David and Jonathan.
Jesus appears to attack the Old Testament.
Jesus said: "Turn the other cheek."
In Numbers 31:14, 17, 18: "Moses said 'Kill all the women and boys, but keep the girls for yourselves."
Moses, if he ever existed, was obviously a child killer.

The Bible is like the curate's egg - good in parts.
The Bible, like the Koran, is a very human attempt to describe what life is all about.

In Matthew 5:1,2 "Jesus went up into a mountain: and when he was ready, his disciples came to him: And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying...."
This is the Sermon on the Mount.
In Luke 6:17,20: "Jesus stood in the plain, and the company of his disciples, and a great multitude of people...came to hear him.. And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples and said..."
In Luke 6:17,20: "Jesus stood in the plain, and the company of his disciples, and a great multitude of people...came to hear him.. And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples and said..."
This is the Sermon on the Mount, but, it is in the plain.
Luke seems to be making it up.
The Old Testament is endless contradictions.
In Deuteronomy 24:16 we read "Children should not be put to death for the sins of their fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin."
In Psalms 145:9 we read: "The Lord is good to all, and his tender mercies are over all his works."
A List Of Biblical Contradictions

In Jeremiah 32:27 we read "God is all powerful."
In Judges 1:19 we read: "God is not all powerful."
Biblical Contradictions
Many of the people who leave comments on this blog have been brainwashed by fundamentalist Christians.
Sensible Christians "consider some passages of the Bible (e.g. those referring to slavery, burning some hookers alive, forcing rape victims to marry their rapists, raping female prisoners of war, etc.) as not being valid today, as immoral, and against the will of God."They differentiate among various homosexual and heterosexual sex practices, treating some (rape, prostitution, temple sex rituals) as immoral and some (consesual activity within committed relationships) as positive."

The early Christians had various theories about Jesus.
Jesus did not become 'officially' divine until 325 AD.
This was when the Council of Nicaea, set up by the Roman emperor Constantine, decided that Jesus, like many Roman Emperors, was divine.

Most scholars agree that Jesus did actually exist.
"Amy-Jill Levine states that ... 'there is a consensus of sorts on the basic outline of Jesus' life' in that most scholars agree that Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, debated Jewish authorities on the subject of God, performed some healings, gathered followers...."[68]
Christ myth theory - Wikipedia

In The Historical Jesus; Five Views, Robert Price suggests that the story of Jesus in the Gospels contains borrowings from pagan mythology.
The Recliner Commentaries: Five views of the historical Jesus

Osiris's resurrection is celebrated on the third day
Apparently not.
However, the existence of Herod the Great "can be well established without reliance on Christian sources."[23]
In other words, Herod was not Herrut.

"The overall scholarly consensus is that while the examples provided often involve death of the deity, they do not generally involve resurrection of the same deity.[2]

"The overall scholarly consensus is that while the examples provided often involve death of the deity, they do not generally involve resurrection of the same deity.[2]
"Eddy and Boyd state that upon careful analysis, it turns out that there is often either no death, no resurrection or no god in the examples used to construct each of the examples in the category.[17]
"Jonathan Z. Smith, a scholar of comparative religions, writes the category is 'largely a misnomer based on imaginative reconstructions and exceedingly late or highly ambiguous texts.'[1][37]

Early Christian authors "took an extremely negative view of Mithraism" and saw their practices "as evil copies of Christian practices."[209]
Stanley porter notes that "Mithraism only reached Asia minor in the latter part of the first century, after the basic elements of the gospels were in place, and hence could not have influenced the essential elements of the gospels."[211]


However, Strauss believed that "the additional elements of the sky opening, the dove descending on Jesus as the Holy Spirit, etc. were subsequent miraculous embellishments by the authors of the gospels intended to emphasize the importance of a key event in the life of Jesus."[220] [225]
Strauss believed that the divine spirit was embedded in all of humanity.

In 1890, Sir James George Frazer published the first edition of The Golden Bough which showed "the shared elements of religious belief."
Frazer himself believed that Jesus existed.[235]
William Benjamin Smith (1850–1934) argued for a symbolic interpretation of the stories about Jesus.
Smith argues that in the parable of the Jesus and the rich young man there never was a young man, and the young man symbolizes the nation of Israel.[254]
"Free will allows us to choose to continue to influence reality with our memories (Ego)
"Positive Thinking is Merely Scratching the Surface of Truth: We must be attentive to intuition
"As the Quantum physicist has discovered, our beliefs come true.

