UK spy chiefs, MI5 boss Andrew Parker, MI6's Sir John Sawers and GCHQ director Sir Iain Lobban
US and UK spy chiefs would deny that they run al Qaeda and carry out acts of false flag terrorism.
They would deny that they have links to Mafia operations involved in selling nuclear technology and heroin.
Terrorism finance expert Loretta Napoleoni estimates the total value of the trade in narcotics, weapons and people to be about $1.5 trillion annually, the bulk of which "flows into Western economies, where it gets recycled in the U.S. and in Europe" as a "vital element of the cash flow of these economies."

Rumsfeld arrives in Baku.

Two Sunday Times journalists have said that all this was confirmed by top Pentagon and MI6 officials.

In her book Classified Woman, Sibel Edmonds, a former translator for the FBI, describes how the Pentagon, CIA and State Department worked closely with al-Qaeda.

Rumsfeld arrives in Baku.
Ayman al-Zawahiri is the boss of al Qaeda.
Between 1997 and 2001, Zawahiri had regular meetings at the U.S. embassy in Baku, Azerbaijan, with U.S. military and intelligence officials.
Why was a Sunday Times report on US government ties to al-Qaeda ...
Why was a Sunday Times report on US government ties to al-Qaeda ...

Zawahiri is part of the CIA operation known as ‘Gladio B’.
Zawahiri and his 'terrorists' were transported on NATO planes to various places in Central Asia and the Balkans to take part in the Pentagon's destabilisation operations.
Two Sunday Times journalists have said that all this was confirmed by top Pentagon and MI6 officials.
The Sunday Times story was dropped under pressure.

In her book Classified Woman, Sibel Edmonds, a former translator for the FBI, describes how the Pentagon, CIA and State Department worked closely with al-Qaeda.
Five years ago, Edmonds revealed to the Sunday Times that a top U.S. State Department official was on the payroll
of Turkish agents in Washington, who were selling nuclear and military secrets.
"He was aiding foreign operatives against U.S. interests by passing them highly classified information, not only from the State Department but also from the Pentagon, in exchange for money, position and political objectives".
Why was a Sunday Times report on US government ties to al-Qaeda ...
Israel spreads the story of SAUDI NUKES
In the Sunday Times, Edmonds described a parallel organisation in Israel cooperating with the Turks on selling weapons and technology.
Why was a Sunday Times report on US government ties to al-Qaeda ...

In the Sunday Times, Edmonds described a parallel organisation in Israel cooperating with the Turks on selling weapons and technology.
Israel and Turkey operated front companies, incorporated in the USA, with active "moles in sensitive military and nuclear institutions", supported by U.S. officials, in order to sell secrets to the highest bidder.
One of the buyers was Pakistan's spy service, ISI.


The Pakistani operation was led by General Mahmoud Ahmad, ISI chief from 1999 to 2001.
Ahmad was accused by the FBI of arranging a $100,000 payment to Mohammed Atta, one of the 9/11 hijackers, immediately before the attacks.
In September 2001, the ISI chief general Ahmad attended several meetings at the Pentagon and National Security Council, including with CIA director George Tenet.

In September 2001, the ISI chief general Ahmad attended several meetings at the Pentagon and National Security Council, including with CIA director George Tenet.

Edmonds has said that the Pentagon operations using al Qaeda are an 'extension' of the CIA's original original 'Gladio' operation which carried out acts of false flag terrorism in Europe.
Swiss historian Dr. Daniele Ganser records in his book, NATO’s Secret Armies, that an official Italian parliamentary inquiry confirmed that MI6 and the CIA set up a network of secret 'stay-behind' paramilitary armies, staffed by fascist and Nazi collaborators.

Edmonds says the same strategy is still being used by the Pentagon, but that now the CIA's Gladio operatives are mainly Moslems.

Edmonds says: "I know for a fact that NATO planes routinely shipped heroin to Belgium, where they then made their way into Europe and to the UK.
"FBI counterintelligence and DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) operations had acquired evidence of this drug trafficking in its surveillance of a wide range of targets, including senior officials in the Pentagon, CIA and State Department."
Edmonds refers to an FBI translator named Jan Dickerson whose husband is U.S. Air Force Major David Dickerson
NATO's secret armies carried out terrorist attacks as part of the 'strategy of tension', aimed at keeping right-wing 'Mafia' political parties in power.
"You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game" explained Gladio operative Vincenzo Vinciguerra during his trial in 1984.
"You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game" explained Gladio operative Vincenzo Vinciguerra during his trial in 1984.
"The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people… to turn to the State to ask for greater security."
Edmonds says the same strategy is still being used by the Pentagon, but that now the CIA's Gladio operatives are mainly Moslems.
Edmonds says that Turkey and Azerbaijan provide bases for the CIA's 'Gladio-B' Moslems.
Edmonds says that the objectives of Gladio-B may include:
Grabbing mineral wealth in Central Asia, pushing back Russian and Chinese power; and expanding the illegal arms and drugs trade.

