Kate and Gerry McCann are up against the world's most powerful child abuse mafia.
They appear to know this.
Various top people have been attracted to the Algarve - European royal families, Cliff Richard, Tony Blair, David Cameron, the Beckhams, Jose manuel Barroso, Ronaldo, José Mourinho, Hugh Grant, Colin Montgomery, John McEnroe, Bjorn Borg...
Before the Madeleine McCann story broke, the McCanns were not important people.
If there had been no involvement by any high powered pedophile ring, then the Madeleine story would have had had little impact.
But, MI5 and a whole host of other agencies were observed taking an interest in the case.
(Kate and Gerry McCann: Beyond the smears)

The McCanns appear to know that they are up against very powerful people.
What about the SNIFFER DOGS reported to have sniffed something in the Mccann's flat?
In the Shannon Matthews case a cadaver dog sniffed death.
Shannon was later found alive.
The dog was smelling cadaver odour from a piece of second hand furniture.
No forensic evidence has ever been found to support the idea that Madeleine is dead.
Full details here: Why the cadaver dogs are not...
The McCanns did not change their story.
Right from the start, in official statements to the Policia Judiciaria (PJ), they said the patio doors were closed but weren't locked.
Rebuttal "50 facts"

Brigitte Zypries spoke the truth.
The very powerful people behind the kidnapping of Madeleine have waged a campaign to convince the more naive members of the public that no high-powered pedophile ring is involved.
However, the less gullible people have known exactly what has been going on and have spoken out.
The German Justice Minister, Brigitte Zypries, said, at a meeting of G8 justice ministers, that it should be assumed that Madeleine had been abducted by a gang that passes on children to be abused.[31]

The discovery of computer discs at Dutroux's house, in 1996, "unraveled an international pedophile ring involving Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, the U.S., Great Britain, Japan and the United Nations and its agencies."
From The Daily mail:
"As well as growing fears that Madeleine was abducted by a paedophile ring, they (the parents) can have little hope of justice when leading Portuguese figures are allegedly involved in covering-up their own child sex scandal.
"Both cases -Casa Pia and McCann - the two highest profile criminal investigations in the country since the end of the Portuguese military dictatorship in 1974 - have been riven by allegations of compromised police officers, high-level interference and vicious, virulent attacks on key witnesses."
Why Portugal is a haven for paedophiles - the disturbing backcloth ...

Clarence Mitchell quit his job as director of the UK Governments Central Office of Information's media monitoring unit to become the McCanns full time Public Relations man.
Nanny Charlotte Pennington says that Kate McCann did scream: "They've taken her, they've taken her!"
Nanny Charlotte Pennington says that Kate McCann did scream: "They've taken her, they've taken her!"
This could suggest that Kate and Gerry knew about the high powered pedophile rings that supply children to the various top people that have been attracted to the Algarve.
But they had assumed that these rings would not touch the children of middle class English tourists.

David James Smith, in The Sunday Times (UK), 16 December 2007, (Kate and Gerry McCann: Beyond the smears) wrote about the Madeleine McCann case:
"I heard that a PJ officer had been surprised to find a member of MI5 at a UK meeting about the case, and this made him suspicious that shadowy forces could be at work.
"The Sol journalist Felicia Cabrita mentioned the 'mysterious Clarence' - Clarence Mitchell, the former government PR officer turned McCann spokesman - and I was told there was suspicion too about another government official, Sheree Dodd, who had acted as a PR officer for the McCanns briefly in the early days..."

David James Smith, in The Sunday Times (UK), 16 December 2007, (Kate and Gerry McCann: Beyond the smears) wrote about the Madeleine McCann case:
"I heard that a PJ officer had been surprised to find a member of MI5 at a UK meeting about the case, and this made him suspicious that shadowy forces could be at work.
"The Sol journalist Felicia Cabrita mentioned the 'mysterious Clarence' - Clarence Mitchell, the former government PR officer turned McCann spokesman - and I was told there was suspicion too about another government official, Sheree Dodd, who had acted as a PR officer for the McCanns briefly in the early days..."

Paul Bonacci told attorney John DeCamp that he had been abducted into a sex ring, and was forced to participate in the kidnapping of JohnnyGosch.
Madeleine McCann is Britain's Johhny Gosch.

Kidnapped by the Dutroux gang.
Documents released by the Portuguese police include (50 new leads ):
1. Repeated sightings of a girl who looked like Madeleine in Ghent, Kortrijk and Bruges in Belgium in November 2008.
2. Photographs from the internet discovered by a French detective showing images of sexual abuse which involved a girl looking like Madeleine.

