Anjem Choudary
The Moslem cleric Anjem Choudary is said to be a recruiter of 'Moslem' terrorists.
He is also said to be an agent of MI5.
"As well as downing cider and lager, the cleric is shown playing drinking games
"One former friend said: 'I can't keep a straight face when I see fundamentalist Muslim Anjem Choudary in the papers attacking the British for drinking or having girlfriends.
"'When I knew him, he liked to be called Andy, would often smoke cannabis spliffs all day, and was proud of his ability to down a pint of cider in a couple of seconds.
"'And he was ruthless with girls. When he briefly worked as an English teacher
"'If Sharia law was introduced, he would have been whipped and stoned to death many times over.'"
One could say that all the of leaders of the Moslem militants are employed by MI5, the CIA, Mossad and their friends.
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