Edmonds says: "I know for a fact that NATO planes routinely shipped heroin to Belgium, where they then made their way into Europe and to the UK.
"They also shipped heroin to distribution centres in Chicago and New Jersey.
"As part of this surveillance, the role of the Dickersons - with the support of these senior U.S. officials - in facilitating drug-trafficking, came up.
"It was clear from this evidence that the whole funnel of drugs, money and terror in Central Asia was directed by these officials."

The CIA uses various people to control public opinion, including the MYSTERIOUS ELVIS PRESLEY
Jonathan Evans, the former Director General of MI5, went to Sevenoaks School.
He was born in 1958 which would put him there around 1970-1977.
Anonymous left a new comment on the post "THATCHER'S PEOPLE":
Aangirfan leading ahead of the press again!
Sevenoaks School settles sex abuse case out of court - November 07, 2013
Sevenoaks School has agreed to settle out of court a claim that one of its high profile teachers, now dead, sexually abused a 12 year-old boy who was one of his pupils.
The claimant, now aged 48, was a pupil at Sevenoaks School between 1976 and 1983.
He now suffers from a schizoid personality disorder with symptoms of Asperger’s Syndrome.
He alleges that the teacher, Gerd Sommerhoff, befriended him and invited him to his flat in the school grounds. It was there that the abuse is said to have taken place.
The claimant eventually reported his allegations to the police in November last year, partly as a result of the publicity surrounding the Jimmy Savile scandal. Previous allegations against Sommerhoff by another pupil were made last year.
The legal case against the school has been brought by Tracey Emmott, a specialist child abuse lawyer who also represented survivors of the Jersey Haut de la Garenne scandal.
“My client has had to live with this throughout his teens and adult life,”said Tracey Emmott of Emmott Snell Solicitors.
“He reported the abuse to a number of doctors over the years but no action was taken. It is a characteristic of child abuse survivors that they are left emotionally damaged and with an overwhelming sense of guilt at what took place.
“So reporting the abuse at all took some courage. In the end what gave him the impetus to bring it out into the open was the publicity surrounding the Jimmy Savile affair.
“Like so many others, the revelations had a cathartic effect on him and he felt free at last to tell his story to the police.
“As with Jimmy Savile, anecdotal evidence suggests that Sommerhoff’s abuse may have been suspected by those who worked with him. But also as with Savile, perhaps they didn’t act because we seem to find it difficult to believe that public acclaim might hide some very unsavoury characteristics.”
Sommerhoff was a distinguished teacher, inventor and philosopher and the great grandson of German composer Robert Schumann.
He fled from the Nazis to Canada in 1936, admitting that his ‘lifelong attraction to young men’ would have meant his certain imprisonment in his native country...
Jonathan Evans, the former Director General of MI5, went to Sevenoaks School.
He was born in 1958 which would put him there around 1970-1977.
Anonymous left a new comment on the post "THATCHER'S PEOPLE":
Aangirfan leading ahead of the press again!
Sevenoaks School settles sex abuse case out of court - November 07, 2013
Sevenoaks School has agreed to settle out of court a claim that one of its high profile teachers, now dead, sexually abused a 12 year-old boy who was one of his pupils.
The claimant, now aged 48, was a pupil at Sevenoaks School between 1976 and 1983.
He now suffers from a schizoid personality disorder with symptoms of Asperger’s Syndrome.
He alleges that the teacher, Gerd Sommerhoff, befriended him and invited him to his flat in the school grounds. It was there that the abuse is said to have taken place.
The claimant eventually reported his allegations to the police in November last year, partly as a result of the publicity surrounding the Jimmy Savile scandal. Previous allegations against Sommerhoff by another pupil were made last year.
The legal case against the school has been brought by Tracey Emmott, a specialist child abuse lawyer who also represented survivors of the Jersey Haut de la Garenne scandal.
“My client has had to live with this throughout his teens and adult life,”said Tracey Emmott of Emmott Snell Solicitors.
“He reported the abuse to a number of doctors over the years but no action was taken. It is a characteristic of child abuse survivors that they are left emotionally damaged and with an overwhelming sense of guilt at what took place.
“So reporting the abuse at all took some courage. In the end what gave him the impetus to bring it out into the open was the publicity surrounding the Jimmy Savile affair.
“Like so many others, the revelations had a cathartic effect on him and he felt free at last to tell his story to the police.
“As with Jimmy Savile, anecdotal evidence suggests that Sommerhoff’s abuse may have been suspected by those who worked with him. But also as with Savile, perhaps they didn’t act because we seem to find it difficult to believe that public acclaim might hide some very unsavoury characteristics.”
Sommerhoff was a distinguished teacher, inventor and philosopher and the great grandson of German composer Robert Schumann.
He fled from the Nazis to Canada in 1936, admitting that his ‘lifelong attraction to young men’ would have meant his certain imprisonment in his native country...
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