia being the cause of America's decline:
"There is but one solution. The root cause of this cancer must be extracted. This would be the Jewish Mafia...

Poverty in 1950s America. What the nanny saw
Stathis explains:
"The post-war period was very prosperous for the United States...
"America’s dominant manufacturing sector gave rise to job security and generous benefits...
"During America’s Golden Era consumers were not owned by banks. They did not rely on credit cards...
"Americans typically bought only what they could pay for in cash...
"This was possible because the majority of jobs paid living wages.

"The societal elements during America’s Golden Era were also on more solid ground.
"The family unit was strong...
"By no means was America perfect during its Golden Era.
"There were racial, gender and economic inequalities.
"And the Banking Cartel was working with the corporate infrastructure to seize complete control over the nation.
"But overall, it was a great time to live in America."

This innocent black woman, and her child, were lynched by Whites, in 1911.
"By the late-1960s, several changes had already taken place..."
Stathis is worried by 'feminism'.
However, many women are probably pleased that they are no longer expected to be their husband's 'slave'.
Stathis is worried by 'Black pride'.
However, many Blacks are probably pleased that they can now mix more easily with white people.

Little Rock 1950s.
Stathis is worried by 'gender confusion'.
However, many gay children are probably pleased that there is now a wider acceptance that homosexuality is normal.

The CIA and its friends have promoted the Islamist extremists and the anti-Islamist extremists.
Mike Stathis writes:
"Today, multiculturalism, feminism, gay and lesbianism, affirmative action and political correctness have overwhelmed America.
"The result of this war on US society has been socioeconomic decay, gender confusion and the breakdown of the family unit.
"The Jewish Mafia’s media-entertainment complex has been the primary weapon utilized in this socioeconomic war against America."
Stathis gets it half right.

The CIA runs the extremist groups on both sides of the argument.
Black liberation should have been about that nice Black kid being able to sit next to that nice white kid on the bus.
Stathis is correct in thinking that the Jewish Mafia has used the music industry, and the narcotics industry, to take control of the minds of many Black people.
But, the CIA is also involved.

Feminism was supposed to be about women being able to get good jobs, once their little kids had grown up.
Stathis is correct in thinking that 'feminism' can sometimes be a problem.
Feminism, taken to an extreme by the big corporations, can mean women working long hours and children being neglected.

The CIA promotes the extremists on both sides.
Stathis is correct in worrying about the Gay issue.
Gay liberation should have been about people being nice to those harmless gay kids down the road, and, about stopping the blackmail of American's secretly gay politicians.
But, the Jewish Mafia and other Mafias have set up gay bathhouses and nightclubs, and have encouraged gay extremism, and homophobia.

Frank Collin - Jewish Leader of American 'Nazis'. The CIA and its friends promote all the extremist groups.
Stathis thinks there is a "political and economic war exclusively against Americans of White, Christian, European ancestry."
But, surely the Jewish Mafia and the CIA also target Black people, Mexicans and Asians.
Stathis writes that "Children are indoctrinated."
This is true, but, he makes no mention of the CIA's mind control operations.

Child being brain washed as part of the CIA's MK ULTRA mind control programme to create sex slaves and assassins.
Stathis writes: "The spread of trash TV, hip-hop and rap “music” has glamourized immorality, filthy and disrespectful behaviors, pornography, low self-esteem and violence...
"New born babies are left in garbage dumps, parents are murdering their infants, teens are killing teens, as well as their parents."
All this is correct, but again, Stathis makes no mention of the role of the CIA.

Kay Griggs was the wife of the late Colonel George Griggs, a 'mind-controlled' Marine Corps Chief of Staff and former head of NATO's Psychological Operations. (MySpace - kaygriggs) Kay Griggs says of the Nazis who came to the US: "They took with them the most perverted aspects of Nazi Germany and brought them over to the United States. They get rid of the good guys. The Marine Corps are the assassins for the Mob. The military is run by the Mob. The military IS the Mob."
Stathis writes: "The economic decay of the nation mirrors its societal decay...
"In the United States, corporate profits dictate economic and trade policy.
"This is precisely what one would expect from a nation governed by corporate fascism..."
Notice the word 'fascism'.
Not all the fascists are Jewish.

The Big Corporation are enjoying a Golden Era. Their loyalty is NOT to the average American citizen but to the rich 1%
The Robber Barons included people such as Andrew Carnegie, Edward Harriman, James Hill and Henry Plant.
They were not all members of the Jewish Mafia.
The Feudal system is not something new.
Mike Stathis at Iran's Press TV writes about America’s Golden Era / PressTV - Jewish Mafia tied to death
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