Who was Jesus?
John Dominic Crossan, professor emeritus at De Paul University Chicago, is an Irish-American religious scholar. (John Dominic Crossan Web Site)
Crossan "believes that less than 20 percent of what we read in the Gospels are original sayings of Jesus." (http://www.y-jesus.com/bornid_4.php)
Crossan does not dispute that Jesus Christ really lived.
Independent accounts "prove that in ancient times even the opponents of Christianity never doubted the historicity of Jesus." (Quoted in Josh McDowell, Evidence That Demands a Verdict, vol. 1 (Nashville: Nelson, 1979), 87.)
Crossan sees Jesus as a healer and man of great wisdom. (John Dominic Crossan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

According to Crossan, Jesus's teachings would have upset the elite.
According to Crossan, "The Kingdom of God comes not at some future time
"You cannot point out the sign of its coming
"The Kingdom of God comes not at some special site
"You cannot point out the place of its coming
"The Kingdom of God is already here, among you, now."

Egyptians, by Veralyn Adeyinka
In a review of a Crossan book, Peter Broady wrote (Review of The Essential Jesus by John Dominic Crossan.):
"One can only wonder what the Jewish peasant who spoke of the poor and destitute as ‘blessed’ along with the ‘peacemakers’ and ‘those that hunger and thirst after justice’, and said that it is nearly impossible for wealth and the ‘kingdom of God’ to coexist, would think of our unimaginably wealthy country where the gap between rich and poor has reached heights unimaginable in his time..."
Smith argues that in the parable of the Jesus and the rich young man there never was a young man, and the young man symbolizes the nation of Israel.[254]
Dying and rising gods

1. Jesus shared meals with outcasts, which annoyed the Pharisees, strong supporters of the laws and traditions of the Jewish people.

What evidence is there that Jesus was (A) an opponent of the Establishment, or (B) a tool of the establisment?
1. Jesus shared meals with outcasts, which annoyed the Pharisees, strong supporters of the laws and traditions of the Jewish people.
Jesus said: "Be on your guard against the Doctors of the Law, who like to walk about in robes and be saluted in the streets... who devour the livelihood of widows..."
2. Jesus talked of 'good people' being his 'brothers' and 'sisters'.
3. Jesus urged people to 'renounce self'.
Jesus said: "If anyone wishes to be the first, he must be the last of all and the servant of all."
Jesus said: "Why do you call me good? No one but God is good."
4. Jesus said: "How difficult it is for men of wealth to enter the Kingdom of God."

What about Quantum Physics, Jesus and Intuition?
"Free will allows us to choose to continue to influence reality with our memories (Ego)
Or we can choose to accept our identity as projections of the Father and consciously co-create with the Father...
"Quantum physics has proven that the belief of the observer is translated in the test tube.
"Quantum physics has proven that the belief of the observer is translated in the test tube.
"Each energy packet can become particle or remain as energy depending on the expectation of the observer.
"This is known as the observer effect.
"Positive Thinking is Merely Scratching the Surface of Truth: We must be attentive to intuition
"As the Quantum physicist has discovered, our beliefs come true.
"This is the key to the kingdom which we forgot shortly after birth.

"Our parents probably forgot that we are connected, just as they are connected to the One.
"In this same way, Herod of Judea forgot that he and Jesus were both born of the Creator/Father/One.
"Herod attempted to kill Jesus by ordering all the newborn children of Bethlehem to be slain.
"But, since Joseph was attentive to his intuition, (for intuitive training go to Andrea Hess...) he was warned by the One/Creator/Father to flee to Egypt.
"But, since Joseph was attentive to his intuition, (for intuitive training go to Andrea Hess...) he was warned by the One/Creator/Father to flee to Egypt.
"Jesus was safe during His childhood. They only returned to Israel after they were told of the death of Herod.

"When Jesus was grown, he fasted for 40 days and 40 nights before beginning His ministry... a month of fasting will cause an altered state of reality.
"When Jesus was tempted by His Ego to turn the stones into bread, He reminded the tempter that 'man does not live by bread alone.' Thus He determined to finish his vision quest...
"Jesus told the Ego to get behind Him because it is only the One/Source/Creator who would be served.
"When Jesus was tempted by His Ego to turn the stones into bread, He reminded the tempter that 'man does not live by bread alone.' Thus He determined to finish his vision quest...
"Jesus told the Ego to get behind Him because it is only the One/Source/Creator who would be served.

