He says: "Human beings die - that's certain.
"But death is not the end of life."
Life after death? Yes, says one doctor ‹ Japan Today:11 Mar 2013
Naoki Yasaku treats around 3,000 intensive care patients a year.

Life after death? Yes, says one doctor ‹ Japan Today:11 Mar 2013
Naoki Yasaku treats around 3,000 intensive care patients a year.
He says: "I am constantly seeing things that defy scientific explanation."
He describes two cases:
He describes two cases:
1. A patient had apparently suffered irreparable brain damage.
But he came back to life.
2. A man and his sister were involved in a fatal car crash.
The man remembers being out of his body and looking down upon what was happening on the ground.
His sister said to him, "It's time for you to go back."

Indians see strangers.
The Police confirmed his observations.
After Death Communication. Bill Guggenheim, was advised by his deceased father to “Go outside and check the swimming pool,” and when he did, he rescued his 21-month-old son, Jon, who was drowning.
ADC Research

Aura photography: Aura Photo Sessi
William Howell had a near death experience which changed his life.
The man found himself back in the wrecked car.
His sister lay beside him, dead.
Later he told the police what he had seen them doing from above.
The Police confirmed his observations.
After Death Communication. Bill Guggenheim, was advised by his deceased father to “Go outside and check the swimming pool,” and when he did, he rescued his 21-month-old son, Jon, who was drowning.
ADC Research

Aura photography: Aura Photo Sessi
William Howell had a near death experience which changed his life.
"When I’m in public places I can see spirits around people.
"This sounds mad I know but I can see different auras around people, some have white, some have dark the different auras mean different things. The dark auras mean keep away. "CASE STUDIES

Sam Crawthorn

Karlis Osis and his colleague Erlendur Haraldsson argued that the content of near death experiences does not vary by culture, except for the identity of the figures seen during the experiences.
For example, a Christian may see Jesus, while a Hindu may see Yamaraja, the Hindu king of death.[35]

In hospital, Reece Manley had a near-death experience.

Dr. Reece Manley, 1969-2011
Reece Manley's childhood involved "incest survival, beatings and repeated rape."

Dr Kenneth Ring
Vicki Umipeg, a forty-five year old blind woman, was one of the more than thirty persons that Dr. Kenneth Ring and Sharon Cooper interviewed during a two-year study concerning near-death experiences of the blind.
People Born Blind Can See During a NDE Dr. Kenneth Ring's NDE Research of the Blind
"I just briefly saw this body, and ... I knew that it was mine because I wasn't in mine."
"I think I was wearing the plain gold band on my right ring finger and my father's wedding ring next to it.
"But my wedding ring I definitely saw ... That was the one I noticed the most because it's most unusual. It has orange blossoms on the corners of it."
"This was," she said, "the only time I could ever relate to seeing and to what light was, because I experienced it."
Vicki floated up above the roof of the hospital building. She had a brief panoramic view of her surroundings.
She was then aware that she was moving toward light.
She was surrounded by trees and flowers and a vast number of people.

People Born Blind Can See During a NDE Dr. Kenneth Ring's NDE Research of the Blind
Vicki was born blind, her optic nerve having been completely destroyed at birth.
Vicki told Dr. Ring she found herself floating above her body in the emergency room of a hospital following a car accident.
She saw a male doctor and a female nurse working on her body.
Vicki says: "I knew it was me ... I was pretty thin then.
"I was quite tall and thin at that point.
"And I recognized at first that it was a body, but I didn't even know that it was mine initially.
"Then I perceived that I was up on the ceiling, and I thought, 'Well, that's kind of weird. What am I doing up here?'
"I thought, 'Well, this must be me. Am I dead? ...'

She saw a male doctor and a female nurse working on her body.
Vicki says: "I knew it was me ... I was pretty thin then.
"I was quite tall and thin at that point.
"And I recognized at first that it was a body, but I didn't even know that it was mine initially.
"Then I perceived that I was up on the ceiling, and I thought, 'Well, that's kind of weird. What am I doing up here?'
"I thought, 'Well, this must be me. Am I dead? ...'

"I just briefly saw this body, and ... I knew that it was mine because I wasn't in mine."
"I think I was wearing the plain gold band on my right ring finger and my father's wedding ring next to it.
"But my wedding ring I definitely saw ... That was the one I noticed the most because it's most unusual. It has orange blossoms on the corners of it."
"This was," she said, "the only time I could ever relate to seeing and to what light was, because I experienced it."
Vicki floated up above the roof of the hospital building. She had a brief panoramic view of her surroundings.
She was then aware that she was moving toward light.
She was surrounded by trees and flowers and a vast number of people.

Vicki then met Debby and Diane, her blind schoolmates, who had died years before, at ages 11 and 6, respectively.
In life, they had both been very retarded as well as blind, but here they looked 'bright and beautiful, healthy and vitally alive.'
In life, they had both been very retarded as well as blind, but here they looked 'bright and beautiful, healthy and vitally alive.'
Vicki then learns that she needs to go back 'to have her children.'
Vicki has since given birth to three children.

Reece Manley
He says the God he observed in the place he called heaven during his near-death experience was a God of acceptance.
He said his near-death experience taught him that God embraces gay people.
Manley was brought up as an evangelical Christian.
He said his near-death experience taught him that God embraces gay people.
Manley was brought up as an evangelical Christian.
Manley said he has had personal experience with a religion that taught him fear.
"Spiritual abuse is real," Manley said, adding, "I show people different ways to express spirituality."
As a pastoral counselor, Manley worked with people who were raised in what he describes as religions based on fear.
Near-death experience altered local Christian writer's beliefs
"Spiritual abuse is real," Manley said, adding, "I show people different ways to express spirituality."
As a pastoral counselor, Manley worked with people who were raised in what he describes as religions based on fear.
Near-death experience altered local Christian writer's beliefs

Dr Reece Manley
Reece Manley's childhood involved "incest survival, beatings and repeated rape."
Reece was brought up in Anton, in Texas.
His parents divorced; he was raised by his maternal grandparents.
As a child, Reece considered himself to be gay.
Reece's mother's brother, Uncle Tom, had cystic fibrosis.
Uncle Tom repeatedly 'raped' Reece, while Reece was aged seven to twelve.
Uncle Tom told Reece that if Reece told anyone, Reece would go to hell and be thrown away by his family.
Reece doesn't believe that the incest caused him to be gay.

Most homophobes are subconsciously gay.
Reece studied psychology at Texas Tech University.
Reece became a youth minister for three different churches including the United Methodist Church. When he came out as a gay man, he was asked to leave the church
Reece got a job at the Texas Youth Commission and worked with juvenile sex offenders, of which all, he said, had been sexually abused themselves.
Reece received a Doctorate of Divinity from the American Institute of Holistic Theology in 2001.
He "began counseling clients from a more spiritual perspective."
Reece had health problems.
He had grown to 420 pounds.
He had grown to 420 pounds.
As a result of failed surgery he suffered constant pain.
Reece became a cocaine addict.

In 2007, Reece said his last goodbyes to family members, had a few drinks and drove over an embankment.
Reece believes the 'grace of an angel' intervened and saved him.
Six months later, he was in hospital on an ventilator and had a near death experience.
Six months later, he was in hospital on an ventilator and had a near death experience.
He says his deceased grandmother came to see him and told him it was not his time yet.
An Ode to Reece Manley (1/14/69 – 2/3/11) - Renee Baker, Ph.D., LMT

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