This psychiatrist is located in Sandy Hook, CT.
Sandy Hook reference in ‘Dream House’ film
Was there a bathroom in Lauren Rousseau's classroom at Sandy Hook?
"The information leaked to the Courant said that the lone survivor in Lauren Rousseau's classroom was hidden 'in one of the corners of the classroom's tiny bathroom.'
"But Terri Rousseau, an editor for The News-Times in Danbury, said she did know that one girl had survived from the class, but had never heard that there was a bathroom in Lauren's classroom."
Sandy Hook shooting details released amid criticism - Danbury News Times-19 Oct 2013

Sandy Hook reference in ‘Dream House’ film
Was there a bathroom in Lauren Rousseau's classroom at Sandy Hook?
"The information leaked to the Courant said that the lone survivor in Lauren Rousseau's classroom was hidden 'in one of the corners of the classroom's tiny bathroom.'
"But Terri Rousseau, an editor for The News-Times in Danbury, said she did know that one girl had survived from the class, but had never heard that there was a bathroom in Lauren's classroom."
Sandy Hook shooting details released amid criticism - Danbury News Times-19 Oct 2013

According to Lauren Rousseau's mother, Lauren's 2004 Honda Civic - parked outside the school - was riddled with bullets when the authorities removed the vehicle. nydailynews
Which classroom was attacked first?
"The timeline of which classroom Lanza entered first, Rousseau's as originally believed or Soto's, has now been called into question
because some of the 11 students who survived the shooting in Soto's class told investigators they hadn't heard gunshots before Lanza came into their room, the Courant reported."
Sandy Hook shooting details released amid criticism - Danbury News Times-19 Oct 2013
You can see why the people who carried out this incident wanted to knock down the school.
Sandy Hook Elementary School razing begins

Over the Rainbow, the benefit song the Sandy Hook children sang, was sung by Judy Garland in Wizard of Oz.
Sandy Hook reference in ‘Dream House’ film
Many of the World's elite are involved in child abuse rings.

“I saw Joseph Ratzinger murder a little girl”: Eyewitness
The child abuse rings are linked to the CIA and its friends.
The Butterfly is the key symbol in CIA 'Monarch' Brainwashing.
Dylan Hockley's mum wrote: "I wanted a smallish, multi-coloured butterfly at the base of my back."
Sunday mornings

Note the Butterfly, the CIA Monarch Brainwashing symbol, used in the above Sandy Hook TV interview.

Dylan Hockley, victim of CIA brainwashing?
Dylan Hockley lived in a house opposite that of Adam Lanza.
Nicole Hockley says: ‘Dylan and all the other children and teachers who lost their lives are butterflies now.'

Which classroom was attacked first?
"The timeline of which classroom Lanza entered first, Rousseau's as originally believed or Soto's, has now been called into question
Sandy Hook shooting details released amid criticism - Danbury News Times-19 Oct 2013
Sandy Hook Elementary School razing begins

The CIA uses Wizard of Oz themes when brainwashing its child victims to turm them into sex slaves or assassins.
Judy Garland’s record Annie Get Your Gun that was produced on 'Sandy Hook Records'.
Judy Garland’s record Annie Get Your Gun that was produced on 'Sandy Hook Records'.
Over the Rainbow, the benefit song the Sandy Hook children sang, was sung by Judy Garland in Wizard of Oz.
Sandy Hook reference in ‘Dream House’ film
Many of the World's elite are involved in child abuse rings.

“I saw Joseph Ratzinger murder a little girl”: Eyewitness
The child abuse rings are linked to the CIA and its friends.

The Hockleys and a butterfly.
The Butterfly is the key symbol in CIA 'Monarch' Brainwashing.
Dylan Hockley's mum wrote: "I wanted a smallish, multi-coloured butterfly at the base of my back."
Sunday mornings

Note the Butterfly, the CIA Monarch Brainwashing symbol, used in the above Sandy Hook TV interview.

Dylan Hockley, victim of CIA brainwashing?
Nicole Hockley says: ‘Dylan and all the other children and teachers who lost their lives are butterflies now.'

Ian Hockley at the funeral of Dylan. Butterfly on lapel.
At Dylan's funeral, the mourners were able to watch a clip of Dylan popping out of a jack-in-the-box, as the organist played Somewhere Over The Rainbow.

MKULTRA {Monarch} - La Caverna

Funeral of Dylan Hockley -December 2012
At the funeral, a singer reworked Dylan’s favorite song from Shrek, “Hallelujah,” to pay tribute to Dylan and the other victims.
Shrek links to butterflies.

