The CIA was in the Fire Station at Sandy Hook. "The fire station was surrounded by news teams, and within its walls were the CIA, police forces, and despairing parents..." Newtown Visits for Project 20/20 Siyum
The Sandy Hook attack was allegedly carried out by Adam Lanza who reportedly had changed his name to Ryan Lanza.
There are no photographs of Adam and Ryan together, and it is assumed that they are one and the same.
The authorities have now released their report on the 14 December 2012 Sandy Hook attack.
Danbury State's Attorney Releases Report on Sandy Hook Investigation
Facebook showing Ryan
The Sandy Hook Report is a cover-up and does not answer the key questions.
Sandy Hook victim Emilie Parker. Reportedly, the CIA uses 'Satanism' as part of mind control.
According to the report:
'There is no clear indication why Sandy Hook Elementary School was selected, except for its close proximity to the shooter's home.'

Hockley family mourners dressed in purple. Note the butterfly. Both 'purple' and 'butterflies' are linked to the CIA's Monarch brainwashing.
It should be noted that:
Lanza's computer hard drive had been intentionally damaged and no information could be got from it.
There is a suspicion that the authorities have now planted material on the computer said to have been used by Adam Lanza.
The Sandy Hook report claims that material found on Lanza's computer includes:
Information about mass shootings such as Columbine.
Images of Lanza holding a handgun and a rifle to his head.
Pages advocating rights for pedophiles.
(In fact Adam/Ryan Lanza had little interest in guns.)

Adam (or Ryan) Lanza and his father on the set of a well known TV programme called Saturday Night Live.
According to the report:
Material alleged to have been found in the room alleged to have used by Lanza includes:
A check from his mother to purchase a CZ 83 firearm.
According to the report:
After the first 911 call was made, the police arrived at the school within four minutes.
However, the authorities have gone to court to prevent the release of the 911 tapes.
The authorities are continuing to withhold most of the evidence.

On the above document, only Ryan and Nancy are listed as being in Peter Lanza's family.
According to the report, it was 9:35:39 when the first 911 call to Newtown Police Department was received.
Police initially believed that there were several shooters and detained several suspects.
Only some of the people detained have been revealed in the Sandy Hook report.

Nancy Lanza. Tom Heneghan has alleged that Nancy Lanza, the mother Adam Lanza, "was a CIA P2 analyst working for the Defense Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and also for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)." Psyops, Black Ops and Rip Offs
According to the report:
Nancy Lanza was reportedly worried about her son who reportedly needed constant care.
Yet, on 10 December 2012, she set off on a trip to a hotel in New Hampshire, which has associations with the CIA.
The Sandy Hook event took place on 14 December.

Gene Rosen had 6 kids in his driveway but those same kids were allegedly picked up by a woman and driven to the police station…only there were 5 of them in this version. Gene states that the parents picked the kids up there. The parents of Aiden Licata state that they picked him up at the police station and also that they found him at the fire station. At the time that Rosen was allegedly with the kids, he was seen in video at the fire station
According to the report:
Detectives interviewed people who knew Lanza and, according to the report, these people commented:
'He displayed no aggressive or threatening tendencies.'
'He would talk with people and be humorous.'
Ryan Lanza (who may be the same person as Adam Lanza) was living in New York when the shooting took place.
Read more:

According to the report:
'There is no clear indication why Sandy Hook Elementary School was selected, except for its close proximity to the shooter's home.'

Hockley family mourners dressed in purple. Note the butterfly. Both 'purple' and 'butterflies' are linked to the CIA's Monarch brainwashing.
It should be noted that:
Lanza's computer hard drive had been intentionally damaged and no information could be got from it.
There is a suspicion that the authorities have now planted material on the computer said to have been used by Adam Lanza.
The Sandy Hook report claims that material found on Lanza's computer includes:
Information about mass shootings such as Columbine.
Images of Lanza holding a handgun and a rifle to his head.
Pages advocating rights for pedophiles.
(In fact Adam/Ryan Lanza had little interest in guns.)

Adam (or Ryan) Lanza and his father on the set of a well known TV programme called Saturday Night Live.
According to the report:
Material alleged to have been found in the room alleged to have used by Lanza includes:
A check from his mother to purchase a CZ 83 firearm.
According to the report:
After the first 911 call was made, the police arrived at the school within four minutes.
However, the authorities have gone to court to prevent the release of the 911 tapes.
The authorities are continuing to withhold most of the evidence.

On the above document, only Ryan and Nancy are listed as being in Peter Lanza's family.
According to the report, it was 9:35:39 when the first 911 call to Newtown Police Department was received.
Police initially believed that there were several shooters and detained several suspects.
Only some of the people detained have been revealed in the Sandy Hook report.

Nancy Lanza. Tom Heneghan has alleged that Nancy Lanza, the mother Adam Lanza, "was a CIA P2 analyst working for the Defense Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and also for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)." Psyops, Black Ops and Rip Offs
According to the report:
Nancy Lanza was reportedly worried about her son who reportedly needed constant care.
Yet, on 10 December 2012, she set off on a trip to a hotel in New Hampshire, which has associations with the CIA.
The Sandy Hook event took place on 14 December.

Gene Rosen had 6 kids in his driveway but those same kids were allegedly picked up by a woman and driven to the police station…only there were 5 of them in this version. Gene states that the parents picked the kids up there. The parents of Aiden Licata state that they picked him up at the police station and also that they found him at the fire station. At the time that Rosen was allegedly with the kids, he was seen in video at the fire station
According to the report:
Detectives interviewed people who knew Lanza and, according to the report, these people commented:
'He displayed no aggressive or threatening tendencies.'
'He would talk with people and be humorous.'
Ryan Lanza (who may be the same person as Adam Lanza) was living in New York when the shooting took place.
Read more:

Aangirfan suspects that some of the children at Sandy Hook were in some way involved in a CIA pedophile ring; with the victims being controlled by brainwashing.

General Michael Aquino. In 1986, San Francisco police began investigating claims
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