"To accept our identity as co-Creators with the One, we must put our finite Egos behind us.
"Our Subconscious mind is connected to our Higher Mind and to the Creator/One/Source.
"The Ego is only connected to our conscious minds and helps keep us involved in this physical world.
"But, at the same time, we must learn to influence our Subconscious Minds in order to create our reality..."

Who was Jesus?
John Dominic Crossan, professor emeritus at De Paul University Chicago, is an Irish-American religious scholar. (John Dominic Crossan Web Site)
Crossan "believes that less than 20 percent of what we read in the Gospels are original sayings of Jesus." (http://www.y-jesus.com/bornid_4.php)
Crossan does not dispute that Jesus Christ really lived.
Independent accounts "prove that in ancient times even the opponents of Christianity never doubted the historicity of Jesus." (Quoted in Josh McDowell, Evidence That Demands a Verdict, vol. 1 (Nashville: Nelson, 1979), 87.)
Crossan sees Jesus as a healer and man of great wisdom. (John Dominic Crossan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

The fundamentalists are no fun
According to Crossan, "The Kingdom of God comes not at some future time
"You cannot point out the sign of its coming
"The Kingdom of God comes not at some special site
"You cannot point out the place of its coming
"The Kingdom of God is already here, among you, now."
Egyptians, by Veralyn Adeyinka
In a review of a Crossan book, Peter Broady wrote (Review of The Essential Jesus by John Dominic Crossan.):
"One can only wonder what the Jewish peasant who spoke of the poor and destitute as ‘blessed’ along with the ‘peacemakers’ and ‘those that hunger and thirst after justice’, and said that it is nearly impossible for wealth and the ‘kingdom of God’ to coexist, would think of our unimaginably wealthy country where the gap between rich and poor has reached heights unimaginable in his time..."
The following is fiction:
James: How was your trip to India to meet the great guru?
Peter: I enjoyed India. But I've come to the conclusion that the only good guru is a humble guru. The guru I met in India was sitting on a throne and claiming to understand everything about the universe. He did not look in good health. He may be what you call a 'theomaniac': someone who gets very easily irritated and doesn't like being contradicted.
James: You are a fan of humility.
Peter: I am. Think of Jesus on the cross saying, "My God, why have you forsaken me?" That seems to be Jesus admitting that he's not perfect. He seems to be admitting that some things have gone wrong.
James: You don't think Jesus was perfect?
Peter: Jesus said, "Why do you call me good? No one is good except God." He also said that he was not seeking glory for himself.
James: That suggests that Jesus was capable of making some mistakes.
Peter: Exactly. Remember that Jesus wanted people to be humble, like little children. He wanted people to see themselves as servants. Jesus washed people's feet.
James: What about Jesus when he was criticising some of the Jewish leaders and calling them names? In Matthew, Jesus says, "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!... You blind fools!... You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell?"
Peter: This seems to conflict with Jesus's teaching about not judging people; and about seeing your own faults; about turning the other cheek and about not resisting evil.
James: What do think Jesus thought about God and life after death?
Peter: I think Jesus used parables because it's not possible to explain all these things very easily in words. When Jesus talked about being at one with the Father, that could mean many different things. I think Jesus believed that we can all be one with the divine.
James: So your guru must be humble.
Peter: The guru must teach that we should be humble, kindly and flexible in our thinking. But, the guru must himself be humble, kindly and flexible.

The fundamentalists are no fun
The Religion OF Jesus - not ABOUT Jesus: Toward the theology OF Jesus
"Jesus, in fact, was typical of a certain kind of fanatical young idealist: at one moment holding forth, with tears in his eyes, about the need for universal love; at the next furiously denouncing the morons, crooks and bigots who do not see eye to eye with him, It is a very natural and human behavior." - Margaret Knight, 'Honest to Man' : p26 ( personality )
The Prophet said, "Have I not taught you how the inhabitants of Paradise will be all the humble and the weak..." Islam: Hadith of Bukhari.
"Be humble, be harmless, Have no pretension..." Hinduism: Bhagavad Gita
"To know when one does not know is best. To think one knows when one does not know is a dire disease." Taoism: Tao Te Ching
"The fool who knows that he is a fool is for that very reason a wise man; the fool who thinks he is wise is called a fool indeed." Buddhism: Dhammapada
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