Warung Bebas

Monday, November 4, 2013


Justin Fashanu

On the morning of 3 May 1998, Justin Fashanu was found hanged.

"He gave us the names of two cabinet ministers he claimed he had sex with," said Phil Taylor, a journalist with the People newspaper.

Justin Fashanu, dribbling round ...

Sandusky. Reportedly, the world of sport is used to supply children for sex with top people.

POLICE chiefs are turning a blind eye to top people abusing children in care, says a former child protection officer.

'Cover-up' over VIPs who abuse children in care

The anonymous whistleblower says he was warned by top policemen not to investigate suspected child abusers, including a senior politician and a judge.

The whistleblower says the UK justice system is 'corrupt' and 'rotten to the core'.

He says boys and girls as young as nine have been plied with heroin and raped by top people.

'Cover-up' over VIPs who abuse children in care

Sir Jimmy Savile (left) reportedly supplied children to members of the elite. Reportedly Savile worked for the security services.

During the whistleblower's investigations for one of the UK's biggest police forces, victims mentioned a number of top people.

The whistleblower said: "Those who are abusing children are being protected by the powers that be.

"When I was investigating abuse at low levels, street prostitution, everything was fine but as soon as the evidence started taking me to a higher level, I was told to wind my neck in and not go any further.

'Cover-up' over VIPs who abuse children in care

The US government keeps a close eye on events in the UK which might affect security. aangirfan: TOP PEOPLE SMEARED

The whistleblower said: "Among the names given to me by abuse victims were a former Cabinet minister and a judge who had been handing paedophiles soft sentences.

"I spoke to one abuse survivor who was working for a lingerie firm.

"She told me she once took a call from someone asking if they could send two people for a fitting but discretion was absolutely vital and they were willing to pay to keep it hush-hush.

"The two people who turned up to be fitted for women’s underwear were the same former Cabinet minister I had been told about earlier and Stephen Milligan MP, who later died in bizarre circumstances."

'Cover-up' over VIPs who abuse children in care

Chris Fay

Chris Fay, a former child protection officer, says he was threatened with a gun to his head to stop him investigating the London boy brothel known as Elm Guest House.

'Police gunman told me to ignore paedophiles', says ex-child protection officer.

Stephen Milligan

The following is from a forum discussing the "Stephen Milligan MP and Justin Fashanu Murders".

"It was alleged at the time by Scallywag magazine that Stephen Milligan was originally approached by the security services to attempt to dissuade a well-known footballer coming towards the end of his career from continuing to hawk his story of gay sex sessions with two then serving cabinet ministers around Fleet Street.

"Milligan was a well respected MP and part time journalist.

"Milligan allegedly approached the footballer who was not prepared to drop his attempts to sell the story.

Justin Fashanu

"Milligan allegedly reported back to the security services who informed Milligan that unless the footballer did keep matters quiet he would be eliminated.

"Apparently there was more to the story than simply the gay sex aspect, the introduction of the footballer to the cabinet ministers was allegedly arranged by a third party who had very close links with an extremely powerful paedophile ring.

"The implication was that the cabinet ministers may also have been involved with the paedophile ring although this was not confirmed in the Scallywag report, however it was very clearly hinted at...

Stephen Milligan MP and Justin Fashanu Murders

aangirfan: GARY SPEED; FLORIDA...

"The cabinet ministers involved were very high profile indeed and the alleged paedophile link, if revealed, would have had a catastrophic effect on not only public confidence in domestic government but would have had repercussions on the image of Britain right around the world...

"Milligan was allegedly informed by the security services that, his efforts at dissuasion having failed, the footballer would be killed with his death being made to look like an accident.

"Milligan then allegedly threatened the security services that, if anything happened, he would tell the whole story to The Sunday Times.

"Shortly afterwards Stephen Milligan died, having apparently hanged himself..."

Stephen Milligan MP and Justin Fashanu Murders

Reportedly, Jimmy Savile was named in Operation Ore, the police investigation that caught a number of child sex 'deviants.'

"It was made clear to me by the Guildford Police not to even think of raising the name Savile at the time or there would be consequences. A Crown Prosecution Service officer Mr. S also told me the same," said lawyer Giovanni Di Stefano.

