"If only there were evil people somewhere, insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them.
"But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being.
"And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?"

Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung said:

Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung said:
"Natural history tells us of a haphazard and casual transformation of species over hundreds of millions of years of devouring and being devoured."
Hawks eat doves and humans eat lambs.
However, Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung also said:
"But the history of the mind offers a different picture.
"Here the miracle of reflecting consciousness intervenes."

Walking on hot coals. Detaching oneself from fear and pain.
Is it possible for humans to enlighten themselves so that they escape from a world of suffering?
"Why? He uses a detachment visualization technique.
"It is not HIS arm attached to HIS body, but instead it is AN arm away from his body and therefore no feeling is possible.
"Amputees sometimes suffer from the phantom limb 'itch' where they feel an itch on a limb that does not exist."
Superconscious: Pain Control Via Detachment

Consider Duality and Non-Duality.
Duality can mean that we label things as either 'good' or 'evil'.
The problem is that some Nazis labeled the concentration camps as good, vultures label dead humans as good, and some people even like the game of cricket.
The problem is that a pleasant game of golf is always a mixture of plus and minus.
And even 'Suffering' can be positive if it leads to progress on a spiritual path, or if it reminds you that it's time to visit the dentist.

Concentration camps?
Of course concentration camps are 'bad'.
But, the reason we got concentration camps in Germany was because the Nazis labeled Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals and handicapped people as 'bad'.
Ideally, we see that "the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being."

What is Non-duality?
There are many different descriptions.
Imagine that you do not label anything as being entirely good or entirely bad.
Imagine you can see some good in your pet cat, which has just killed the bird.
Should we believe in Duality or Non-Duality or both?
In this world it is only natural that some people label things as being entirely good or entirely bad.
But, ideally we should try to understand Non-Duality.

The US military labeled this Asian child as unimportant. The child is a victim of the Pentagon's Agent Orange. www.documentingreality.com...
If the Nazis had adopted the idea of Non-Duality, they would have seen that they were related to the Jews.
Imagine you can see some good in your pet cat, which has just killed the bird.
Should we believe in Duality or Non-Duality or both?
In this world it is only natural that some people label things as being entirely good or entirely bad.
But, ideally we should try to understand Non-Duality.
The US military labeled this Asian child as unimportant. The child is a victim of the Pentagon's Agent Orange. www.documentingreality.com...
If the Nazis had adopted the idea of Non-Duality, they would have seen that they were related to the Jews.
If the Pentagon adopted the idea of Non-Duality, they would stop murdering dark-skinned children all over the world.
There are various descriptions of Non-Duality.
Imagine pure Being, Consciousness and Bliss, which is so enlightened that it is free from suffering.
Imagine pure Being, Consciousness and Bliss, which is so enlightened that it is free from suffering.
Imagine that your 'mind' and the universe are, in a sense, One.
The spiritual teachers of the past seem to have had a lot in common.
From Luke 9:48
The one who is least among you is the greatest.
From Taoism:
If you want to be reborn, let yourself die.
If you want to be given everything, give everything up.

Don't keep searching for the truth; just let go of your opinions.
For the mind in harmony with the Tao, all selfishness disappears.
With not even a trace of self-doubt, you can trust the universe completely.

The Taoist Seng T'san wrote:
All at once you are free, with nothing left to hold on to.
All is empty, brilliant, perfect in its own being.

The Taoist Seng T'san wrote:
In the world of things as they are, there is no self, no non self.
If you want to describe its essence, the best you can say is "Not-two."
In this "Not-two" nothing is separate, and nothing in the world is excluded.
The enlightened of all times and places have entered into this truth.

All at once you are free, with nothing left to hold on to.
All is empty, brilliant, perfect in its own being.

The Taoist Seng T'san wrote:
In the world of things as they are, there is no self, no non self.
If you want to describe its essence, the best you can say is "Not-two."
In this "Not-two" nothing is separate, and nothing in the world is excluded.
The enlightened of all times and places have entered into this truth.

In it there is no gain or loss; one instant is ten thousand years.
There is no here, no there; infinity is right before your eyes.
The tiny is as large as the vast when objective boundaries have vanished;
the vast is as small as the tiny when you don't have external limits.
Being is an aspect of non-being; non-being is no different from being.
Until you understand this truth, you won't see anything clearly.
Nonduality | Non-duality - Stillness Speaks
Anonymous writes:
May I add - this can also be discussed in graphical terms.
I like to think of it as the triumph of the enso over the taijitu.
For mine, the taijitu is too complicated. Unnecessarily busy.

The enso on the other hand is the simplest symbol that exists.
Which in symbol terms makes it pretty much perfect. (Or is that word bad? How about 'ideal'?)

The Taoist Seng T'san wrote:
There is no here, no there; infinity is right before your eyes.
The tiny is as large as the vast when objective boundaries have vanished;
the vast is as small as the tiny when you don't have external limits.
Being is an aspect of non-being; non-being is no different from being.
Until you understand this truth, you won't see anything clearly.
Anonymous writes:
May I add - this can also be discussed in graphical terms.
I like to think of it as the triumph of the enso over the taijitu.
For mine, the taijitu is too complicated. Unnecessarily busy.