'Madeleine' in Belgium.
Dutroux victim Regina Louf lived in Ghent in Belgium.
(Regina's story)
In 1995 the Dutroux gang attempted to kidnap a girl in Kortrijk in Belgium.
(Dutroux en Nihoul.)
Michel Nihoul, the key figure in the Dutroux affair, has been linked to this incident.
Bruges, in Belgium, is also linked to the Dutroux affair.
(Zandvoort network! )

In March 2008, intelligence received by the UK Police suggested there was an organised child abduction ring from Belgium which had Madeleine stolen to order.
(Madeleine McCann: Numerous sightings in Belgium - Telegraph)
In Belgium there have been over 100 witness reports linked to Madeleine through a hotline for missing children.
A child therapist said she was "100 per cent sure" she saw Madeleine at a restaurant in the Belgian town of Tongeren, on July 28 2007.
(Volvo in Belgian Madeleine 'sighting' had fake plates, say police ...)

Belgian Nazi
The Metropolitan Police intelligence unit, in an e-mail, stated: 'Intelligence suggests that a paedophile ring in Belgium made an order for a young girl three days before Madeleine McCann was taken.
(British police feared Madeleine was 'stolen to order' by Belgian paedophile ring. Paedophile ring snatched Madeleine McCann, Scotland Yard fears ... )
'Somebody connected to this group saw Madeleine and took a photograph of her. The purchaser agreed that the girl was suitable and Madeleine was taken.'
The Metropolitan (London) police had been tipped off by an anonymous source.

On 5 March, 2008, the UK police email was sent by John Shord of the Met’s CO14 vice intelligence unit, to police in the McCanns' home county of Leicestershire.
On 21 April, John Hughes of Leicestershire Police then apparently sent the e-mail to Portugal.
That means a six-week delay.
On 28 April, Insp Ricardo Paiva sent the e-mail to Lisbon Interpol.
On 23 May, Interpol replied.
In other words, the top police were apparently trying to frustrate the inquiry.

Child abuser Savile and his friends in the police.
On 3 May, 2007, Madeleine was kidnapped
On 4 May Jean-Michel Nihoul was released from jail.(Cached )
On 31 May, the Bilderberg meetings began near Istanbul.
(List of delegates at Bilderberg 2007, Istanbul, Turkey (May 31 ...)

Bohemian Grove
There are links to the USA
"The American case involved CIA-Col. Oliver North initiated drugs-for money-for weapons operation, and also the Franklin Credit Bank of Omaha, Nebraska, run by Larry King, a powerful African-American Republican Party operator, whose savings and loan institution was used to launder funds for Oliver North's Contras.
"When former Nebraska state senator John De Camp undertook a probe of King's activities , he uncovered a nationwide pedophile ring, servicing some of the wealthiest and most powerful figures in the Omaha business and political elites in the Republican Party circles of George Herbert Walker Bush
(see 'The Franklin Cover-Up, Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebraska,' by John W. De Camp).

Who are the kidnappers?
"In 'Beyond the Dutroux Affair', it was described how a cabal of highest level players, including judges, lawyers, top bankers, prime ministers and aristocrats were involved in child abuse and snuff networks (going right up to Bilderberg and the Nazi Stay-Behind networks).
"It was also described how this cabal could place their own investigators in leading positions of the child abuse investigations and dismantle it by blocking important inquiries, putting detectives on false leads, and making carefully planned leaks to friendly newspapers."
(BriansDreams.com Cached)
Documents released by the Portuguese police include (50 new leads ):
1. Repeated sightings of a girl who looked like Madeleine in Ghent, Kortrijk and Bruges in Belgium in November 2008.
2. Photographs from the internet discovered by a French detective showing images of sexual abuse which involved a girl looking like Madeleine.

'Madeleine' in Belgium.
Dutroux victim Regina Louf lived in Ghent in Belgium.
(Regina's story)
In 1995 the Dutroux gang attempted to kidnap a girl in Kortrijk in Belgium.
(Dutroux en Nihoul.)
Michel Nihoul, the key figure in the Dutroux affair, has been linked to this incident.
Bruges, in Belgium, is also linked to the Dutroux affair.
(Zandvoort network! )

In March 2008, intelligence received by the UK Police suggested there was an organised child abduction ring from Belgium which had Madeleine stolen to order.
(Madeleine McCann: Numerous sightings in Belgium - Telegraph)
In Belgium there have been over 100 witness reports linked to Madeleine through a hotline for missing children.
A child therapist said she was "100 per cent sure" she saw Madeleine at a restaurant in the Belgian town of Tongeren, on July 28 2007.
(Volvo in Belgian Madeleine 'sighting' had fake plates, say police ...)