Butterflies in Shrek.
"Because I am a beautiful butterfly" - spoken by a 6 year old whose favourite movies are said to have included Shrek and whose favourite colour is "said" to have been purple, ditto for fellow victims, Oliver Engel and Josephine Gay.
"Hallelujah - a supposedly religious pop song with Sadism and Masochism overtones, written by a man who strongly identifies with 17th century False Messiah Sabbatai Zvi."

Grace Audrey McDonnell
Anonymous said...
Grace Audrey McDonnell's Mum Lynn:
"She just had a birthday in November when she turned 7 and ... she said, "I want a purple cake..."

Anonymous said...
Sandy Hook substitute teacher, Lauren Rousseau:
"It helped that she still lived in her purple room in the sprawling, warmly decorated Victorian house she was born in ..."
Ann Diamond said...
They actually played "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and a choir on the Voice sang "Hallelujah" - a supposedly religious pop song with S and M overtones, written by a man who strongly identifies with 17th century False Messiah Sabbatai Zvi.
Anonymous said...
Dylan could not have been a CIA mind-control victim without his parents complicity. Is his pretty mother a CIA mind-controlled sex slave. Is father Ian their CIA handler? (another JonBenet family?)
aferrismoon said...
One wonders where Hollywood gets the names of some of its cartoon characters.
Anyhow Shrek weaves in fairly well.
Sandy Hook Was Indeed A Massive Hoax
sandy hook newtown connecticut shootings - pedophile rings
Anonymous said...
At Dylan's funeral, the mourners were able to watch a clip of Dylan popping out of a jack-in-the-box, as the organist played Somewhere Over The Rainbow.
Nicole Hockley recalled asking Dylan at one time why he flapped his arms...
“Because I am a beautiful butterfly,” he told her.
“Because I am a beautiful butterfly,” he told her.

Hockley family mourners dressed in purple
At Dylan's funeral, many people wore purple, and there were purple balloons.
In the CIA's brainwashing programme, use is made of butterflies, the song 'Somewhere over the Rainbow' and the colour purple.
At Dylan's funeral, many people wore purple, and there were purple balloons.
In the CIA's brainwashing programme, use is made of butterflies, the song 'Somewhere over the Rainbow' and the colour purple.

Funeral of Dylan Hockley -December 2012
At the funeral, a singer reworked Dylan’s favorite song from Shrek, “Hallelujah,” to pay tribute to Dylan and the other victims.
Shrek links to butterflies.

Butterflies in Shrek.
"Because I am a beautiful butterfly" - spoken by a 6 year old whose favourite movies are said to have included Shrek and whose favourite colour is "said" to have been purple, ditto for fellow victims, Oliver Engel and Josephine Gay.
"Hallelujah - a supposedly religious pop song with Sadism and Masochism overtones, written by a man who strongly identifies with 17th century False Messiah Sabbatai Zvi."

Grace Audrey McDonnell

Grace Audrey McDonnell's Mum Lynn:
"She just had a birthday in November when she turned 7 and ... she said, "I want a purple cake..."

Lauren Rousseaux

Sandy Hook substitute teacher, Lauren Rousseau:
"It helped that she still lived in her purple room in the sprawling, warmly decorated Victorian house she was born in ..."

They actually played "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and a choir on the Voice sang "Hallelujah" - a supposedly religious pop song with S and M overtones, written by a man who strongly identifies with 17th century False Messiah Sabbatai Zvi.

Dylan could not have been a CIA mind-control victim without his parents complicity. Is his pretty mother a CIA mind-controlled sex slave. Is father Ian their CIA handler? (another JonBenet family?)

One wonders where Hollywood gets the names of some of its cartoon characters.
Anyhow Shrek weaves in fairly well.
Sandy Hook Was Indeed A Massive Hoax
sandy hook newtown connecticut shootings - pedophile rings
Anyone feeling inclined to support the forces of good could head over to the Amazon site of the book 22 Faces ( where author-therapist Judy Byington is being harassed by nasty people who don't like the fact she's written a compelling page-turner about a client who survived being mind controlled by the notorious Dr Greenbaum (Jewish turncoat who arrived in the US via Project paperclip to make spare cash teaching the CIA and Satanic families Nazi mind control techniques). The 6-year-old girl, astonishingly, survives the sacrificial altar and goes on to recover....and grass 'em up. Please help us scatter some haters and trolls
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