The enso on the other hand is the simplest symbol that exists.
Which in symbol terms makes it pretty much perfect. (Or is that word bad? How about 'ideal'?)

enso "It symbolizes absolute enlightenment. In Zen Buddhist painting, ensō symbolizes a moment when the mind is free to simply let the body/spirit create."
And then there's the enso's unconnected appearance in mathematics wherein it represents zero. Or is it unconnected? Where's Jung when you need him?
Regardless, zero is interesting - it didn't exist until really quite late in history. It took a long time for people to get their heads around it. I also like the fact that zero is (arguably) the antithesis of mathematics. I never did like maths - it's the language of priests - and zero (qua zero) is pretty much of no use to them.
From maths to religion and back again: zero equals nothingness, and nothingness equals a transcendence of duality. So we've two priesthoods, one embracing numbers, and the other embracing duality, and both find themselves stymied by the simplest symbol in the world.
Which happily brings us full circle.
But then it would, wouldn't it?
best etc. etc.

Nixon Scraypes does not like the idea of NON-DUALITY (the idea that everything is a mixture of 'good' and 'bad' or 'yin' and 'yang')
Nixon Scraypes said... What we would argue is that poison mushrooms are a mixture of 'good' and 'bad'.
'Fly Agaric' is a poison toadstool.
What we would argue is that everyone is a mixture of 'good' and 'bad'.
Jimmy Savile left the bulk of his £4.3m fortune to good causes
Someone said of Savile: "You should see him with disabled kids. You should see the pleasure he brings them."
And then there's the enso's unconnected appearance in mathematics wherein it represents zero. Or is it unconnected? Where's Jung when you need him?
Regardless, zero is interesting - it didn't exist until really quite late in history. It took a long time for people to get their heads around it. I also like the fact that zero is (arguably) the antithesis of mathematics. I never did like maths - it's the language of priests - and zero (qua zero) is pretty much of no use to them.
From maths to religion and back again: zero equals nothingness, and nothingness equals a transcendence of duality. So we've two priesthoods, one embracing numbers, and the other embracing duality, and both find themselves stymied by the simplest symbol in the world.
Which happily brings us full circle.
But then it would, wouldn't it?
best etc. etc.

Nixon Scraypes does not like the idea of NON-DUALITY (the idea that everything is a mixture of 'good' and 'bad' or 'yin' and 'yang')
Oh,come on.
I have a bowl of organic brown rice and a bowl of poison toadstools.
Which shall I eat?
You tell me which is good which is bad?
'Fly Agaric' is a poison toadstool.
It is 'good' in that it is used by people to eliminate flies.
"Medical practitioners in Siberia have used this mushroom to promote the creative conditions of the mind."
Agaricus - Homeopathy - Herbs To Herbs
Agaricus - Homeopathy - Herbs To Herbs
"As a homeopathic medication, Agaricus is useful for its wonderful curative attributes."
Agaricus - Homeopathy - Herbs To Herbs

Eisenhower. Responsible for a lot of deaths. A mixture of good and bad.
Franz does not like the idea of NON-DUALITY (the idea that things can be a mixture of 'good' and 'bad')
Franz writes:
Do I look for some good in Savile?
Do I look for some BAD in the girl?

Eisenhower. Responsible for a lot of deaths. A mixture of good and bad.
Franz does not like the idea of NON-DUALITY (the idea that things can be a mixture of 'good' and 'bad')
Franz writes:
Do I look for some good in Savile?
Do I look for some BAD in the girl?
Jimmy Savile left the bulk of his £4.3m fortune to good causes
Someone said of Savile: "You should see him with disabled kids. You should see the pleasure he brings them."
St. Mary Magdalene was a sinner (prostitute and an adulteress) and a saint.
Rudy M comments:
In your example of the uses of a poisonous toadstool, you still are making a dualistic judgment.
You are saying: "these properties are good."
You aren't doing away with a binary category, you are just applying it to specific qualities...
I've always understood non-dualism to be a lot more radical than you are presenting it to be.
Rudy M is correct in that we are not taking a radical position.
Rudy M comments:
In your example of the uses of a poisonous toadstool, you still are making a dualistic judgment.
You are saying: "these properties are good."
You aren't doing away with a binary category, you are just applying it to specific qualities...
I've always understood non-dualism to be a lot more radical than you are presenting it to be.
Rudy M is correct in that we are not taking a radical position.
We are still using words like 'good' and 'bad'.
Language is dualistic.
We are saying that we should not label things, such as Poison Mushrooms, as being "all good" or "all bad".
When we describe 'the perfect game of golf' we are forced to describe certain moments in the game as 'good' and certain moments as 'bad'.
But the game overall can be described as perfect.
Some people believe that 'reality at the deepest level' cannot be described easily with words.
Some people believe that "Only the whole of existence itself can be said to be nondualistic, because there is nothing outside the whole of existence to distinguish it from."
words in non-dualism - philodynamics
words in non-dualism - philodynamics
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