Belgian Nazi
The Metropolitan Police intelligence unit, in an e-mail, stated: 'Intelligence suggests that a paedophile ring in Belgium made an order for a young girl three days before Madeleine McCann was taken.
(British police feared Madeleine was 'stolen to order' by Belgian paedophile ring. Paedophile ring snatched Madeleine McCann, Scotland Yard fears ... )
'Somebody connected to this group saw Madeleine and took a photograph of her. The purchaser agreed that the girl was suitable and Madeleine was taken.'
The Metropolitan (London) police had been tipped off by an anonymous source.

On 5 March, 2008, the UK police email was sent by John Shord of the Met’s CO14 vice intelligence unit, to police in the McCanns' home county of Leicestershire.
On 21 April, John Hughes of Leicestershire Police then apparently sent the e-mail to Portugal.
That means a six-week delay.
On 28 April, Insp Ricardo Paiva sent the e-mail to Lisbon Interpol.
On 23 May, Interpol replied.
In other words, the top police were apparently trying to frustrate the inquiry.

Child abuser Savile and his friends in the police.
On 3 May, 2007, Madeleine was kidnapped
On 4 May Jean-Michel Nihoul was released from jail.(Cached )
On 31 May, the Bilderberg meetings began near Istanbul.
(List of delegates at Bilderberg 2007, Istanbul, Turkey (May 31 ...)

Bohemian Grove
"The American case involved CIA-Col. Oliver North initiated drugs-for money-for weapons operation, and also the Franklin Credit Bank of Omaha, Nebraska, run by Larry King, a powerful African-American Republican Party operator, whose savings and loan institution was used to launder funds for Oliver North's Contras.
"When former Nebraska state senator John De Camp undertook a probe of King's activities , he uncovered a nationwide pedophile ring, servicing some of the wealthiest and most powerful figures in the Omaha business and political elites in the Republican Party circles of George Herbert Walker Bush
(see 'The Franklin Cover-Up, Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebraska,' by John W. De Camp).

Who are the kidnappers?
"In 'Beyond the Dutroux Affair', it was described how a cabal of highest level players, including judges, lawyers, top bankers, prime ministers and aristocrats were involved in child abuse and snuff networks (going right up to Bilderberg and the Nazi Stay-Behind networks).
"It was also described how this cabal could place their own investigators in leading positions of the child abuse investigations and dismantle it by blocking important inquiries, putting detectives on false leads, and making carefully planned leaks to friendly newspapers."
(BriansDreams.com Cached)
(1) Zev Barkan (2) Madeleine suspect
Reportedly, Zev Barkan aka Bruckenstein was at one time a Mossad agent in Brussels.
Reportedly, Barkan got Bernard Weinstein involved withMarc Dutroux's organisation, so that blackmail could be applied to Dutroux's customers.
Dutroux was at the centre of an international child abuse and murder ring.
Reportedly, Zev Barkan aka Bruckenstein was at one time a Mossad agent in Brussels.
Reportedly, Barkan got Bernard Weinstein involved withMarc Dutroux's organisation, so that blackmail could be applied to Dutroux's customers.
Dutroux was at the centre of an international child abuse and murder ring.
Reportedly, Mossad operative Zev Barkan and his accomplices ran a studio making snuff and porno movies in the Mekong River town of Pen Yauin in Cambodia.
Reportedly, Mossad operative Zev Barkan and his accomplices ran a studio making snuff and porno movies in the Mekong River town of Pen Yauin in Cambodia.

Michel Nihoul was the person who allegedly organised orgies in a Belgian chateau.
These Orgies allegedly were attended by a former European commissioner, judges, senior politicians, lawyers and policemen.
Nihoul was one of the accomplices of Marc Dutroux.
Regina Louf testified to the authorities about orgies at which she allegedly saw children tortured and murdered.
The allegation in the the book called 'The X-files: What Belgium Was Not Supposed to Know About the Dutroux Affair' is that, at Black masses, attended by members of Belgium's elite, children were sacrificed.
(The investigation BBC News CORRESPONDENT EUROPE Belgium's X-Files: an Olenka ... BBC NEWS Programmes Correspondent Europe Belgium's X Files ...)

