Warung Bebas

Saturday, October 5, 2013


Jonny Saelua (right) androphilic male from Samoa.

Why does God, or nature, create gay people?

Alice Dreger at Pacific Standard asks Why has homosexuality survived evolution?

Alice Dreger writes:

1.  "Androphilic males - that is, males who are sexually oriented toward other males - show up in cultures around the world." 

God is not a fundamentalist.

2. In many cultures certain types of Androphile males are reputed to be particularly kind towards members of their family.

3. "In Samoa, for example, there is now substantial evidence for above-average kin-directed altruism among the culture’s androphilic males, a group known as the fa'afafine."

Harvard University sociobiologist E.O. Wilson has suggested that:

A man's 'Gay genes' are passed on via the 'straight' family members that he helps - family members who share many of his genes.

Another reality TV gay

4. In Samoa, a young boy who shows an interest in female-type activities like cooking will spend a lot of time attending to the family needs.

"It is common to hear people say that families that include fa'afafine are particularly fortunate..."

"The men who have sex with fa'afafine typically prefer ordinary female sexual partners, but when they have sex with fa'afafine, it isn't seen by the culture as homosexual."

animal population

5. A team of researchers, writing in the journal Human Nature, suggest that what they have found in Samoa may be the way things have been throughout much of human History.

6.  The Aché, hunter-gatherer people from Paraguay, have a type of androphilic male who "generally stay with the women's and children's group during the day.... They also sometimes care for sick and injured individuals..."

7. "Perhaps what these (gay) boys need is fewer doctors, and more grateful families."

We should not forget that God (or nature) creates lots of different kinds of gay people. 

Matthew Mitcham, gay diver.

Gareth Thomas, gay rugby player.

Dominik Kroll, gay swimmer

Daniel Radcliffe ('not gay'): Newspapers believed I was gay

Louis Theroux, Max Clifford, Simon Cowell, Taylor Lautner

aangirfan: JOHN LENNON


Not all of the military are kindly gays. 

Two Children Bullied to Death

Now read some of the comments from the hate-filled 'Christian' homophobes:



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