Saville and Friends, If a Picture Paints a Thousand Words! | Iceni 

The late Michael Colvin MP, friend of Prince Charles.

Michael Colvin was "associated closely with Julian Lewis who is said to be involved with a number of international right wing 'covert' groups linked with high finance, and arms dealing.

The paedophile ring that encircles british politics by sc 

"Michael Colvin was also associated with two allegedly corrupt and discredited former Parliamentary Lobbyists, Ian Greer (cash for questions) and Derek Laud.

"During a major scandal around the abuse of children in care in Bryn Estyn, in Clwyd, both Laud and Greer's names were mentioned by alleged victims in connection with organised sexual abuse.."

The paedophile ring that encircles british politics by sc 

The Bryn Estyn home in Wrexham in Clwyd was the scene of child abuse. "Recent revelations involve the corruption of evidence by senior council officials in North Wales with regard to information supplied to the Waterhouse inquiry into allegations of VIP child abuse in Clwyd."

During the Bryn Estyn scandal a fire in Hove, near Brighton, killed five alleged victims of abuse.

Many people believe the fire was deliberately set.

"With the five young people from Clwyd who died was a Health Visitor from Hampshire where Laud has a home and where Colvin lived."

The paedophile ring that encircles british politics by sc 

Michael Colvin died at a fire in his Hampshire home.

"He had been speaking to Derek Laud days, if not hours, previously.

"There have been many allegations that Hampshire County Council, through the influence of Derek Laud and his friend Julian Lewis, is a central player in a national paeedophile ring supplying young boys from care systems to VIP's.

"The Crest hotel in Wrexham and an Hotel on Hove seafront have specifically been mentioned...

The paedophile ring that encircles british politics by sc 

"It has been alleged that officials and councillors in a number of local authorities may be receiving payments for identifying 'appropriate' young people in care and introducing them to the ring...

"Within the list of alleged collaborators with the supply of teenage boys is a Social Services Director, an Assistant Director of Children's Social Services, two chief executives, social workers a number of child protection workers."

Former Leader of Hampshire Council and Lord Mayor of Portsmouth, Freddie Emery Wallis was convicted in 2001 of molesting young boys.

The paedophile ring that encircles british politics by sc 

Derek Laud, who allegedly pimped his classmates to wealthy and influential adults while still at school. Scallywag alleged that Laud was a sadist, who was particularly violent and without mercy in his treatment of boys. The magazine alleged that on regular occasions his victims would end up in casualty wards. He was a leading political fixer and adviser to Margaret Thatcher 

"Diana Princess of Wales opposed the whole culture to which Laud aligns himself and challenged arms dealing with which Julian Lewis is closely linked.

"Deceased investigative journalist Simon Regan challenged both Laud and Lewis frequently and died 'after a short illness' soon after his final tirade against Laud and Lewis.

"The alleged victims of VIP abuse who died in the fire in Palmeira Avenue Hove in 1991 had also linked Laud, Lewis, and Greer, to the circumstances of the abuse they said they had suffered in care."

The paedophile ring that encircles british politics by sc 

Michael Portillo, former UK Defence Minister, resigned as the result of a homosexual incident.

"Michael Portillo, Peter Lilley, Ian Hamilton, and other Thatcherite politicians of the 1980's were all associated with Laud and Lewis.

"All were alleged to have been guests at paedophile parties in London at which boys from care in a number of local authorities, including North Wales, Shropshire,Hampshire, Dorset, Brighton and Hove and others, were allegedly 'ferried in' with the co-operation of social workers to provide sexual entertainments for the guests.

The paedophile ring that encircles british politics by sc 

"It has also been alleged that Portillo freuqently took 'kinky holidays' in North Africa with his friend Derek Laud.

"Portillo insists that Laud was a guest on these holidays of him and his wife, but it has been alleged that hotel records do not confirm that Portillo's wife was there at all.

"Finally there have been specific allegations that the main aim of this ring is not to provide jollies for kinky MP's and others, but to exert influence over them in their work by blackmail."

Sex Offenders / ARE IN POSITIONS OF POWER http://news.bbc.co.uk/2 http://news.bbc.co.uk/

The paedophile ring that encircles british politics by sc 



Elite British paedophile ring




nona-people: Warcup and Gradwell and lots of murdered children



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