Regina Louf
In 1996, at the village of Forchies-la-Marche, the police investigated an institute of Black Magic. They dug up human skulls.
(The Irish press coverup of the Marc Dutroux Murders!)
The International Herald Tribune( Belgium Pedophilia Scandal /Did Authorities Cover Up Its Scope ... ) quoted Guy Poncelet as saying the X-files book was convincing.
Guy Poncelet is a judge.
His son, a police officer, was mysteriously shot dead.
This son had been investigating a case involving Dutroux.
Judge Connerotte was the judge who caught Dutroux.
The authorities removed Connerotte from the case.
Patriek De Baets was the official in charge of investigating the X-files. The authorities removed him from the case.

Andre Cools - dead.
In 1991, Belgium's former deputy prime minister, Andre Cools, announced that he was about to make some revelations about the mafia and their links to some of the most important people in Liege.
"Cools had most imprudently announced to the Belgian press... that he would soon release startling evidence about corruption in Belgium's growing arms industry and its ties to the Canadian billionaire Bronfman brothers, a number ofmajor U.S. political figures and republican fat cats with influence reaching into the inner circles of the Bush White House.

"Among the names that Cools promised to present evidence on were Dick Cheney, Neil Bush, Frank Carlucci, Donald Rumsfeld and members of thepowerful Republican Barbour and Racicot clans who all own large shares in major arms manufactuerers as well as Britain's Jonathan Aitken, Thatcher's secretary of state for defense who had large holdings in a string of British arms suppliers and was a leading figure in the Tory Party hierarchy." -
(Conspiracy Planet - Whistleblower: Oswald LeWinter - Bush-Cheney ...)
Cools was shot dead. Before he could speak out.

Michel Nihoul was the person who allegedly organised orgies in a Belgian chateau.
These Orgies allegedly were attended by a former European commissioner, judges, senior politicians, lawyers and policemen.
Nihoul was one of the accomplices of Marc Dutroux.
Regina Louf testified to the authorities about orgies at which she allegedly saw children tortured and murdered.
The allegation in the the book called 'The X-files: What Belgium Was Not Supposed to Know About the Dutroux Affair' is that, at Black masses, attended by members of Belgium's elite, children were sacrificed.
(The investigation BBC News CORRESPONDENT EUROPE Belgium's X-Files: an Olenka ... BBC NEWS Programmes Correspondent Europe Belgium's X Files ...)

Regina Louf
In 1996, at the village of Forchies-la-Marche, the police investigated an institute of Black Magic. They dug up human skulls.
(The Irish press coverup of the Marc Dutroux Murders!)
The International Herald Tribune( Belgium Pedophilia Scandal /Did Authorities Cover Up Its Scope ... ) quoted Guy Poncelet as saying the X-files book was convincing.
Guy Poncelet is a judge.
His son, a police officer, was mysteriously shot dead.
This son had been investigating a case involving Dutroux.
Judge Connerotte was the judge who caught Dutroux.
The authorities removed Connerotte from the case.
Patriek De Baets was the official in charge of investigating the X-files. The authorities removed him from the case.

Andre Cools - dead.
In 1991, Belgium's former deputy prime minister, Andre Cools, announced that he was about to make some revelations about the mafia and their links to some of the most important people in Liege.
"Cools had most imprudently announced to the Belgian press... that he would soon release startling evidence about corruption in Belgium's growing arms industry and its ties to the Canadian billionaire Bronfman brothers, a number ofmajor U.S. political figures and republican fat cats with influence reaching into the inner circles of the Bush White House.

"Among the names that Cools promised to present evidence on were Dick Cheney, Neil Bush, Frank Carlucci, Donald Rumsfeld and members of thepowerful Republican Barbour and Racicot clans who all own large shares in major arms manufactuerers as well as Britain's Jonathan Aitken, Thatcher's secretary of state for defense who had large holdings in a string of British arms suppliers and was a leading figure in the Tory Party hierarchy." -
(Conspiracy Planet - Whistleblower: Oswald LeWinter - Bush-Cheney ...)
Cools was shot dead. Before he could speak out.

