US Navy Commander Robert S. Kerno and Hugo Chavez on the USS YORKTOWN
Who might be assets of the CIA - Khomeini, Saddam, Castro, Ahmadinejad, Kim Jong Un, Gaddafi, Hugo Chavez...?
Bill Van Auken of the World Socialist Web Site has his doubts about Chavez's Venezuela:
"At the heart of the mounting economic and social crises are the contradictions underlying so-called Bolivarian 21st Century Socialism, inaugurated by the former paratrooper colonel Hugo Chavez and continued by his hand-picked successor Maduro.
Bill Van Auken of the World Socialist Web Site has his doubts about Chavez's Venezuela:
"At the heart of the mounting economic and social crises are the contradictions underlying so-called Bolivarian 21st Century Socialism, inaugurated by the former paratrooper colonel Hugo Chavez and continued by his hand-picked successor Maduro.
"Masquerading under the name of socialism, its program consists of partial nationalizations and social assistance programs for the poor, while the commanding heights of the economy remain firmly in the hands of international and Venezuelan finance capital.

Venezuelan model Dayana Mendoza
"While workers have seen their real incomes steadily eroded, the country’s stock market is the highest performing in the world, up 281 percent compared to last year.
"While workers have seen their real incomes steadily eroded, the country’s stock market is the highest performing in the world, up 281 percent compared to last year.
"Leading this dizzying rise have been the country’s private banks, which are the most profitable in the world thanks to speculation and funding the country’s ballooning public debt at exorbitant interest rates.
"Under Chavez and now Maduro, a whole new wealthy layer of the country’s ruling establishment, the so-called boli b urguesia, has grown up, enriching itself off of corruption, government contracts and financial speculation."
Venezuelan President Expels US Officials for Instigating and Financing Economic “Sabotage” By Bill Van Auken - Global Research, October 02, 2013 World Socialist Web Site
"Under Chavez and now Maduro, a whole new wealthy layer of the country’s ruling establishment, the so-called boli b urguesia, has grown up, enriching itself off of corruption, government contracts and financial speculation."
Venezuelan President Expels US Officials for Instigating and Financing Economic “Sabotage” By Bill Van Auken - Global Research, October 02, 2013 World Socialist Web Site
Luli Fernandez
Drugs crime is widespread throughout Latin America.
(Crocodile Tears? Covering Crime in Venezuela
In Venezuela, "there is the bloody gang warfare caused by drug trafficking, partly as a result of the presence of Colombian paramilitaries and guerrillas."
In Venezuela there is "a corrupt and underpaid police force; and the streets (are) awash with illegal arms, with estimates ranging from 6m-15m in a country of 29m."
(Caracas accuses media over crime coverage)
The UN’s latest figures show that the murder rate in Venezuela is 52 per 100,000.
Honduras 60.9
Jamaica 59.5
Colombia 38.8
Mexico 11.6.
Drugs crime is widespread throughout Latin America.
(Crocodile Tears? Covering Crime in Venezuela
In Venezuela, "there is the bloody gang warfare caused by drug trafficking, partly as a result of the presence of Colombian paramilitaries and guerrillas."
In Venezuela there is "a corrupt and underpaid police force; and the streets (are) awash with illegal arms, with estimates ranging from 6m-15m in a country of 29m."
(Caracas accuses media over crime coverage)
The UN’s latest figures show that the murder rate in Venezuela is 52 per 100,000.
Honduras 60.9
Jamaica 59.5
Colombia 38.8
Mexico 11.6.
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