Russell Brand, who suffers from bipolar disorder[72], meets the Queen
Is Russell Brand controlled by the spooks?
On MTV, a day after 9/11, Russell Brand dressed up like Osama Bin Laden .
In 2004, Brand achieved fame as the host of a spin-off of the spooky Big Brother.
Russell Brand is dating Jemima Khan (nee Goldsmith),

Russell Brand is dating Jemima Khan (nee Goldsmith),

Brand and Jemima
Jemima has two brothers; Zac Goldsmith Tory MP who is married to Alice ROTHSCHILD, and another brother called Ben Goldsmith, who up until last year was married to Kate ROTHSCHILD
"Russell Brand is put on the TV screens to placate the ones already 'awake', and to put you back to sleep in the belief that this is some kind of victory.
"Russell Brand is put on the TV screens to placate the ones already 'awake', and to put you back to sleep in the belief that this is some kind of victory.
"It's isn't - it is showbiz being used as a social engineering tool yet again."
Russell Brand isn't Waking People Up according to Thomas Sheridan

Russell Brand isn't Waking People Up according to Thomas Sheridan

Russell Brand is promoted by David Icke.
"Recently, British actor and comedian, Russell Brand, has had David Icke and Laura Eisenhower on his talk show...
"In October 2010 Brand married pop star Katy Perry on top of an elephant in Northern India, the same place he had proposed to her just a short time before.
"In October 2010 Brand married pop star Katy Perry on top of an elephant in Northern India, the same place he had proposed to her just a short time before.
"The marriage lasted only fourteen months...
"In February 2011, Katy embarked on the largest tour of her career. The tour was described as 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'Wizard of Oz'...
"Roseanne Barr and Mary Sean Young are publicly speaking out about trauma based mind control..."

Continued here:

Newspaceman comments:
Note the symbolism of the "revolution" poster he is holding. The light bulb (light/lucifer), the laurel leaves, the two exclamation marks (pillars?), the solar rays.
Note the skulls on his jumper.
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