After Dutroux's arrest in 1996, arrests were made in the Cool's case.
One of those arrested was Alain Van der Biest, a Socialist Minister, alleged to have close links with the mafia gangs of Liege.
Belgian TV came up with an anonymous witness who claimed that leading Socialist politician, Guy Mathot, had ordered Cools to be killed.
In 1994 Mathot was charged with corruption over kickbacks paid to Belgium's Socialist parties.
Willy Claes was NATO Secretary General and a Belgian. He was caught up in the Mathot kickbacks thing and was forced to resign.
Melchior Wathelet was top judge who released Dutroux from prison in 1991.
Wathelet was Belgium's judge at the European Court of Justice.
Wathelet was Belgium's Justice Minister at the time when Cools was shot dead.
Cools' son called for Wathelet and other top judges to be removed from office.
In 1996 there were suggestions that the gangs involved in the Cools' killing had been involved with Dutroux.
"Dutroux... was closely tied to a senior Portuguese diplomat, Jorge Ritto, a former ambassador to South Africa and Permanent Representative to UNESCO who is a close friend of the agency's Secretary General, Koiichiro Matsura.
Conspiracy Planet - Whistleblower: Oswald LeWinter - Bush-Cheney ...
"Ritto has been implicated and jailed as a major figure in Portugal's Casa Pia pedophilia scandal.
"Another leading figure dredged up in the widening circle of the Dutroux pedophilia operation, Jean Michel Nihoul, managed the group's finances out of posh offices on the Avenue de Louise in the heart of the Brussels business district.
"He managed a string of Dutroux's properties which functioned as pedophilia clubs in various countries, including a sumptuous and secluded villa in the Caribbean at which leading U.S. political figures, governors and members of Congress could satisfy their pedophile perversions safe from media sleuths.

According to victim-witness Paul Bonacci, US general Aquino's work in Europe involved the fascist underground.
"Nihoul had been in and out of jail since the 1970's, on a wide range of money-laundering, drug-trafficking, and prostitution charges.
"He was also a leading power in Belgian right-wing political circles, a close friend of U.S. General John Singlaub and Rev. Moon of the World Anti-Communist League as well as to men in the upper echelons of the Sasakawa Foundation.
"Nihoul was also a power in Belgium's Christian Social Party.
"In the 1980's, Nihoul ran an ecology cult, called Eco Vie, through which he became friends for a time with the late Pym Fortuyn,a Dutch politician who was murdered.
"The organization itself served as a front for many of Nihoul's criminal activities.
"Nihoul was also involved in the earlier 'L'Affaire Pinon' a series of pedophile orgies managed by the wife of Dr. Pinon.
Conspiracy Planet - Whistleblower: Oswald LeWinter - Bush-Cheney ...
"The Nihoul expose raised fears among some of the Belgian elites, that the pedophile indictments would force the reopening of an earlier case, involving the 7th January 1986 murder of a Juan Mendez of Fabrique Nationale.
"Mendez was responsible for providing false 'end-user certificates' for shipments of arms destined for for Iran, Iraq, and several African countries on the United Nations' arms embargo list.
"On October 14, 1996, the Supreme Court of Belgium removed Judge Connerrote from the Dutroux case...
"Newspaper, LE SOIR, opined in an editorial that Judge Connerrote had to be removed 'because he was unwilling to refrain from subpoenaing major U.S. diplomats and high government officials, as well as key figures in the Dutch and Portuguese pedophilia cases.'"
One investigating officer in the Dutroux Affair, Baudouin Dernicourt, had links to the fascist Gladio operation.
Police Commandant Jean-Luc Duterme had helped to close down the 1979 Montaricourt-Israel investigations, which involved a high level European-wide prostitution network (165).
Police Lt.-Col. Torrez is reported to have taken an order from Nihoul in October 1986 to leave one of his mafia business partners, a Portuguese named Juan Borges, alone.
Prosecutor Jean Depretre was accused by witness X2 of being involved in the child abuse network (166).
Brussels police commissioner Georges Marnette had been accused by witness X2 and witness Nathalie W. of being a child abuser in the Dutroux network.
Marnette reportedly was a frequent visitor to the Les Atrebates sex orgy club and the later Dolo (174), Nihoul's favorite hang-outs (175), (176).
Gonçalo Amaral, who investigated the Madeleine case, is one of the bad guys.
Amaral and four other officers were charged with offences related to an earlier inquiry into the disappearance of Joana Cipriano, an eight-year-old Portuguese girl missing since 2004 from Figueira, seven miles from Praia da Luz.
The police reportedly tried to frame the mother. The mother was reportedly beaten by the police. Amaral was not present when the beating reportedly took place, but was accused of covering up for others.
He was convicted of perjury in May 2009 for having falsified documents in the Cipriano case, and received an 18-month suspended sentence.
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